Below are files - articles mostly - about carbon sources & sinks, arranged in 4 major groups: Rising Sources, Rising Sinks, Fading Sinks, and Others. Rising Sources are Permafrost, Seabed Methane Hydrates, Oil & Gas Extraction (tar sands, fracking ,etc.), and Misc. Rising carbon sinks include Soils, Rock, Ocean Algae, Other Ocean, Forests, and Scrub from Air (a technique to be combined with sinks). Fading Carbon Sinks include Oceans, Soils, Forests, Biofuel Problems, and General.
Month and year follow each article's name. PDF files are so marked, after month and date, some with authors noted. Within sections, more recent files appear above older files.
Diagrams are generally immediately below the summary articles from which they were taken.
Fossil fuel flux (rate) and change in reservoir size are more than a decade old.
map from NASA, May 2011 - in metric tonnes of carbon per hectare. About 250 hectares per square mile. Mg = tonnes.
are apparently for above-ground carbon only
Permafrost covers 1/6 to 1/4 of northern hemisphere land surface, 15-25 million square kilometers. Its top 10 feet hold ~ 1.9 trillion tons of carbon. That's 1,200 tonnes (Mg) / hectare (120 kg/sq m, 12 g/sq cm): 6-7 times what NASA shows for tropical rainforests. Mongabay et al. estimate 168-420 (µ 302) Mg / hectare for various tropical rainforests, a bit more than NASA..
Below is world soil organic carbon density (tons/hectare, as above).
USDA: Natural Resource Conservation Service, 2000.
Soil carbon densities for most of Russia, Siberia, Europe, Alaska, and Canada exceed total tropical ones for soil + trees.
via, p. 57
Albedo measures reflection.
% change from average (mean, µ) , from American Meteorological Association (full study available on Overviews page).
The trend is that Earth is getting darker. This is consistent with ice loss.
Scientists Have Long Feared Soil Climate ‘Feedback’. Now It’s Happening. 1116 - more than just permafrost soils
Global CO2 Emissions Still Accelerating, even as Human Ones Level Off 0516 -
The increase in CO2 levels in the air is accelerating, even as human CO2 emissions from fossil fuels are leveling off.
This suggests some combination of fading carbon sinks in the ocean and the land biosphere, with rising emissions from natural sources - permafrost, forest fires, methane hydrates, and peat fires - as well as agriculture and land use changes.
Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration - NAS 0215 - PDF, 155 pp
Soil lost 230 GT of carbon over the past 10,000 years, due to land conversion and land use. This comparesw to 365 GT added from burning fossil fuels. Feasible soil carbon sequestration, by moving carbon from the air back into soil, is estimated (to 2065) at 30-50 GT of carbon.
Other major methods to sequester significant amounts of carbon include accelerated rock weathering (almost as much potential), ocean iron fertilization (very costly, with 90-300 GT potential), bio-energy with carbon capture (100-1,000 GT), direct air capture, and sequestration for the 2 capture-only methods. Cost estimates range from $1 to $1,000 per tonne of CO2 removed, depending on the method, with wide estimates for each method.
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 2. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
Rising Carbon Sources - Permafrost
We’re 60 Years Too Late to Stop Global Warming, Sea Level Rises 1120 - a "cycle of self-sustained melting of the permafrost."
"The effect of surface albedo continues on its smooth upward path throughout this period.... It has enough momentum to push the climate system back onto a path of rising temperatures, with its secondary effects of raising humidity and permafrost melting, which then in turn help the system become warmer and warmer, even if man-made GHG emissions are zero."
Greater Snowfall Speeds the Melting of Arctic Tundra 0823 - It insulates the permafrost underneath it from the very cold air of winter, so that the permafrost thaws earlier or deeper in the warmer seasons.
Reeling Arctic Glaciers Are Leaving Bubbling Methane in Their Wake 0723
Scientists Now Know Why Methane Mysteriously Surged during Lockdowns 0223
Rapid Thawing of World’s Permafrost Is a Big Climate Change Problem 1222
How the Climate Crisis Is Transforming the Arctic Permafrost 1122
‘Imminent’ Tipping Point Threatens Europe’s Permafrost Peatlands 0322 - Shrinking permafrost area, 4 emission scenarios.
Blue is more permafrost than tan or gray.
The Great Siberian Thaw 0122 - In-depth history and analysis
Across the Boreal Forest, Scientists Are Tracking Warming’s Toll 0122
Fire and Ice - Permafrost 1221
Arctic Ground ‘Literally Collapsing’ amid Abrupt Thaw 1021
U.N. Weather Agency Says World Ill-Prepared for Looming Water Crisis
Scientists Expected Thawing Wetlands in Siberia’s Permafrost.
What They Found Is ‘Much More Dangerous.’ 0821
Thawing Permafrost Prompts Denali National Park to Reimagine Its Future 0721
Fighting Feedback Loop, Scientists Sound Alarm on Canada’s Permafrost Thaw 0421
Why Drilling the Arctic Refuge Will Release a Double Dose of Carbon 0221
Climate Scientists Show Limits in ‘Point of No Return’ Paper That’s Freaking People Out 1120
'Past Point of No Return' - Cutting Emissions to Zero Won't Stop Global Warming 1120
2°C Warming Would Release Billions of Tons of Soil Carbon 1120
Wildfires Trigger Long-Term Permafrost Thawing 0820
More Rain in the North from Climate Change Is Bad News for Permafrost 0820
Heavy Summer Rains Speed Permafrost Thaw 0820
Rapid Arctic Meltdown in Siberia Alarms Scientists 0720
Releasing Herds of Animals into the Arctic Could Delay Permafrost Thawing 0420
Large Loss of CO2 in Winter Observed across the Northern Permafrost Region - Summary 1019
Large Loss of CO2 in Winter Observed across the Northern Permafrost Region - PDF, 10 pp.
Large Loss of CO2 in Winter Observed across the Northern Permafrost Region - Abstract 1019 - Net emissions (winter emissions less summer uptake) are about 630 million tons of carbon per year. 630 equals ~ 45% of total US emissions.
Arctic Permafrost Moving toward Crisis, Abrupt Thaw a Growing Risk 0320
Packing the Tundra with Animals Could Slow Arctic Melt 0320
The Arctic Is Getting Greener. That's Bad News for All of Us. 0220 - Darker bushes & trees gain heat as less sunlight is reflected. This heat gets into permafrost, warming it up, for more emisions.
Arctic Permafrost Thaw Is Warming Climate More than Estimated Earlier 0220
Billions of Acres of Cropland Lie within a New Frontier, as Do 100 Years of Carbon Emissions 0220
UN Climate Report on Oceans & Ice Highlights Permafrost, Acidity, Low Oxygen 0919
Russian Land of Permafrost and Mammoths Is Thawing 0819
Global Warming Could Make Microbes Living in Alaskan Tundra Release More Greenhouse Gases 0719
Arctic Permafrost Is Thawing 70 Years Sooner than Predicted 0619
Arctic Permafrost Is Thawing So Fast that Scientists Are Losing Their Equipment 0519
Melting Permafrost Releasing Lots of Nitrous Oxide, a Potent Greenhouse Gas 0419
Thawing Alpine Permafrost a Stealth Source of CO2 - 0319
Arctic Bogs Hold Another Global Warming Risk That Could Spiral Out of Control 0219
Under the Surface of Russia’s Arctic Super-Region Looms a Disaster 0119
Permafrost Is Warming Around the Globe, a Problem for Climate Change 0119
Then the Ice Melts - the Catastrophe of Vanishing Glaciers 0119
Satellite Spies Methane Bubbling Up from Arctic Permafrost 1218 -
0.6 grams /sq meter of water surface / yr, 16% of some previous estimates, & consistent with CH4 measured in the air
Siberian Region Fights to Preserve Permafrost as Planet Warms 1218
Arctic Permafrost Cauldron 0918 - Much of the carbon emitted is really old, many thousands, even millions of years
Melting Permafrost Could Hasten Exceeding 1.5 and 2°C Warming Targets 0918
Coastal Erosion in the Arctic Intensifies Global Warming 0918
Alaskan Permafrost Flipped from Carbon Sink to Carbon Source 0618
Some Arctic Ground Is No Longer Freezing – in Winter 0818
The Arctic’s Carbon Bomb Might Be Even More Potent than We Thought 0318
Ancient Carbon Coming from Arctic Soil Might Be Fine, Might Be Terrible 0318
Is There a Ticking Time Bomb under the Arctic? 0118
Unearthing the Secrets of Soil 1117
Giant Craters in Canada's Melting Permafrost Impacting Climate Change 0817
Alaska’s Permafrost Is Thawing 0817
Methane Seeps Out as Arctic Permafrost Starts to Resemble Swiss Cheese 0717
Arctic Stronghold of World’s Seeds Flooded after Permafrost Melts 0517
Thawing Alaska Permafrost Sends Autumn CO2 Emissions Surging 0517
Permafrost Thaw in Canadian Arctic Is Sign of Global Trend 0417
Global Warming Could Thaw Far More Permafrost Than Expected 0417 - unfrozen area increases a lot
Siberia's Growing 'Doorway to Hell' Offers Clues on Climate Change 0317
Massive Permafrost Thaw in Canada Portends Huge Carbon Release 0217
Arctic Soils Set to Release Lots of Carbon, More than Plants Can Absorb 1216
'It's a Lit Fuse -' Release of Ancient Carbon from Melting Permafrost Measured 0816
Forest Fires Can Heat Up the Whole Planet 0616 - Northern (boreal) forest fires put carbon in the air not only from standing trees, but also from peat, while they thaw permafrost, for still more carbon emissions.
Permafrost Soil under North Slope Lakes Is about to Thaw 0616
New ‘Gateway to the Underworld’ Crater in Siberia Warns of Warming Planet 0616
We Could Be Underestimating Arctic Methane Emissions 1215
Here’s How Much of Alaska’s Permafrost Could Melt 1215
Runaway Global Warming Becomes a Concern, as Permafrost Melts 1115
Permafrost Warming in Parts of Alaska ‘Is Accelerating' 1015
Permafrost Methane Release Could Trigger Dangerous Global Warming 1015
Massive Wildfires by Lake Baikal Send Soot to Arctic, Greenland 0815 Thawed permafrost burns, sending CO2 into the air.
Alaska's Permafrost Threatened by Intense Fires as Climate Changes 0815
Beneath Alaskan Wildfires, a Hidden Threat- Long-Frozen Carbon's Thaw 0715
Thawing Arctic Carbon Threatens ‘Runaway' Global Warming 0515
Microbes Play Villainous Role in Arctic Climate Change 0415
Thawing Arctic Soils May Release 10 x the Carbon That Burning Fossil Fuels Did 0415
Permafrost Holds Key to Release of Trapped Carbon 0415
Scientists Confirm Arctic Could Become Major New Carbon Emissions Source 0415
Russian Scientists Blame Climate Change for Mysterious Siberia Craters 0315
Siberian Crater Saga Is More Widespread and Scarier Than Anyone Thought 0215
Climate Change Is Accelerating the Melting of Siberia 0215
Siberian Methane Release is on the Rise 1214
Melting Permafrost Threatens Infrastructure, Homes 1214
Tracking the Fate of Ancient Carbon in the Siberian Arctic 1114
Permafrost Carbon Emissions Measured - a Whole Other Problem 1014
Melting Permafrost May Stabilize Global Long-Term Temperatures 0714
Arctic Methane Emissions ‘Certain to Trigger Warming’ 0514
How Taking the 'Perma' Out of Permafrost Could Accelerate Global Warming 0414
Alaska Sinks, as Climate Change Thaws Permafrost 1213
Climate Downgrade- Planetary Feedbacks 1112
Warming Spike - Siberian Stalagmites Show Permafrost Peril 0613
Policy Implications of Warming Permafrost - UN, Schaefer 0413 - PDF, 38 pp
About 24% of the Northern Hemisphere's land surface was covered by permafrost in 1997. See north polar-view map at left.
Permafrost areas contain 3 to 7 times as much carbon per square meter, give or take, as tropical rainforest areas do. Exact ratios depends on the particular forest, the particular tundra, & the estimation method.
Moreover, worldwide soils contain about 3 times as much carbon as either the atmosphere or above-ground biomass. (Kane 2012) 2/3 of it is in permafrost.
In permafrost areas, almost all carbon is below ground, while in tropical rainforests, almost all is above ground. In between, carbon % is similar above and below ground.
Forests store more carbon above ground, while grasslands store more carbon below grrond.
Decomposition of organic material by soil microbes (except in farm fields) increases more than linearly as temperatures rise. This is a major reason why permafrost stores more carbon / acre than tropical rainforests.
The 2nd north polar view map, left, shows the distribution of frozen organic matter, in grams of carbon per square centimeter (cm2), NOT kilograms (kg).
Permafrost regions contain 1,700-1,900 trillion tonnes of carbon (to 1 meter deep), in the form of frozen organic matter, nearly 2 x that currently in the atmosphere (Tarnocai et al. 2009, updated by Hugelius et al. 2012).
This model projection indicates a 59% loss in near-surface permafrost area by 2100 for the IPCC A1B scenario. The dark grey regions show where taliks may form and permafrost in the top 15 meters of soil may completely thaw (Schaefer et al. 2011).
CO2 and methane (CH4) emissions from thawing permafrost can continue for decades or even centuries, as seen in this plot of estimated annual permafrost emissions in CO2 equivalent for the IPCC A1B scenario. Here, anthropogenic emissions stop in 2100, but permafrost CO2 and methane emissions continue well past 2200 (Schaefer et al. 2011).
Peak permafrost emissions are ~9% of today's human emissions (33 Gt/yr).
IPCC 5th Assessment, Technical Summary
Northern Hemisphere total
from US National Climate Assessment, 2013
Projection for average yearly ground temperature at 3.3-foot (1-meter) depth over time, if heat-trapping gases continue to grow (higher A2 emissions scenario), and if they are substantially reduced (lower B1 emissions scenario).
Blue shades represent areas below freezing (where permafrost is present at the surface), while yellow and red shades represent areas above freezing (permafrost-free at the surface) (Markon et al. 2012).
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
Permafrost 2: MacDougall
Permafrost Carbon Emissions to 2300 - MacDougall 0912 - PDF
Changes in the size of each Earth system carbon pool in response to the addition of permafrost carbon to the UVic ESCM. That is, the difference in the size of each carbon pool between simulations with and without permafrost carbon. All values are relative to the size of the frozen permafrost carbon pool. A summation of all the pools adds up to 100% for each year. Results are given for two emissions pathways (DEPs 4.5 and 8.5) and for 3 climate sensitivities to a doubling of CO2 (2.0, 3.0, and 4.5°C). Soil layers that thaw, but are subsequently returned to a permafrost state, continue to be administered by the active soil carbon pool, leading to the apparent high rate of transfer of carbon to the active soil carbon pool in the 20th century.
Permafrost (not including whatever is under the ice in Greenland and Antarctica) holds about twice as much carbon as the atmosphere does today. In the worst case shown, if current net carbon sinks fail, atmospheric CO2 levels could double from permafrost alone. Then add the effect of human carbon emissions.
Strangely enough, the additional temperature effect of permafrost emissions is not highest in the highest human emission scenario (DEP 8.5), but in the intermediate scenarios. The simplest reason is that CO2 in the air warms the air at a diminishing rate; with more CO2 molecules in the air, the chances are higher that one at a lower altitude will intercept outgoing radiation before one at a higher altitude gets a chance.
Permafrost Carbon Emissions, Supplement - MacDougall 0912 - PDF
Modeled Future Permafrost Extent
Anomaly in CO2 concentration with respect to baseline runs with no permafrost carbon, for each DEP. Which climate sensitivity is assumed in not clear.
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .FRanch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
Permafrost 3
Arctic Thawing Detection Tool - Stanford 0213
Thawing Permafrost May Be Huge Emissions Source 0213
Survey of Permafrost Thaw & Carbon Release 0213 - PDF
Slumping Arctic Soils Emit Significant CO2 0213
Siberian Permafrost Thaw Warning from Paleo Cave Data 0213
Thawing Permafrost to Double Carbon in Air 0113
How Much Carbon Is Released into the Atmosphere by Thawing Permafrost 0113
Ticking Arctic Carbon Bomb May Be Bigger Than Thought 1212
UN Fears Permafrost Thaw Means Runaway Warming 1112
Squeezing the Carbon Balloon - Kane 1112 - PDF - for 2 adjacent plots in northern Sweden
The tundra-heath stores about 7.1 kilograms of carbon per square meter (6.2+0.8), while the birch forest stores about 4.6 kg (2.1+2.5) of carbon / sq m. The tundra-heath plot is on same hillside as the birch forest, 4 kilometers southeast and 190 meters higher.
As tundra systems give way to birch forest, more ecosystem carbon is in aboveground pools, but with a net loss of total ecosystem carbon. Below-ground carbon pools dwarf above-ground pools, especially if one considers carbon deeper in the soil….
2012 Swedish Plots - Hartley 1112 - PDF
This complements and discusses Kane's study, in the same edition of Nature Climate Change.
Permafrost Carbon to Emit Up to 508 Billion Tons of Carbon by 2100, Warm Earth 1.69°C 0912
Antarctic May Host Methane Stores 0812
Permafrost Emissions to Accelerate Warming
Beyond Previous Projections 1211
Methane Releases Could Push Earth Past
Siberian Tundra Methane Time Bomb 1110
Arctic Permafrost Methane Releases
Permafrost Methane Emissions Up 31% 0110
Peat CO2 Emissions & Credits 1109
Warming Speeds Tundra Carbon Release 0809
Emissions - Tamocai 0709 - PDF
Permafrost Thaw CH4 Release Complex 0509
Arctic Meltdown Poses Global Threat 0309
Permafrost Methane Release Accelerated 0906
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
PETM Permafrost
Thawing Permafrost Led to Extreme Global Warming 0412 - summary of study below
Antarctic Permafrost Drove PETM - DeConto 0412 - PDF
"Between about 55.5 and 52 million years ago, Earth experienced a series of sudden and extreme warming events (hyperthermals) superimposed on a long-term warming trend. The first and largest of these events ... (PETM) is characterized by a massive input of carbon, ocean acidification and an increase in global temperatue of about 5°C within a few thousand years."
"...the magnitude and timing of the PETM and subsequent hyperthermals can be explained by the orbitally triggered decomposition of soil organic carbon in circum-Arctic and Antarctic terrestrial permafrost. This massive carbon reservoir had the potential to repeatedly release thousands of [billions of tonnes] of carbon to the atmosphere-ocean system, once a … threshold had been reached...."
"These results show the potential for high-latitude climate forcing to trigger massive terrestrial carbon release, initiating positive warming feedbacks that can account for the sudden and high elevations of past hyperthermals."
(Xerophytic plants, such as cactus, are adapted to live with very little water.)
At 400 ppm (not shown), global mean surface temperature is ~14.6°C, about the same as today. At 900 ppm CO2 (top & middle 4 panels of 6), global mean surface temperature is 6°C warmer than today and Antarctic summers are too warm to allow glaciation. But ~9/10 as much permafrost remains in high latitudes of both hemispheres (top panel, not middle) as in Earth's total modern inventory, NOT counting modern Greenland and Antarctica, where most permafrost was then.
In the model, the warming-permafrost positive feedback loop eliminates 97-98% of the initial permafrost inventory (bottom 2 panels), releasing ~3,400 billion tons af carbon within 10,000 years [~10 times what humans have released from fossil fuels]. This raises global mean surface temperature another 6°C, leaving 2,680 ppm of CO2 in the air (see bottom left panel).
In the bottom panel, which features 2,680 ppm CO2 and is ~12°C warmer than today, dry vegetation types (scrub and cactus) cover most of Africa (replacing much savanna), South America (replacing savanna and tropical deciduous woodland), and Southeast Asia (replacing tropical broadleaf forest). Warm and temperate deciduous and mixed deciduous-conifer forests cover much of Antarctica and most of Siberia and Canada, replacing most cold conifer forests.
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .PETM. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
Rising Carbon Sources - Methane Hydrates
Underwater Permafrost Is a Big, Gassy Wild Card for the Climate 0322
Holes the Size of City Blocks Are Forming in the Arctic Seafloor 0322
Scientists in Arctic Confirm Methane Hydrate Thawing 0221
'Sleeping Giant' Arctic Methane Deposits Starting to Release 1020
1st Active Leak of Sea-Bed Methane Discovered in Antarctica 0720
Untapped “Fossil” Methane Hydrates Could Save or Ruin Our Climate 0518
Scientists Document an Ancient Arctic Methane Explosion 0617
Soaring Ocean Temperature Is ‘Greatest Hidden Challenge of Our Generation' 0916
Climate Change Mitigation’s Best-Kept Secret - Methane 0115
Alarm over Kara Sea Permafrost Thawing 0115
Warming Ocean May Be Triggering Mega Methane Leaks Off Northwest Coast 1214
Widespread Methane Leakage from Ocean Floor off US Coast 0814
Methane Plumes Seep From Frozen Ocean Floors 0814
Arctic Seafloor Methane Releases Double Previous Estimates 1113
How Fiery Ice Could Power Asia 0313
Warming Gulf Stream Destabilizes Methane Hydrates Off US Coast 1012
Seismic Signs of Escaping Methane Off US East Coast 1012
Methane Hydrates and Global Warming 0812
Huge Methane Plumes Escape Arctic Ocean 1211
Methane Hydrate Releases from Arctic Shelf Grow Large 0310
Methane Seeps from Arctic Sea Bed 0809
More Seabed Methane Seepage Startles Scientists 0109
Big Arctic Seabed Methane Releases 1008
Rising Carbon Sources - Permafrost + Methane Hydrates (Jointly)
Underwater Permafrost Is a Big, Gassy Wild Card for the Climate 0322
Scientists Confirm Arctic Could Become Major New Carbon Emissions Source 0415
Do Siberia’s Methane Blow-holes Warn of Unstoppable Climate Change? 0714
Methane Poses Huge Climate Threat to Earth 0414
Huge Arctic Methane Belch Could Cost Us $60 Trillion 0713
Arctic Methane Release Time Bomb 0712
Message from the Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG) 0712 - PDF
Arctic Melt Releasing Ancient Methane 0512
Big Arctic Methane Release 0111
Comment - Shakova Overestimated Problem 0910 - PDF
Arctic Methane Releases Set Records 0310
Warming Accelerates Methane Releases 0110
Arctic Melt Drives Big Methane Rise 1108
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
Rising Carbon Sources - Oil, Gas & Coal Leaks +
Methane from Oil and Gas Are Worse than Reported to UN, Satellites Show 0923
Methane Pollution “Pouring Out” of Australian Gas Infrastructure 0823 - 150,000 tonnes a year from just a few of the sites
Leaks Can Make Natural Gas as Bad for the Climate as Coal 0723
Australian Fossil Fuels Giants Severely Underestimate Methane Leaks 0723
Energy Companies Ignore Fixing Methane Leaks - a Cheap, Powerful Climate Fix 0223
Earth Can Warm Nearly 1°C by 2100 from Agriculture Methane Emissions Alone 0323
Pennsylvania Community in Shock, Feels Unsafe, after Record Methane Leak 0323
EPA’s Risky Methane Gambit - Let Outsiders Look for Leaks 0323
Yet More Research Suggests Offshore Oil’s Methane Pollution Is Underestimated 0223
Massive Gas Leak Erased Gains from Half of USA’s 2021 Electric Vehicles Sales 1222
Fixing Oil & Gas Industry Methane Leaks, a Climate Game Changer, Pays for Itself 1122
Methane Emissions from Gas & Oil May Be 5 X Higher than Previously Thought 0922
Oil and Gas Companies Underreported Methane Leaks 0622
Methane Leaks in New Mexico Far Exceed Current Estimates 0322 - Emissions averaged 9.4% of gross gas production, vs 1.4% EPA estimate. The breakeven leakage rate for natural gas is 3% (Howarth). 9.4% means natural gas is much worse for climate than coal.
Coal Mining Emits More Methane Than Venting & Flaring from Gas and Oil Wells 0322
Halting the Vast Methane Release Is Critical for Climate, U.N. Says 0421
Cow Burps, Leaky Pipelines Put Earth on High-End Warming Track 0720
Oil and Gas - CH4 Leaks - May Be a Far Bigger Climate Threat Than We Knew 0220
New NASA Study Confirms Methane Spike Tied to Oil and Gas 0119
Methane Seeps Out as Arctic Permafrost Starts to Resemble Swiss Cheese 0717
Replacing Old Gas Pipes Reduces Leaks 0915
Gas Utilities Reduce Methane Leaks 0315
Siberian Crater Saga Is More Widespread and Scarier Than Anyone Thought 0215
Study Finds Relatively Low Methane Emissions from 3 Major US Gas Fields 0215
Climate Change Mitigation’s Best-Kept Secret - Methane 0115
Cities May be Leaking More Heat-Trapping Methane Than Previously Thought 0115
Boston Belching Gigantic Gobs of Greenhouse Gas 0115
Activists Say Obama Action on Methane Emissions ‘Misses 90% of Pollution’ 0115
L.A. Basin Methane Emissions Found up to 61% Higher than Estimates 0115
Accounting For Methane Emissions From Oil And Gas Wells 0115
Leaking City Gas Pipes Pose Climate Hazard 1214
Scientists Refute Lower Emissions Claim for Fracking 1014
Huge Methane Emissions ‘Hot Spot’ Found in Southwest US 1014
Fracking’s Methane Emissions Fell 70% from 2011 to 2013 - 0914
EPA May Force Drillers to Cut Methane Leaks, Chief Says 0914
Another Study Points to Climate Harm from Gas Drilling 0514
EIP Announces Hidden Climate Change Impact to Fracking Boom 1213
Solving the Case of California's Extra Methane 0513
A Global Look at Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas 0213
EPA Sees Fracking as #2 GHG Source 0213
Methane Leaks Erode Green Credentials of Natural Gas 0113
Excess CH4 Near Fracking in Australia 1112
Oil Sands to Undo Canada GHG Cuts 0811
Natural Gas from Shale Contributes to Global Warming 0411
Rising Carbon Sources - Current Biology, etc.
Shaky Ground - Selling sequestration credits is shaky, for several reasons. 1. Carbon may only move from the lower solis layers to the top foot. 2. Carbon may not stay in the ground nearly as long (a century) as the soil credit is sold for. 3. The error bars for measurements or claims are very wide, and include zero. 4. Sampling is relatively costly, so samples from a few sampled fields are combined in a computer model to estimate savings for many more unsampled fields. 5. Other lesser issues.
Canada’s 2023 Wildfires Spewed More CO2, So Far, than Mexico Did in 2021 - 0923
Greece’s Wildfires Are Burning through Its Natural Carbon Stores 0723
Wildfires Are Set to Triple Canada’s Climate Emissions This Year 0723
Hydropower Reservoirs, Once Called Clean Energy, Are ‘Giant Methane Factories’ 0723
Canada’s Explosive Wildfires Have Damaged a Forest Carbon Offset Project 0623
Federal Regulations Fail to Contain Methane Emissions from Landfills 0523
Tropical Biomass Loss from Climate Change Could Increase CO2 Emissions 0123
Scientists Now Know Why Methane Mysteriously Surged during Lockdowns 0223
Low Salt Marsh Habitats Release More Carbon in Response to Warming 0123
Termites in Australia Are Hungrier and on the March as Climate Heats Up 0123
A Trash Heap 62 Meters High Shows the Scale of India’s Climate Challenge 1222
Forest Fires Wipe Out California’s 2020 Record for Greenhouse Gas Reductions 1022
Deforestation Surges in World’s #2 Tropical Forest 1122
‘Carbon Time Bomb’ - Climate Crisis Threatens to Destroy Congo Peatlands 1122
GT Carbon Net Loss in Forests of Canada, Amazon & Australia + Permafrost 0922
Wildfires Are Destroying California's Forest Carbon Credit Reserves 0822
Forest Fires Burn Twice as Many Trees as 2 Decades Ago 0822
No-Till May Not Be the Agricultural Panacea We Thought It Was 0822 - With no-till, more carbon is found in the top 10 cm of soil, but even less (than before) 10-60 cm down, for less carbon (0.28 to 2.29 tonnes / hectare) stored aross the whole soil profile. Based on 144 studies over the last 50 years. Un-tilled soil becomes compacted over time.
Methane Emissions Much More Sensitive to Global Heating than Earlier Thought 0722
Cattle Burp Methane Emissions Measured From Space for First Time 0422
DR Congo to Auction Oil Blocks in One of the World’s Largest Carbon Sinks 0522
Experts Fear These Forests Could Shift from Absorbing CO2 to Emitting It 0422
How Corn Ethanol for Biofuel Fed Climate Change 0222
Amazon Losing Far More Carbon from Forest Degradation than Deforestation 0222
Across the Boreal Forest, Scientists Are Tracking Warming’s Toll 0122
The Corn Belt’s Topsoil Loss Is Increasing Carbon Emissions, Lowering Yields 0122
The Race to Defuse Congo’s Carbon Bomb 1221
Trees in the Wetlands Emit More Methane than Researchers Thought 1221
Siberia’s Massive Wildfires Are Unlocking Extreme Carbon Pollution 0821
Fires Are Harming California’s Efforts to Curb Climate Change 0821
Soil-Science Revolution Upends Plans to Fight Climate Change 0721 - Many, more recent, studies indicate that, when soil carbon building practices (no-till, cover crops, etc.) are used, more carbon shows up in the top. "When farmers skipped the tilling and instead drilled seeds into the ground, carbon stores grew in upper soil layers, but they disappeared from lower layers. Most experts now believe that the practice redistributes carbon within the soil rather than increases it.”
Moreover, that the researchers found — or, more specifically, what they didn’t find — was shocking: there were few or no long “recalcitrant” carbon molecules — the kind that don’t break down. Almost everything seemed to be small and, in principle, digestible.
Hotter and Drier - Deforestation and Wildfires Take a Toll on the Amazon 0721
Brazil’s Amazonia, Led by Its East, Is Now a Carbon Source 0721
Nitrous Oxide, Powerful Greenhouse Gas, Is on the Rise from Ocean Dead Zones 0721
Northern Farms Are Releasing Massive Amounts of Carbon from Peat 0621
'Quick Fixes' to the Climate Crisis Risk Harming Nature 0621 e.g., trees that burn or are unsuited to where they are planted
Enormous Missing Contribution to Global Warming Is Right under Our Feet 0621 - peat
Why Indonesia’s Rice Paddy Expansion Is Raising Climate Concerns 0521 - draining peat / swamps and peat fires
The Brazilian Amazon Is Burning, Again 0621
Fish ‘Not as Carbon Friendly' as Previously Thought 0521
Trawling for Fish May Unleash as Much Carbon as Air Travel 0321
All-Amazon Greenhouse-Gas Study Suggests Forest Worsens Climate Change 0321
500+ Experts Call on World’s Nations to Not Burn Forests for Energy 0221
Net, Land Absorbs Carbon Now, but It Could Emit It in Just a Few Decades 0121
Many Overheated Forests May Soon Release More Carbon than They Absorb 0121
Human Use Has Increased Grasslands' Contribution to Climate Change 0121
Brazilian Forests Are Transitioning from Carbon Sinks to Carbon Sources 1220
Sicker Livestock Emit More Methane, Accelerating Climate Change 1020
Global Warming Could Unlock Carbon from Tropical Soil 0820
Cow Burps, Leaky Pipelines Put Earth on High-End Warming Track 0720
Siberian Fires Have Released a Record Amount of Carbon This Year 0720
Amazon Fires at 13-Year High for June 0720
‘Zombie Fires’ in the Arctic Pump Out Carbon at Record Pace 0720
Arctic Battling Climate Change and Beavers 0720 - beaver ponds mean carbon emerges as CH4 more than CO2
Frequently Dry Waterways Still Contribute to Carbon Emissions 0620
Why ‘Carbon-Cycle Feedbacks’ Could Drive Temperatures Even Higher 0420
Surge in Global Methane Emissions Traced Back to East African Wetland 1219
One California Wildfire is Spewing Enough Smoke to Rival 320,000 Cars 1019
Bigger, More Frequent Wildfires Turn Canada’s Boreal Forest into Carbon Source 0819
The Bizarre, Peaty Science of Arctic Wildfires 0719 - So far in 2019, Arctic fires have released more CO2 into the air than what Belgium emits annually. That beats the previous ecord, set in 2004—and we’re only in June.
Arctic Wildfires Continue to Burn, Releasing Record Amounts of CO2 - 0719 - The amount of CO2 emitted from Arctic Circle fires in June 2019 is larger than all of the CO2 released from Arctic Circle fires in the same month from 2010 through to 2018 put together.
Scientists Zero in on Trees as a Surprisingly Large Source of Methane 0619
Canada Forests Haven’t Absorbed Carbon than They Released since 2001 - 0519
Climate Change Being Fueled by Soil Damage 0419
Worsening Algae Blooms Could Significantly Increase Global Methane Emissions 0319
Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming 1116 - Abstract. Soils lose 30± GT of carbon for 1°C warming.
Why Peatlands Matter in the Battle against Climate Change 1218
The Seafloor Is Dissolving Because of Climate Change 1118
Latitudinal Limits to Predicted Increased Peatland Carbon Sink with Warming 0918
Rice Farming Up to Twice as Bad for Climate Change as Previously Thought 0918
Globally Rising Soil Heterotrophic Respiration over Recent Decades 0818 - abstract of study
Rising Temperatures Are Causing Soil to Dump More CO2 into the Air 0818 - summary of study
Why BECCS Might Not Produce ‘Negative’ Emissions after All 0818
Another Climate Change Effect Is Superheated Bugs in the Soil, Belching Carbon 0818
Tracking the Shift of Tropical Forests from Carbon Sink to Source 0718
Marine Heat Wave Set Off 'Carbon Bomb' in World's Largest Seagrass Meadow 0318
In California’s Wildfires, a Looming Threat to Climate Goals 1217
El Niño Might Speed Up Climate Change 1217
El Niño’s Warning - Satellite Shows How Forest CO2 Emissions Can Skyrocket 1017
Baltic Sea Clams 'Giving Off as Much Gas as 20,000 Cows' 1017
There’s a Climate Bomb Under Your Feet 1017
A Solution to the Atmosphere’s Methane Mystery? 0917
Volcanic Eruptions Triggered Global Warming 56 Million Years Ago 0817
Tropical Peat Forests Risk Turning from Carbon ‘Drains' to Emitters 0617
Frozen Farmers’ Fields Emit Nitrous Oxide, a Climate Change Culprit 0417
Soil Microbes Hold Key to Climate Puzzle 0317 - Complex soil ecosystems harbor carbon sinks and sources.
Small Ponds Have Big Impact on Global Warming 0217
Arctic Soils Set to Release Lots of Carbon, More than Plants Can Absorb 1216 - Global soil can release 55 billion tons of carbon by 2050. Take 2 on study
Scientists Have Long Feared Soil Climate ‘Feedback’. Now It’s Happening. 1116 - more than just permafrost soils - take 1
Soil Could Become Significant CO2 Contributor in Near Future 1116
How Earth Will Pay Back Our Carbon Emissions with Even More - from Peat, etc. 1016
Reservoirs Now Recognized a Key Source of Greenhouse Gas Methane 0916 - rotting vegetation drowned by reservoirs
Zombie Carbon Emissions Haunt the Planet 0716 - carbon from trees rotting that were killed by drought
Russian Wildfires Put Key Climate Change Resource at Risk 0716
These Peat Fires Are Huge, Hidden and Harmful. What Can We Do? 0616
Fort McMurray Fire’s Stunning Pulse of Carbon to the Atmosphere 0516
To Help Curb Climate Change, Stop Wasting Food 0416
Is Climate Change Putting the World's Micro-Biomes at Risk? 0316
Indonesia's Peat Fires Make It World’s 4th-Largest Carbon Emitter 1015
Why Scientists Are So Worried about Drylands (40% of Earth’s Land) 0915
Climate Models May Misjudge Soils' Carbon Emissions 0815
Coal Renaissance Means Switching to Plan B - Carbon Pricing and CO2 Removal 0715
The Complex Relationship between Agriculture and Climate Change 0715
World's Plants and Soils to Switch from Carbon Sink to Source by 2100 - 0415 - Limits to other nutrients are important.
Maps of carbon storage on land. Upper map shows historical levels of storage (1860-69).
Lower map shows model projections of the change in storage by 2100 as a result of nitrogen and phosphorus limits, under a high emissions scenario (RCP8.5). Source: Wieder et al. (2015).
Below, Pg = billion tons (GT). Fossil fuel emissions to date are 300-400 GT (Pg).
Change in land carbon storage projections from CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) models, under a high emissions scenario (RCP8.5). Coloured lines show average model projection for no nutrient constraints (black), limits to nitrogen (red), and limits to nitrogen and phosphorus (blue). Box plots on right-hand side show range in model results. Source: Wieder et al. (2015).
Obama Tackles Agriculture’s Role in Climate Change - Why That’s a Big Deal 0415
Acidic Oceans Helped Fuel Greatest Extinction 0415
Is Grass-Fed Beef Really Better for You, the Animal and the Planet? 0215 - cow farts (vs sequestration from trampling soil)
Farming Now Worse For Climate Than Deforestation 0215
Climate Change Mitigation’s Best-Kept Secret - Methane 0115
Smoldering Peat Fires Pose Global Threat 0115
Squirrels and Beavers Contributing More Than Thought to Global Warming 1214
Hydropower May Be Huge Source of Methane Emissions 1014
Drowned Tropical Forests Add to Climate Change 0914
Warning over Vulnerability of Soil Carbon to Warming 0914
Greenhouse Gas Fear over Increased Meat Eating 0814
Measuring Cow and Pig Emissions Goes to New Heights 0714
Peatland Fires Biggest Contributor to Carbon Emissions 0514
Are Gassy Cattle a Bigger Problem Than US Government Thought? 1113
Wasted Food is World's 3rd-Biggest Carbon Emitter, after China and US 0913
Global Methane Releases Could Be Wetlands or Wellheads 0913
Tropical Ecosystems Boost Carbon Dioxide as Temperatures Rise 0713
Global Warming at Your Doorstep - Lawns 0513
Wild Weather Can Send GHGs Spiraling 0413
Earthworms Increase Soils’ GHG Emissions, Take 2 0313
Earthworms Increase Soils’ GHG Emissions 0213
Black Soot Warms 2nd Only to CO2 0113
Food May Cause Almost 33% of GHG Emissions 1012
Aquatic Dead Zones Contributing to Climate Change 0310
Wetlands 11K Yr Ago Raised Carbon in Air 0409 - PDF
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
Rising Carbon Sinks - Overviews
Below is one outfit’s take on CO2 removal prices, early 2021. Compare with “Summary of CDR Approaches, by Factor", a little farther below.
U.N. Slams Carbon Removal as Unproven and Risky 0523
CO2 Removal Efforts Seen Far behind What Is Needed 0123
Can the Climate Be Restored? 1022
All the Ways to Remove Carbon Emissions from the Air 1022
The Market & Policy Landscape for Advancing Direct Air Capture – Who Pays? 0122
U.S. Experts Endorse Research on Ocean Carbon-Removal Strategies 1221
World Will Miss 1.5°C without Large-Scale Negative Emission Solutions by 2025 - 0621
After Net Zero, We Need to Go Much Further and Clean Up Historic Emissions 0621
Carbon Capture Has to Get as Big as Oil Industry in Less than 30 Years 0421
Elon Musk Pledges $100 Million to Carbon Capture Contest 0221
Charting a Path towards Net-Zero - US Leadership in CO2 Removal Is Important 0221 - review of recent and proposed US laws on CO2 removal. Also, list of major nations recently committed to net zero by 2050 (& China 2060).
Stopping Climate Change Could Cost Less than Fighting Covid-19 - 0920
We Made This Heat, Now We Cool It 0920
Guide to Negative Emissions Technologies - Focus on Direct Air Capture 0320
Negative CO2 Emissions Overview - Physics Today 0120 - PDF - outstanding summary
The Next Investing Trend Is Climate Restoration 0120
The Necessity of Pulling CO2 Out of the Air 1219
Stable Climate May Require Carbon Removal Industry Twice as Big as Fossil Fuel Industry 0919
What You Need to Know about Catching CO2 to Fight Climate Change 0919 - a simple look at CO2 capture from smokestack and direct from ambient air - emphasis on uses for CO2 like enhanced oil recovery
Stripe Inc. Says Offsets Aren’t Enough; It’s Time to Pay for Negative Emissions 0819
Scientists Test Radical Ways to Fix Earth's Climate 0519
Can Carbon-Removal Technologies Curb Climate Change? 0419
Finnish Businesses Set Up ‘World's 1st' Market for CO2 Removal Certificates 0419
‘Carbon Removal Is Now a Thing’ - Radical Fixes Get a Boost at Climate Talks 1218
World Needs to Suck CO2 to Meet Goals — National Academies 1018
We Absolutely Must Suck CO2 from the Air, but We Must Be Very Careful 0918
Cutting Emissions Still Matters, but Carbon Capture Rises as a Battlefront 0918
Greenhouse Gas Removal Could Make UK Carbon Neutral by 2050, but Requires Immediate Action 0918
Technological Carbon Removal in the US - WRI 0918 - PDF, 32 pp
Creating Negative Emissions - The Role of Natural and Technological CO2 Removal Strategies 0618
The Future of Ocean-Based Carbon Removal Research 0322
This “Carbon Removal Marketplace” Will Make Buying Offsets Easier 0618
Cost Plunges for Capturing CO2 from the Air 0618 - take 2 on another summary (below)
This Is How We Might Pull Carbon Out of the Atmosphere 0618 - another summary of many methods
Methods for Climate Restoration 1017
summary of many methods of CO2 removal, some with costs, + some solar radiation management
US Tax Incentives Expected to Grow CO2 Capture, Sequestration Projects 0318
Keeping the World below 2°C of Warming Needs Tech We Don’t Have 0218 - pessimistic summary from Eur. NAS's
We Can Pull CO2 from Air, but It's No Silver Bullet for Climate Change 0218 - pessimistic summary, take 2
Rising Carbon Sinks - Soils
As stated far above, soils now contain 3-7 times as much carbon as either the atmosphere or above-ground biomass.
Ranching and farming can both move very large amounts of carbon from the air into soils - IF done right.
Savanna & Grassland Carbon Storage Slows Climate Change 1023
Microbes Are Key to Sequestering Carbon in Soil 0523
Once Nearly Extinct, Bison Are now Climate Heroes 0722
How the Soil World Sustains Plants by Their Roots. Soil Is Key to Earth’s Future. 0522 - The intricate fungi network works with trillions of specialized bacteria to send nutrients to plants roots, which the plants pay for (11-40% of all sugar prodution from photosynthesis). Myriad creatures, from beetles, worms and insects, to mites to bacteria form an enriched ecosystem. Farmer Iain Tolhurst in England has become a master of letting the whole ecosystem boost his crop yields to high levels on “rubble” land without pesticides, herbicides, mineral treatments, animal manure, or any other kind of fertilizer. Leave low green ground cover on the land 365 days a year. And much more.
Giga-ton economy for future of farming: “Carbon capture with benefits” (Dean Houton Feb. 27, 2021 seminar)
Rock Dust in UK Agriculture Could Absorb 45% of CO2 Needed for Net-Zero 0522
Rock Powder with Biochar - Synergies & Co-Benefits 0422
Regenerative Agriculture Can Fight Climate Change, Keep Food on Our Plates 0422
Fungi Are a Powerful and Under-Appreciated Ally in the Climate Crisis 1121
Desertification Is Turning the Earth Barren – but a Solution Is Still within Reach 0921
Only 4-5% of Corn Belt Farmers Are Planting Crops to Store Carbon 0621
Canada's Swamps Are the Secret Weapon to Fighting Climate Change 0521
Large Food Companies Look to Lock Carbon in Soils to Meet Emission Goals 0221
Planting Crops — and Carbon, Too 0121
Are Carbon Markets for Farmers Worth the Hype? 0920 - No, Indigo Ag, etc.
Farms Can’t Save the Planet 0820 - Mostly, carbon farming and fast-rotation grazing move carbon into the top foot of soil from the 2 feet of soil below that top layer.
New Soil Models May Ease Atmospheric CO2, Climate Change 0720
Is Carbon Farming a Climate Boon or Boondoggle? 0620 - If more carbon in top 30 cm, correspondingly less in rest of top 2 meters. Cost-effectiveness difficulties in measuring carbon added, so use algorithms instead. No-till and cover crops good for other reasons, but not clear they actually add carbon (net) to soils. Etc.
Is Carbon Sequestration on Farms Actually Working to Fight Climate Change? 0420
Methane-Eating Bacteria Could Help Cut Emissions from Thawing Permafrost 0320
Horizon Will Become the 1st ‘Carbon Positive’ National Dairy in the U.S. 0320
Fighting Climate Change from the Ground Up 1119
1st Auction of Sequestrated Soil Organic Carbon 1019
Can Big Ag Be Part of the Climate Solution? 0919
For a Sustainable Climate and Food System, Regenerative Agriculture Is the Key 0819
The Climate Emergency - Regenerate or Perish 0619
Can Soil Microbes Slow Climate Change? 0319
General Mills Has a Plan to Regenerate 1 Million Acres of Farmland 0319
Soil Ecologist Challenges Mainstream Thinking on Climate Change 0219
Farmers Start Field Trial for Carbon Capture with Fungi 1218
Put More Carbon in Soils to Meet Paris Climate Pledges 1218
Cornell Study Reveals Natural Solutions to Combat Climate Change 1118
Natural Climate Solutions, Including Farm Conservation, Can Reduce Global Warming 1118
Natural Climate Solutions Could Cancel Out 1/5 of U.S. Emissions 1118
Lowly In Stature, Fungi Play a Big Role In Regulating the Climate 0918
‘Natural Solutions’ in Focus as EU Hosts Climate Summit with China, Canada 0618
Mitigation Potential of Soil Carbon Management Overestimated by Neglecting N2O Emissions 0216
Could Soils Help Save the Climate? 0218
Unearthing the Secrets of Soil 1117
This Is Why, When You Talk about Climate Change, You Can’t Ignore Agriculture 0817
Estimated loss since farming began is 133 billion tonnes of carbon. Authors think we could regain 8-28 billion tons.
Soil Carbon Scheme a World-1st for South Australian and Victorian Farmers 0817
Next Decade Critical for Climate Targets 0517
Soil Microbes Hold Key to Climate Puzzle 0317 - Complex soil ecosystems harbor carbon sinks and sources.
Compendium of Scientific Findings Supporting Eco-Restoration to Address Global Warming 0417 - PDF 29 pp
about Farming 1st (mostly, immediately below)
Improving Soil Could Keep World within 1.5°C Heating Target 0723
40% of Study Area Used No-Till Farming. What if 100% Did? Soil Loss Plummeted. 0623
No-Till May Not Be the Agricultural Panacea We Thought It Was 0822 - With no-till, more carbon is found in the top 10 cm of soil, but even less (than before) 10-60 cm down, for less carbon (0.28 to 2.29 tonnes / hectare) stored aross the whole soil profile. Based on 144 studies over the last 50 years. Un-tilled soil becomes compacted over time.
U.S. Farmers Improving Climate-Friendly Practices, but ‘More Work to Do 0322
‘Carbon Farming’ Could Make US Agriculture Truly Green 0620
General Mills Starts Michigan Program to Cut Dairy Emissions 0620
Pete Buttigieg, Polling High in Iowa, Targets Farmers with Climate Message 1119
Cory Booker Wants to Pay Many More Farmers to Practice Carbon Farming 0819
New Plan Would Remove a Trillion Tons of CO2 from the Air and Bury It 0619
How Soil Carbon Can Help Tackle Climate Change 0519
The Key to Curb Climate Change? Super Plants 0419
These Probiotics for Plants Help Farms Suck Up Extra CO2 - 0219
‘Carbon Farmers’ Are Newest Recruits in California’s War on Climate Change 0918
How Did Farmer Brown Bring His Dying Land Back from the Brink? 0918
Missouri Farms Hold Big Potential as Carbon Storehouse 0718
Can Carbon Farming Reverse Climate Change? 0718
Facing Climate and Water Pressures, Farmers Return to Age-Old Cover Cropping 0518
Cropping, Population Boost Carbon Sinks 0418
Plants Are Great at Storing CO2. Scientists Aim to Make Them Even Better. 0418
Adding Crushed Volcanic Rock to Farm Soil Could Boost Crops and Slow Global Warming 0418
Farming with Crops and Rocks to Address Global Climate, Food and Soil Security 0218 - add crushed, fast-reacting silicate rocks to soils
No-Till Farmers’ Push for Healthy Soils Ignites a Movement in the Plains 0218
New Healthy Soil Guide Gives Cooks a Better Recipe for Climate Change 1217
Better Soil Could Trap as Much Planet-Warming Carbon as Transport Produces 1117
Switching to Organic Farming Could Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1117
Nature Is One of the Most Under-Appreciated Tools for Reining in Carbon 1017
Why the Way We Manage the Carbon Bio-Flux Matters 1017
Study Shows Organic Farming Traps Carbon in Soil to Combat Climate Change 0917
This Is Why, When You Talk about Climate Change, You Can’t Ignore Agriculture 0817
Estimated loss since farming began is 133 billion tonnes of carbon. Authors think we could regain 8-28 billion tons.
Indonesian Farmers Befriend Soil to Protect Harvests from Climate Stress 0617
Solutions - Carbon Farming & Cutting Food Waste Don’t Require Trump Buy-in 0617
Surprising News about Deep Soil Carbon 0217 0.9 tons / acre in no-till maize and switchgrass plots, mostly 1-5 feet deep. Best results with cover crop (stover) remained atop soil and 107 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer per acre. Agricultural Research Service studies
The Search Is On for Pulling Carbon from the Air 1216 - emphasis on CCS, also spread silicates onto farmlands
White House Releases Climate Change Plan Before Trump Takes Office 1116
Prince Charles Joins Clean Soil Project to Combat Climate Change1016
Ancient Farming Practice Produces More Food, Less Pollution 1016
Looking to the Earth Itself as a Climate Solution 0916
C Sequester - Wolfe 0616 - PDF of PPT
at left, up to $20/T $50/T $100/T, good for 2-3 decades
from Paustian et al. 2016. Nature 532:49.
Iowa Farmers Ripped Out Prairie. Now Some Hope It Can Save Them. 0816
Michigan Scientists See Urgency for Negative Emissions 0816
How the World’s Most Fertile Soil Can Help Reverse Climate Change 0716 - terra preta, from Amazon & W Africa
How Africans Are Saving Their Own Soil 0616
How Soil Microbes Fight Climate Change 0516
Regenerating Degraded Dirt 0316 - More and more farmers are using no-till and cover crops - to prevent erosion, improve soil’s water retention, and improve nutrient availability (cutting down use of artificial fertilizers). Sequestering carbon (4/1000 Initiative) is a side benefit.
Cover Crops – a Farm Revolution with Deep Roots in the Past 0216
Massive Tree Farms, Soil Carbon Sequestration May Be Really Bad Climate Ideas 0216
Darkening soils and forests, from carbon sequestration, especially biochar, increases solar radiation absorbed.
$60 trillion ($30 trillion?) price tag to cut 50 ppm via rock dust / gravel is a lot of money (but less than warming damages?).
Dedicating soils to carbon sequestration may (probably not) make them unavailable for farming.
Problems with farming the oceans to sequester carbon via algae.
Healthy Ground, Healthy Atmosphere - Recarbonizing the Earth’s Soils 0216
Improving Soils Cuts Carbon and Grows More Food 1215
Dirt, a Secret Weapon to Fight Climate Change 1215
Does industrial Agriculture Actually Yield More Food per Acre than Organic? 1015 - yes, but no, and, but, maybe
The Dirt on Soil 1015 - a primer on how parts of soils function
Putting Down the Plow in Oklahoma 1015
Join the 4‰ Initiative Soils for Food Security and Climate 0915
Farms Hold the Key to Absorbing Carbon and Fighting Climate Change 0715
A 3rd Way to Fight Climate Change 0715
Cover Crops Can Store 4 Tons of Carbon per Acre 0515
Tillage and Cover Cropping Affect Crop Yields and Soil Carbon in the San Joaquin Valley, California - PDF
Summary article is below. Using no-till plus a cover crop sequestered 0.29 more tons of carbon per acre per year (0.66 tonnes / hectare), than using neither. No differences in fertilizer or pesticide treatment were noted in treatment or control.
San Joaquin Valley Growers Seek Credit for Sequestering Carbon in Soils 0215 - summary of study above
Best Technology to Save the World Is Trees, Biochar and More Soil Carbon 0215
Can Biochar Fertilize Soil and Help Fight Climate Change? 0914
Old-School Farming Methods Could Save the Planet 0814
Altered Soil May Help Fight Global Warming 0814
How Organic Farming Can Reverse Climate Change 0414
Regenerative Organic Agriculture & Climate Change - Rodale 0414 - PDF, 16 pp
"There is hope right beneath our feet. There is a technology for massive planetary geo-engineering that is tried and tested, and available for widespread dissemination right now. It costs little and is adaptable to local contexts the world over. It can be rolled out tomorrow, providing multiple benefits beyond climate stabilization. The solution is farming. Not just business-as-usual industrial farming, but farming like the Earth matters. Farming like water and soil and land matter. Farming like clean air matters. Farming like human health, animal health and ecosystem health matters. Farming in a way that restores and even improves on soil’s natural ability to hold carbon. This kind of farming is called regenerative organic agriculture, and it is the short-term solution to climate change we need to implement today.”
Field trials in the U.S., Egypt, Iran, and Thailand show carbon seqestration of 2.4 to 6.4 tonnes per hectare [0.87 to 2.34 tons per acre] per year. "Even if modest assumptions about soil’s carbon sequestration potential are made, regenerative agriculture can easily keep annual emissions to within the desirable lower end of the 41-47 GT CO2e range by 2020.”
Elements of regenerative organic farming include cover crops, residue mulching, composting, crop rotation, and conservation tillage. Plants so treated sequester carbon in soils at depths to at least 80 cm, for decades to millennia. Clay helps. Mycorrhizal fungi are key players in the process, producing glomalin in which carbon is stored. Yields of organic crop systems exceed those in artificial fertilized systems in times of drought, and they are more resilient in the face of greater weather variability.
Salamander’s Hefty Role in the Forest 0414
Can Farming Provide a Solution to Climate Change? 0813
Australia Coalition's Soil Carbon Plan 'Unviable' 0713
CO2 Reductions from Farming & Forestry - Smith 2013 - PDF, 48 pp
Scientist Finds Chemical Group That Helps Organic Soils Store More Carbon 0613
Fungi Pull Carbon into Northern Forest Soils 0413
King Corn Mowed Down 2 Million Acres of Grassland in 5 Years Flat 0213
Biochar Cookstoves Boost Health for People and Crops 0113
Why the Government Should Pay Farmers to Plant Cover Crops 0113
Carbon Stored in California’s Deserts 1212
CO2 Sequestration Potential in Farm Soils: Abstract - Smith 2011
Siberian Herds Park Takes Carbon from Air 1210
Carbon Sequester in Soils+ 0609
Storing Carbon in Forest Soils 0308
Returning Carbon from Air to Soils 0308
Reading List for Soil Carbon Sequestration 0308
Moving Carbon from Air to Soil - Details 0308
More CO2 Sequesters in Soil (Pine Plantations) 0207 - PDF
Organic Farming Sequesters Atmospheric Carbon and Nutrients in Soils - Rodale 2005
Rodlae's Farming Systems Trial, for 23 years since 1981, has shown that soil, under organic agriculture management, can accumulate about 1,000 pounds of carbon per acre foot of soil each year. This accumulation is equal to about 3,500 pounds of carbon dioxide per acre, taken from the air and sequestered into soil organic matter. When multiplied over the 160 million acres of corn and soybeans grown nationally, a potential for 580 billion pounds of excess carbon dioxide per year can be sequestered, when farmers transition to organic grain systems.
Organic grain production systems increase soil carbon 15 to 28%. Moreover, soil nitrogen in the organic systems increased 8 to 15%. Decay rates differ for soil organic matter under different management systems. In the conventional system, the application of soluble nitrogen fertilizers stimulates more rapid and complete decay of organic matter, sending carbon into the atmosphere instead of retaining it in the soil as the organic systems do.
Soil microbial activity, specifically the work of mychorrhiza fungi, plays an important role in helping conserve and slow down the decay of organic matter. Mychorriza fungi are more prevalent in the organic farm systems. These fungi work to conserve organic matter by aggregating organic matter with clay and minerals. In soil aggregates, carbon is more resistant to degradation than in free form and therefore more likely to be conserved.
In conventional and organic farming systems, yields of corn and soybean were not different, except in drought years. Then, organic systems yielded 25 to 75% more than the conventional system. The organic yield advantage in drought years is specifically related to the ability of higher-carbon organic soils to capture and deliver more water to crop plants.
This may be our most important way to reduce CO2 levels in the air.
Sequestering Carbon in Farm and Forest Soil - Fact Sheet 2004?
Depositing Carbon in the Soil Bank 0201 - USDA
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
About Grazing 2nd - .
The at left picture is from a piece of land in Africa, the Karoo. Holistic Management grazing is used to the left of the fence, as locals use methods taught by the Savory Institute. Traditional modern grazing methods are used to the viewer’s right.
Holistic Management involves grazing cattle (or buffalo, caribou, etc.) for short (~ 1 week) periods on a patch of land, then moving them to another patch. (Sheep, and especially goats, should not be used, as they crop the grass too short.) After several months of moving to one patch after another, they return to the original patch, then revisiting each patch in turn. In the meantime, dung beetles move carbon (in dung) underground, while close-cropped perennial grass adds to its roots and sends up new shoots (as it does after a lawn is mowed). The cattle hooves help break up the soil, so moisture and seeds can penetrate. The soil stores more carbon in fungal networks, much of it in the form of glomalin. The soil carbon results in soils soaking up 75-95% of rainfall, instead of 5-25% of rainfall in soils not treated (to viewer’s right of the fence.)
This practice removes carbon from the air and stores it soil. Moreover, the soil becomes a much better sponge for holding water. A few of the articles (and 1 PPT) below address this practice and its results.
Details are available here. Especially watch the two videos. Watch the short one first. The second, Allan Savory's TED talk, is also available HERE.
This may be our most important way to reduce CO2 levels in the air.
Estimates vary for how much carbon our soils can remove from the air, and how fast. In 2001, US Department of Agriculture staff estimated (see below) that US farming and ranching practices move 20 million tons of carbon a year from air to soils, for $6 per ton of CO2 removed initially. They also estimated that removal could be increased to 10 times as much, more than 10% of US carbon emissions, largely via changes in tilling practices (no-till, etc.)
Partly, the article debunks a straw man: increased cattle per acre, but without fast rotation. Good points - When you take cattle off the land to sell for meat, the land loses the nutrients on the hoof. Replication has not been done. Also, fallow (ungrazed) land recovers, eventually. Also, cattle did not co-evolve with the driest rangelands. Savory’s claims about how much CO2 can be removed may well be overblown, especially net of cows’ CH4 emissions.
Climate-Smart Cowboys Hope Regenerative Cattle Ranching Heal the Land and Sequesters Carbon 0623
Protecting the Beasts of the Land and Sea Could Help Fight Climate Change 0322 - grazed land is lighter colored than forest and shrubs. So it reflects more sunlight, for a cooling effect. Large grazers tend ro add carbon to soil. Also, by cutting down on forests, they cut down on forest fires.
An Unusual Snack for Cows, a Powerful Fix for Climate 1120 - 2% of feed as red seaweeds Asparagopsis taxiformis and Asparagopsis armata can cut methane emissions 98%.
Restoring Big Plant-Eating Mammals Could Help Fight Climate Change 1018
Seaweed Diet for Burping Cows? 0718
‘Farming’ Microbes to Feed Cows Could Save Land and Cut Emissions 0618
Seaweed in Cow Feed Reduces Methane Emissions Almost Entirely 0518
Can Responsible Grazing Make Beef Climate-Neutral? 0418
Eco-Farming Can Solve Hunger and Climate Crises, Experts Say 0418
Nature Is One of the Most Under-Appreciated Tools for Reining in Carbon 1017
Why the Way We Manage the Carbon Bio-Flux Matters 1017
Grass-Fed Cows Won’t Save the Climate, Report Finds 1017
Focus on Carbon Removal a ‘High-Stakes Gamble’ 0517
Boosting Water Table Can Curb Climate Risks 0217
White House Releases Climate Change Plan Before Trump Takes Office 1116
Earth Soaking Up Less Carbon than We Thought, So It Warms Up Even Faster 0916
Carbon Farming - Hope for a Hot Planet 0416
Dirt - a Surprising Ally in the Battle against Climate Change 0416
Farmland Could Play Key Role in Tackling Climate Change 0416
Improving Soils Cuts Carbon and Grows More Food 0116 - for farming AND ranching
Dung Beetles Are Climate Heroes! 1215
Why Tom Steyer's Latest Climate Change Fight Involves Raising His Own Cattle 1015
How a Cow Can Help the Climate 0515 - one type of “rapid” rotation grazing; carbon sequestration is secondary.
Emerging Land Use Practices Rapidly Increase Soil Organic Matter 0415 - abstract. 8 Mg / year / hectare
Emerging land use practices rapidly increase soil organic matter | Nature Communications - weblink to full article
Obama Tackles Agriculture’s Role in Climate Change - Why That’s a Big Deal 0415 - legal & budget; grazing mentioned
Perennial Crops May Save Human Civilization 0415
Is Grass-Fed Beef Really Better for You, the Animal and the Planet? 0215
Scientists Urge Global ‘Wake-up Call' to Deal with Climate Change 0215
How Lowly Termites Save Grasslands for Lions, Elephants, and People 0215
Marin County Rancher Sees Compost as Miracle Cure for Climate Change 1114
Chevrolet Supports Grassland Preservation Program 1114
Microbe Turnover Offsets Soil New Carbon Storage - Sulman 1114 - PDF
Microbes, Roots & Soil Carbon - Wieder 1114 - PDF
Sprinkle of Compost Helps Rangeland Lock up Carbon 1014
Models ‘Underplay Plant CO2 Absorption' 1014
Wide, Brown Land Becomes a Home to Carbon Farming 0814
Carbon Mapping Trial Announced for Pilbara Cattle Station 0314
Soil as Carbon Storehouse- New Weapon in Climate Fight? 0314
As Biochar Uses Expand, Climate Benefits Still Uncertain 0114
Researchers Find Fungus That Can Boost Soil Carbon by up to 70% - 0114
No-Till Farming Is on the Rise. That’s a Big Deal. 1113
Environmentalists Look to Carbon Markets to Slow Grassland Conversion 1113
The One Area Technology Cannot Save Us & 5 Little Things That Can 0913 - Holistic Managament links: eat grass-fed beef, eggs. Video links are also in this article.
Holistic Management Can Save Our Soils and Reduce CO2 Levels 0913 - For more detail, see study below.
Restoring Soil Carbon to Slow Climate Change - Savory 0413 - PDF, 20 pp
Holistic Management practices can move 2.5 tonnes of carbon / hectare / year (= 1 ton / acre / year = 0.25 kg / square meter [sq m]) from the air to soils, maybe more, building soil in the process. This would increase removal almost by another factor of 10, from USDA's 2001 estimates. Applied to 4 billion hectares of degraded grasslands (rangelands) around the world (about 20% of Earth's land), this would move 10 billion tons (GT) of carbon from air to soils. Changed grazing practices would do it, rather than changed tillage ones. 10 GT / year removal ~ current world carbon emissions. The atmosphere holds almost 1,000 GT of CO2. Thus, Holistic Management applied to the max could cut atmospheric CO2 levels by ~ 4 ppm / year, if we reduce our emissions to zero.
For perspective, the top foot of 1 square meter of soil weighs 350-500 kg. Typically, 1% to 12% of that is organic carbon. So, soils (except deserts, see map at top of page) contain 4 to 60 kg of carbon / sq m. That includes 8-20 in most of the US, Canada, Russia, Siberia, Europe and China. That's less than permafrost soils, but more than most tropical rainforests. In all, Holistic Management practices might increase soil carbon by 1-6% / year (& topsoil mass by 0.05% / year), while tillage changes can increase soil carbon 0.1-0.6% / year.
However, soil microbes respire carbon to the air faster as soil warms. This counters moving carbon from air to soils.
Soil Organic Carbon Content - Europe & World 2012 - PDF.
Carbon % at left. Tonnes / Hectare below. World is atop page.
Australian Cattle Giant to Cash in Carbon Credits 0913
Carbon Capture and Renewable Energy Generation by Pyrolysis 0913
Meadowlands Valuable for Pulling CO2 from the Air 0813
More Cows — or Less? Climate Strategies Point Opposite Ways 0813
Holistic Management: Move Carbon Back to Soil - Jim Laurie 0408 - PPT
Extract 2 ppm (10 GigaTons of CO2) / year from the air by proper grazing on some 10 million square miles of rangeland. That's half a ton of carbon / acre (1.1 tonnes of carbon / hectare) / year. It would take 1-2 centuries to double the carbon content of treated soils. In all, goes the plan, extract 80 ppm of CO2 from the air and return it to soils. Pass 350 ppm on the way down, via 10GT CO2 / year moved to soils, by planned fast rotation grazing on marginal lands. Decrease ocean dead zones, avoiding Canfield Ocean [very hot, anoxic, sulfur dominated] and a repeat of Permian Extinction.
Allan Savory, founder of the Holistic Management Institute (which advocates fast (~ 1 week per pasture) rotation grazing on rangelands), says that a 0.5% increase in soil carbon in the world's degraded lands would remove 150 gigatonnes of carbon from the air. That's 15 years of human emissions at current rates.
Rising Carbon Sinks - Biochar
Ancient Amazon Charcoal Seen as Next Big Thing in Carbon Markets 0623
Rock Powder with Biochar - Synergies & Co-Benefits 0422
Biochar Traps Water and Fixes Carbon in Soil, Helping the Climate 1220
Pyrogenic Carbon Capture and Storage 0818 - PDF
Biogeochemical Potential of Biomass Pyrolysis Systems for Limiting Global Warming to 1.5 °C 0418
Biochar, the Once and Future Agricultural Mainstay 1017
Is Biochar a Game-Changer for Sustainable Farms? 0617
Ancient Farming Practice Produces More Food, Less Pollution 1016
Largest Biochar Facility in U.S. Opens at Cornell 0416
Massive Tree Farms, Soil Carbon Sequestration May Be Really Bad Climate Ideas 0216
Darkening soils and forests, from carbon sequestration, especially biochar, increases solar radiation absorbed.
$60 trillion ($30 trillion?) price tag to cut 50 ppm via rock dust / gravel is a lot of money (but less than warming damages?).
Dedicating soils to carbon sequestration may (probably not) make them unavailable for farming.
Problems with farming the oceans to sequester carbon via algae.
‘Last Ditch’ Climate Change Remedies Olivine & Biochar Remove CO2 from Air 0615
Best Technology to Save the World Is Trees, Biochar and More Soil Carbon 0215
Can Biochar Fertilize Soil and Help Fight Climate Change? 0914
Strategies to Mitigate Climate Change in Agriculture 0414 - PDF, 146 pp
Sustainable Biochar to Mitigate Climate Change - Ammonette 0810 - PDF, 57 pp
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
Rising Carbon Sinks - Direct Air Capture (& Sequestration)
The diagram above shows, based on the laws of thermodynamics, the minimum energy to remove CO2 from ambient air (Direct air capture). Removal requires about 3 times as much energy as the energy gained by burning coal and more than twice as much as from burning natural gas. That is primarily because the CO2 is so dilute in the atmosphere. For net CO2 removal with DAC, cheap energy (solar and wind, perhaps also small modular nuclear) is needed.
However, the diagram above assumes energy use for fans to speed up air circulation across a catalyst that captures CO2 (there are many possible catalysts.) Is also assumes that heat is later used to separate the CO2 from the catalyst, so that the capture process can begin anew and so that the purified CO2 can be pumped to its final resting place (or another use).
Amazon Bets Big on Oil Giant Occidental’s Carbon Removal Project 0923
How an Oil Giant Took Control of Biden's Billion-Dollar Bet on Carbon Capture 0823
Can Vacuums Slow Global Warming? Administration Bets $1.2 Billion on It. 0823 - Much more progress on capture from high-density CO2 streams (100% at ethanol plants, ~15% at industrial plants, than 0.042% in ordinary air.
What’s Needed to Reach Net-Zero This Century - IEA 0423
Carbon-Sucking Tech Could Need More Energy than All Homes Use 0323
How to Suck Up CO2, Turn It into Baking Soda, and Store It in the Oceans 0323
Carbon Removal Is Where Green Investment Should Go 0123
Competition Heats Up for U.S. Direct Air Capture Program 0123
CO2 Removal Efforts Seen Far behind What Is Needed 0123
New York Landlords Try Carbon-Sucking Towers to Comply with Climate Law 0123
Nasdaq Targets Boom in Market for Carbon Removal in Coming Years 1022
Why the $100 per Ton Target for Carbon Removal May Be ‘Pure Fantasy' 1022
Audi and Krajete Filter CO2 Out of the Air 1022
3 Big Direct Carbon Capture Deals to Know 1022
What the Inflation Reduction Act Means for Direct Air Capture 0822 - The tax credit awarded companies for CO2 captured and durably stored was raised from $50 to $180 per tonne. For CO2 captured and utilized (concrete, carbonation, oil extraction, etc.), the increase was from $35 to $130 per tonne. Minimum capture to claim the credits is reduced to 1000 tonnes / year. Smaller projects can receive direct pay for the full value of the credits for the projects 1st 5 years. Also, the deadline to build eligibale facilities ws extended 7 years. The Act also provides $2.15 billion for low-carbon buildings and use of low-carbon materials. This benefits companies such as CarbonCure and CarbonBuilt,which incorporate captured CO2 into building materials.
New Law Helps U.S. Firm Launch Wyoming Direct Air Carbon Capture Project 0922
Climeworks Predicts CO2 Removal Cost Drop to Below $250 / Tonne by 2030 - 0722
The Chips Act Has a CO2 Removal Easter Egg 0822 - $1 billion for carbon removal research
Startup That Sucks CO2 from the Air Is Building a Big Plant in Iceland 0622
Can Carbon Capture Be Part of the Climate Solution? 0622
Carbon-Removal Industry Draws Billions to Fight Climate Change 0622
U.S. Steel Backs Snatching CO2 from the Air and Storing It in Concrete 0622
Fastest CO2 Catcher Heralds New Age for Direct Air Capture 0522
Microsoft, Salesforce Add $300 Million to Carbon Removal’s Growing Cash Pile 0522
Whitehouse, Coons Introduce Act to Accelerate CO2 Removal 0522
Tonko, Peters Introduce CO2 Removal Legislation 0422
Musk and Google Add to $2 Billion Boost for Carbon Removal 0522
There Has Never Been a Better Time to Start a Carbon Removal Company 0422
We Need a Massive Carbon Removal Industry. What Will It Take to Scale It Up? 0422
Verdox has a process (video at right and at that uses electric charge changes instead of heat to separate captured CO2 from the catalyst and regenerate the catalyst sorbent or solvent. Using electric charge changes gets rid of ~ 1/2 of energy use. $40-80 / ton by 2035?
Direct Air Capture 0422 - overview of DAC methods, EF. Heirloom is projected to hit $50 / ton for carbon removal by 2035. It gets rid of the other ~1/2 of energy use: moving air past the catalyst. Use natural air circulation (slower) instead of fans.
A Scalable Direct Air Capture Process Based on Weathering Calcium Hydroxide 0322 - Heirloom explains its process. Several pages, with chemical equations.
Climeworks Raises $650 Million in Largest Round for Carbon Removal Startup 0422
Carbon-Capture Startup Using Dirt Cheap Material Raises $53 Million 0322 - Limestone to calcium oxide and back
Fuel Cells and Game-Changing Tech to Remove 99% of CO2 from Air 0222
Bill Gates Invests in Carbon Capture Startup After Tech Breakthrough 0222
The Market & Policy Landscape for Advancing Direct Air Capture – Who Pays? 0122
As Carbon Emissions Rise Unabated, Scientists Eye a Methane Removal Fix 1121
“Urban Sequoia” Technology Could Turn Buildings into Climate-Fighting Tools 1121 - Stack or chimney effect draws air
To Slow Global Warming, Some Researchers Want to Pull Methane Out of the Air 1121
The Dream of Carbon Air Capture Edges Toward Reality 0821 - Movement has begun from $500-600 per ton of CO2 removed to $94-232. Discussion of the industry.
Direct Air Capture Carbon Removal Technology Reaches Early Milestone 0921 - Climeworks’ Orca plant opens.
These ‘Super-Trees’ Are Engineered to Capture More Carbon 0621
Direct Air Capture of CO2 Is Suddenly a Carbon Offset Option 0321
Microsoft Climate Fund Backs Climeworks Effort to Suck Up Carbon 0121
Chevron Invests in Carbon Capture and Utilization Startup Blue Planet 0121 - store CO2 incalcium carbonate aggregate for concrete
OpenAir’s R&D Roundup – Violet and Cyan Home CO2 Removal Projects 0121
Will Machines That Scrub CO2 from the Air Halt Climate Change? 0121 - brief overview: Climeworks, Carbon Engineering
Businesses Aim to Pull Greenhouse Gases from the Air 0121 - many companies. Mostly about CCS and DAC.
Mining the Sky for CO2 with Metal Trees, Towers and Pumps 0121
Researchers Unveil New Method for Converting CO2 into Jet Fuel 1220
Climeworks to Build World’s Biggest Climate-Positive Direct Air Capture Plant 0920
Removing CO2 Could Spark Big Rise in Food Prices 0820 - Liquid sorbent DAC systems require lots of water and heat. However, solid sorbent systems require no fresh water (or burning natural gas). So, lack of water to grow food probably will not be exacerbated by DAC - using solid sorbents.
Swiss Carbon Capture Startup Raises $76 Million in Funding Round 0620
Guide to Negative Emissions Technologies - Focus on Direct Air Capture 0320
New Industry Develops around Sucking CO2 Out of the Atmosphere 1219
MIT Engineers Develop a New Way to Remove CO2 from Air 1019
Reverse Engineering the Climate Crisis Is Not Only Possible—It's Necessary 1019
The Future of Carbon Capture - Old Idea to Fight Climate Change Gets New Look 1019
Carbon Engineering to Double Capacity at Its Direct Air Capture Plant 0919
Pulling CO2 Out of the Air and Using It Could Be a Trillion-Dollar Business 0919
CO2 Solutions Commissions Its 1st Commercial Carbon Capture Unit 0419
Powerful ‘Mechanical Trees’ Can Remove CO2 from Air at Scale 0419
CO2 Removal Factories Slowly Gain Ground 0419
Billionaires Back Carbon Engineering to Build 1st ‘Negative Emissions’ Plant 0319 - take 1
New Facility Aims to Capture 40 Million Trees’ Worth of CO2 Every Year 0319 - take 2
BHP Invests US$6 Million in Emissions Reduction Company, Carbon Engineering 0319 - take 3
One Man’s 2-Decade Quest to Suck Greenhouse Gas Out of the Sky 0219
Oil Industry Makes Landmark Investment in CO2 Air Capture 0119
How One Company Pulls Carbon from the Air, to Avert Climate Catastrophe 1218
Can 12 Billion Tonnes of Carbon Be Sucked from the Air? 1118
Could Carbon-Capture Technology Be a Silver Bullet to Stop Climate Change? 1018
Could Oil Nation Norway Help Save the Climate? 1018
This Gel Grows and Heals by Gobbling Carbon from the Air 1018
Carbon Removal Firms See Opportunity in U.N. Climate Report 1018
Climeworks Opens a 3rd Plant Capturing CO2 from the Air 1018
Huge Fans, Burning Biomass May Help Store Carbon for Climate Fight 0918
Moniz Group Launches ‘Substantial' CO2 Air Capture Project 0918
Sucking Carbon from Air, Swiss Firm Wins New Funds for Climate Fix 0818
Scientists Find Way to Make Mineral to Remove CO2 from the Air 0818
Pioneers of CO2 Removal See Boon for Renewables 0418
Saving the World with CO2 Removal 0118
Can CO2 Removal Save the World? 1117
World’s 1st “Negative Emission” Plant Will Turn CO2 to Stone 1017
Carbon-Sucking Technology Needed by 2030s, Scientists Warn 1017
Healthy Climate News – 7 Technologies That Could Scale 0317 - 3 are Direct Air Capture.
It’s Time to Start Talking about “Negative” CO2 Emissions 0817
Scientists Dim Sunlight, Suck Up CO2 to Cool Planet 0717
World’s Young Face $535 Trillion Bill for Climate Change 0717
Swiss Firm Climeworks Starts Sucking CO2 from the Air, to Fight Climate Change 0617
Focus on Carbon Removal a ‘High-Stakes Gamble’ 0517
A Cheaper Way to Pull CO2 from the Air, Turn It into Crystals 0117 - Guanidine, lower temp outgassing than amines.
Report from Global Thermostat Tour 1216 - Blow air thru 6-inch cubes. They use amines in ceramic honeycomb to capture CO2, heat to 80°C to release it for disposal. Capture 1 ton of CO2 / year. $70 / ton now, projected fall to $20 / ton. [Use billions of such cubes.]
Trapping Carbon Works, but High Cost to Limit Its Use to Essential Processes 1116
Could Mutant Plants Save Us from Global Warming? 1116
Climate Change Killing East Africa’s Water Resources, UN Warns 1016
CO2, Climate Change Seen As Waste Disposal Challenge 0916
Artificial Leaf Turns CO2 Emissions Into Fuel 0816
Can Pulling Carbon from Air Make a Difference on Climate? 1215
Nanoscale Carbon Capture Strategy Pays Off 0815
Startups Have Learned How to Remove Carbon from the Air. Will Anyone Pay Them? 0715
Pragmatic Ways to Capture Carbon from Ambient Air & Smokestacks 0615
Does Air Capture Constitute a Viable Backstop Against a Bad CO2 Trip? - Broecker 1213
Carbon Capture and Renewable Energy Generation by Pyrolysis 0913
Carbon Capture from Air Needed to Fight Climate Change 0813
Chemical Plant Would Turn Emissions into Useful Products 0813
Way to Remove CO2 from the Air 0613
US Lab Removes CO2 from Air at Low Cost 0513
Canada Lab Hopes to Turn Emissions into Algae 0513
Suck Carbon Emissions Right Out of the Air 0413
Pulling CO2 Out of Thin Air 0113
New Holey Material Soaks Up CO2 0612
Cheap Material Can Scrub CO2 from Air 0112
Scrubbing CO2 from Air for Centuries 0710
CCS No Remedy For Warming 0410
Sequestering Carbon in Rocks - Lackner 2002 - PDF, 42 pp
from Abstract: "Sequestration of waste carbon dioxide will require methods that can safely store several trillion tons of carbon dioxide. Long-term storage of a gaseous substance is fraught with uncertainty and hazards, but carbonate chemistry offers permanent solutions to the disposal problem. Carbonates can be formed from carbon dioxide and metal oxides in reactions that are thermodynamically favored and exothermic, which result in materials that can be safely and permanently kept out of the active carbon stocks in the environment. Carbonate sequestration methods require the development of an extractive minerals industry that provides the base ions for neutralizing carbonic acid."
Among many topics addressed are alkalinity, magnesium carbonates, molten salts, serpentine and olivine.
Rising Carbon Sinks - Sequestration (with Direct Air Capture, etc.)
The Midwest Is Ground Zero for the Fight Over Carbon Capture Pipelines 0823
Frontier Carbon Removal Fund Just Inked a $53 Million Deal 0523
Low-Carbon Concrete Could Bring a ‘Radical Change’ to the Industry 0523
EU’s Green Plan Will Force Oil Majors to Store CO2 Underground 0323
How to Suck Up CO2, Turn It into Baking Soda, and Store It in the Oceans 0323
Denmark Hopes to Pump Some Climate Gas beneath the Sea Floor 0323
Colorado Ponders Storing Carbon in Defunct Oil and Gas Wells 0223
Carbon Negative Building Materials 0223
Concrete Traps CO2 Soaked from Air in Climate-Friendly Test 0223
A Blue State Asks - Is Carbon Capture Part of Climate Agenda? 0223
This Startup Captures CO2 by Injecting It Straight into Volcanic Rock 0123
Calpine & Blue Planet Transform Captured Carbon into High-Grade Limestone 0922
Rock Dust in UK Agriculture Could Absorb 45% of CO2 Needed for Net-Zero 0522
Chevron Joins Project to Store Carbon Emissions Off Texas Coast 0522
Companies Can Soon Start Paying the Bahamas to Store Carbon in the Ocean 0522
Let's Bury Our CO2. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 0522
The Most Popular Material on Earth Is Great for Storing CO2 - 0821
Pumping CO2 Deep Under the Sea Could Help Korea Hit Net Zero 0521
Praise for Basalt Potential - In Situ Mineral Carbonation 0321
Your Next Roadside Attraction - Carbon Storage 0714
Fracked Shale Could Sequester CO2 0913
This is a 3rd key way to reduce CO2 levels in the air.
Rising Carbon Sinks - Rock (Weathering, etc.) & Sequestration
Warmer, Wetter World Could Make Enhanced Rock Weathering More Useful to Slow Climate Change 0123
Exxon to Buy Denbury for $4.9 Billion, in CO2 Pipeline Push 0723 - Denbury's pipeline network, to move captured CO2, is the draw.
Can ‘Enhanced Rock Weathering’ Help Combat Climate Change? 0523
Speeding Up Rock Weathering Can Help Decarbonize the Atmosphere 0323
This Startup Uses Volcanic Rock Dust to Capture Carbon on Farms 1022
Measuring Enhanced Weathering on Croplands Is Really Hard To Do 0622
Using Alkaline Rock Minerals to Combat Climate Change 0522
Iowa Pipelines to Sequester CO2 from Ethanol Production – Climate Impacts? 0122
Could Crushed Rocks Absorb Enough Carbon to Curb Global Warming? 1221
Will Rock Dust Put a Drain on Atmospheric Carbon? 0921
Praise for Basalt Potential - In Situ Mineral Carbonation 0321
Accelerated Rock Weathering in Ag Soils Can Remove Billions of Tons of CO2 - 0221
Project Carbdown’s 1st Enhanced Weathering Aims to Remove CO2 from the Air 0121
Asbestos Could Be a Powerful Weapon against Climate Change 1020
How Iceland Is Undoing Carbon Emissions for Good 0620
Rise of CO2–Absorbing Tropical Mountains May Set Global Climate’s Thermostat 1218
How Oman’s Rocks Could Help Save the Planet 0418
Can Slag Heaps Help Save the Planet? 0417
Oman's Mountains Holds Peridotite from Mantle to Reverse Climate Change 0417
Pacific Northwest Lab Pumps CO2 Down into Basalt, Turning It to Stone 1116
Scientists Found a Way to Turn Our Carbon Emissions into Rock 1116
Experiment 'Turns Waste CO2 to Stone’ 0616
CO2 & H2O injected 1,000 meters deep into volcanic rock. It turned to carbonate rock over weeks to months.
Why CO2 'Air Capture' Could Be Key to Slowing Global Warming 0516 - artifical trees, also by Klaus Lackner (see above). In dry conditions, they suck CO2 from the air many times as fast as natural tree leaves. When wet, they release the CO2, which is sucked out of the chamber for disposal.
Massive Tree Farms, Soil Carbon Sequestration May Be Really Bad Climate Ideas 0216
Darkening soils and forests, from carbon sequestration, especially biochar, increases solar radiation absorbed.
$60 trillion ($30 trillion?) price tag to cut 50 ppm via rock dust / gravel is a lot of money (but less than warming damages?).
Dedicating soils to carbon sequestration may (probably not) make them unavailable for farming.
Problems with farming the oceans to sequester carbon via algae.
‘Last Ditch’ Climate Change Remedies Olivine & Biochar Remove CO2 from Air 0615
Methane-Munching Microbes Hit Rock Bottom 1014
CO2 Removal Letter from Prof. Olaf Schuiling to the Dutch Government 0114
Understanding How Rocks Weather, Remove CO2 - 0713 - key overveiw article
Olivine to Fertilize Oceans Gets Thumbs Down 0113
Peridotite Can Soak Up CO2 1108
Moving CO2 into Crushed Rock 0308
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
Rising Carbon Sinks - Ocean Algae+
Transporting Farm and Forest Residue to Anoxic Bottom of the Black Sea 0123
Ocean Fertilization Revived as Climate Change Alarm Grows 1122
Reanalyzing Seaweed Ecosystems’ Role as Carbon Sinks 0522 - Seaweeds directly can sequester carbon, but creatures that come with seaweed may have the opposite effect, and perhaps somewhat larger. More research is needed.
Why Using the Oceans to Suck Up CO2 Might Not Be as Easy as Hoped 0322
Plankton May Have Unexpected Resilience to Warming Ocean Waters 0322
U.S. Experts Endorse Research on Ocean Carbon-Removal Strategies 1221 - some involve algae and Kelp
Tweak Ocean Ecosystems? Maybe Not, Study Says. 0220
Humans May Be Accidentally Geo-engineering the Oceans 0719
Mysterious Green Antarctic Icebergs Might Be Fertilizing the Southern Ocean 0319
Biogenic Iron Dust for Ocean Iron Fertilization to Remove CO2 from Air at Scale 0219
Trends in Ocean Colour and Chlorophyll Concentration, 1889-2000, Worldwide - less chlorophyll in Pacific and Indian Oceans, but more in the North Atlantic
Healthy Climate News – 7 Technologies That Could Scale 0317 - 3 involve ocean capture, 2 with algae.
Massive Tree Farms, Soil Carbon Sequestration May Be Really Bad Climate Ideas 0216
Darkening soils and forests, from carbon sequestration, especially biochar, increases solar radiation absorbed.
$60 trillion ($30 trillion?) price tag to cut 50 ppm via rock dust / gravel is a lot of money (but less than warming damages?).
Dedicating soils to carbon sequestration may (probably not) make them unavailable for farming.
Problems with farming the oceans to sequester carbon via algae.
Antarctic Icebergs Have Surprise Role in Slowing Warming 0116
Plankton Poo Clue Could Aid Climate Predictions 1015
Scientists Urge Global ‘Wake-up Call' to Deal with Climate Change 0215
Secrets of the Shelf Seas – One of Earth’s Most Important Ecosystems 0115
Models ‘Underplay Plant CO2 Absorption' 1014
Impact of Last Year’s Rouge Ocean Fertilization Experiment Still Unclear 1213
Ocean Iron Study Means Climate Rethink 0713
Australia Bid to Stop 'Ocean Fertilization' 0513
Seeding Ocean with Volcanic Iron Did Little to Lower CO2 0313
Olivine to Fertilize Oceans Gets Thumbs Down 0113
Seeding the Ocean to Capture Carbon 0113
Patented Thermocline Can Upwell & Plankton Sequester CO2 1112
Ocean Algae to Remove CO2 Are Major Toxic 0310
Hungry Plankton Scuttle Ocean Fertilization 0309
Scientists Urge Caution in Ocean 1208
Rising Carbon Sinks - Ocean - Raise Alkalinity & Other
How Seeding the Oceans with Minerals Could Grab Carbon from the Atmosphere 0923
Shopify, Startup Running Tide Tout Ocean Carbon Removal Breakthrough 0823 - bury logs covered in limestone on seabed.
How Shocking the Ocean Could Turn It into a Carbon Removal Powerhouse 0523
Startups Turn to Ocean to Capture More Carbon off Southern California Coast 0223
Pulling CO2 from the Ocean Might Be More Efficient than Direct Air Capture 0223
Ocean-Assisted Carbon Removal 0123 - ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) and electrochemical direct ocean capture
Testing of Carbon Removal by Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Is About to Start 0123
The Eastern Mediterranean Sea Is So Hot, It’s Forming Carbonate Crystals 1022
Using Alkaline Rock Minerals to Combat Climate Change 0522
Mysterious Deep-Ocean Creatures May Help Combat Climate Change 0222 exotic tiny creatures on deep seabed
An Ocean of Optimism to Trap Emissions 0122
CO2 Capture by Pumping Surface Acidity to the Deep Ocean 0122
Southern Ocean Is Absorbing Carbon, Net 0122 - Lots of wave action mixes oxygen down. Plus cold water absorbs gases better than warmer water.
U.S. Experts Endorse Research on Ocean Carbon-Removal Strategies 1221
How the Humble Salp Is Helping to Fight the Climate Crisis 0621 - Salps, jellyfish and other gelatinous creatures such as comb jellies remove up to an estimated 6.8 billion tonnes of carbon each year from seas around the world. Of that, some 2 billion tonnes of the carbon is thought to fall to the seafloor, where it stays locked up and out of harm’s way.
Petrifying Climate Change 0621 - Seawater contains a lot of calcium and magnesium. When the calcium or magnesium ions combine with CO2, they form calcite or magnesite. This changes CO2 to a mineral, rock as it were. The chemical reaction is similar to how many marine organisms build their shells. The research team is using electricity to drive this reaction.
Prairies of the Sea 1120 -Sea grassees store up to 18% of the ocean’s carbon sequestration, even though they cover only about 0.1% of the ocean floor.
Can the Kelp Forests of the World’s Oceans Help Solve the Climate Crisis? 0620
The Ocean Is Part of the Climate Change Solution 1019 -
Seaweed ‘Forests' Can Help Fight Climate Change 0819 - iron fertilization, shoreline mangroves & marshes, offshore wind
Slow Climate Change by Protecting Creatures That Store Carbon in the Ocean 0419
Wetland Mud Is ‘Secret Weapon' against Climate Change 0319
The 7 Positive Externalities of Negative Emissions from OTEC 1218 - OTEC, send surface water deep
Deep Water Seagrass Meadows Are Untapped Carbon Sinks 1218
Invading Plants Boost Blue Carbon 1018
Mangroves May Store Way More Carbon than We Thought 0518
Climate Scientists Unlock Secrets of ‘Blue Carbon’ 0118 - wetlands, mangroves, kelp - C density / hectare equal
Healthy Climate News – 7 Technologies That Could Scale 0317 - 1 involves de-acidifying the ocean..
How to Make Coastal Mangrove Habitats Sequester Even More Carbon 0517
Could Elusive Deep-Sea Microbes Help Fight Climate Change? 0916
How Northern European Waters Soak Up CO2 - 0216
Southern Ocean Showing ‘Remarkable' Revival in Carbon Absorption Ability 0915
How Fjords Are Helping Curb Global Warming 0515
Eelgrass Could Save the Planet 1114
Storm Warning - the Winds of Climate Change 0714
Sea Urchin Nickel Soaks Up CO2 0213
Mangrove Conservation Is Economic 0812
Coastal Carbon Sinks in Dire Need of Protection 1209
Rising Carbon Sinks - Misc.
Can Moss, a Powerful Carbon Storage Solution, Help Fight Climate Change? 0523
Capturing Carbon with Giant Algae Ponds in the Middle of the Desert 1122
Climate Week Congregants Should Address Methane 0922
Re-Planting Wetlands Could Help Stave Off Climate Catastrophe 0622
U.K. Startup Launches Drywall Made from Absorbed CO2 - 0322
Protecting the Beasts of the Land and Sea Could Help Fight Climate Change 0322
Carbon Capture Takes Center Stage 0322 - from smokestacks, generally for re-use rather than sequestration
Engineered Bacteria Eat CO2, Release Valuable Carbon-Negative Acetone and Isopropyl 0322
As Carbon Emissions Rise Unabated, Scientists Eye a Methane Removal Fix 1121 - 1. Iron Salt Aerosols, 2. Dual Greenhouse Gas Direct Air Capture, 3. Iron Chloride Spray from Container Ships, 4. Ultraviolet Light with Titanium Dioxide Paint, on Moving Surfaces
Weird Ideas to Fix the Climate Crisis Might Be All We Have 1021
Oslo’s Plan to Sequester Incinerator CO2 - 0721
Swift Action to Cut Methane Emissions Could Slow Earth’s Warming 30% - 0421
This Canadian Startup Wants to Make Our Buildings Out of CO2 - 1120
Scientists Just Engineered Bacteria to Eat CO2 - 1219
Green Cement? Captured Carbon May Fuel New Markets and Help Climate 1119
Climate Change Solution - Convert Atmospheric Methane to CO2 - 0519
Concrete Breakthrough Can Reverse Climate Change, Restore a Healthy Climate 0419
How to Convert CO2 into Furniture, Drugs, and Plastics - Cheaply and Efficiently 1218
Would Flooding the Deserts Help Stop Global Warming? 1118
Latitudinal Limits to Predicted Increased Peatland Carbon Sink with Warming 0918
Storing Billions of Tons of Carbon Could Start with CCS for Ethanol 0418
Can California’s Carbon Queen Recycle Pollution? 0318
This Startup Turns CO2 Pollution into Fish Feed 1017
Extreme New Zealand Bugs Could Help Fight Climate Change 0917 - methane-munching bugs in hot springs
Siberian Wildlife Park Aims to Restore Arctic Ecosystem, Slow Climate Change 0417
Scientists Hope Wetland Carbon Storage Experiment Is Everyone's Cup of Tea 0217 Tea rot rate measures sequestration.
Surprising Carbon Sink - Cement Absorbs, Stores CO2 - 1116
We’re Placing Far Too Much Hope in Pulling CO2 from the Air, Scientists Warn 1016
CO2, Climate Change Seen As Waste Disposal Challenge 0916
Pump CO2 into Rocks, Report Urges 0916
Michigan Scientists See Urgency for Negative Emissions 0816
Paris Climate Goals Mean Emissions Need to Drop Below Zero 1215 - repeat of CCS from biomass-fired power plants
Is the 2°C World a Fantasy? 1115 - carbon capture & storage from smokestacks of biomass-fired power plants
Could Diesel Made from Thin Air Help Tackle Climate Change? 0915
Crop Dusters Seed Mangroves by Air, to Save Louisiana Wetlands 0815
Underground Desert Aquifers Could Hold Missing Carbon 0815
Salty Lakes Across Prairies Storing Carbon from the Atmosphere 0215
Wetlands, Swamps ‘Hold Great Potential' to Store Carbon, Fight Climate Change 0215
Can Ants Save the World from Climate Change? 0814
Your Next Roadside Attraction - Carbon Storage 0714
Strategies to Mitigate Climate Change in Agriculture 0414 - PDF, 146 pp
World May Have to Remove Carbon from Air to Meet Climate Goals 0114
U.N. Says Lag in Confronting Climate Woes Will Be Costly 0114
Carbon Storage Studies Grapple with Politics, Geology 0913
Carbon Cycle Gets More Extreme as Climate Changes 0813
Great Lakes Wetlands May Mitigate Climate Change 0413
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Ocean+. .Other 2+
Rising Carbon Sinks - Forests & Trees
Republicans Want to Plant a Trillion Trees. Scientists Are Skeptical. 0823
Peatland Restoration in Temperate Nations Could Be Carbon Storage Bonanza 0223
More than 90% of Rainforest Carbon Offsets by Biggest Provider Are Worthless 0123
Brazil, Indonesia and Congo Sign Rainforest Protection Pact 1122
Why Old-Growth Forests Matter So Much in the Fight Against Climate Change 0422
CO2 Removal with Pickled Trees 0322
We Need a Bigger Planet to Fix the Climate with Trees 1121
Florida Is Ditching Palm Trees to Fight the Climate Crisis 1021
Mangrove Restoration Done Right Has Clear Economic and Ecological Benefits 0821
Reforestation Holds Promise for Europe’s Increasingly Drier Summers 0821
Will Russia’s Forests Be an Asset or an Obstacle in Climate Fight? 0721
Forests as Big as France Have Grown Back since 2000 - 0521
There Will Never Be Enough Trees in the World to Offset Our CO2 Emissions 0421
Re-Wilding Is Key to Averting Mass Extinctions and Reducing Carbon Emissions 1120
China's Forest Carbon Uptake ‘Underestimated' 1020
Healthy Mangroves Can Protect against Climate Change 1219
'Green Gold' Tree Offers Brazil Deforestation Hope 1019
Empress Trees Are Already World’s Most Efficient Carbon Capture Technology 0819
11 to 80 x the CO2 / acre / year as other trees
Planting ‘Billions of Trees’ Isn’t Going to Stop Climate Change 0719 -
one of many blowback articles on the tree-palnting study
Tree Planting ‘Has Mind-Blowing Potential' to Tackle Climate Crisis 0719
Forests Scramble to Absorb Carbon, as Emissions Continue to Increase 0319
Young Forests Have a Huge Climate Impact 0219
Massive Worldwide Reforestation Would Cancel Out a Decade of CO2 Emissions 0219
Natural Climate Solutions, Including Farm Conservation, Can Reduce Global Warming 1118
Natural Climate Solutions Could Cancel Out 1/5 of U.S. Emissions 1118
Urban Trees Can Store Almost as Much Carbon as Tropical Rainforests 0618
Sweeping New Estimate of How Much Humans Have Transformed Earth 1217
The Largest Ever Tropical Reforestation Is Planting 73 Million Trees 1017 - Brazil
Nature Is One of the Most Under-Appreciated Tools for Reining in Carbon 1017
Why the Way We Manage the Carbon Bio-Flux Matters 1017
Estonia Cuts Carbon Emissions by Replanting Bogs 0817
Stop Hoping We Can Fix Climate Change by Using Bioenergy Forests, Scientists Warn 0517
Focus on Carbon Removal a ‘High-Stakes Gamble’ 0517
Drylands Greener with Forests than Previously Thought 0517
Global Greening May Soak Up Less CO2 than Projected 0317
White House Releases Climate Change Plan Before Trump Takes Office 1116
Morocco Plants Millions of Trees along Roads to Fight Climate Change 1116
Global ‘Greening' Has Slowed Rise of CO2 in the Atmosphere 1116
African Mangrove & Wetlands Project - Win for the Climate and the People? 1116
India Plants 50 Million Trees in 1 Day, Smashing World Record 0716
Negative Emissions Key to Meeting 2°C Threshold 0716 - bio-energy with carbon capture and storage. Just cutting emissions under the Paris agreement may not be enough to keep global warming from blasting past 2°C. - NCAR study
Pay Forest Owners to Not Cut Down Trees, to Slow Deforestation Cheaply 0716
Thanks to Climate Change, the Arctic Is Turning Green 0616
Norway Becomes 1st Nation to Ban Deforestation. How Will That Work? 0616
Warming Could Boost Carbon Storage in Alaska Forests 0616
Forests Re-Grown on Cleared Latin American Lands Key for Climate, Land Rights 0516
Teak Absorbs Max CO2 from Air, Helps Check Global Warming 0416
These Tiny Mangroves Hold Vast Stores of Carbon 0316
China's Forest Conservation Program Shows Proof of Success 0316
Trees Deal with Climate Change Better than Expected 0316
Massive Tree Farms, Soil Carbon Sequestration May Be Really Bad Climate Ideas 0216
Darkening soils and forests, from carbon sequestration, especially biochar, increases solar radiation absorbed.
$60 trillion ($30 trillion?) price tag to cut 50 ppm via rock dust / gravel is a lot of money (but less than warming damages?).
Dedicating soils to carbon sequestration may (probably not) make them unavailable for farming.
Problems with farming the oceans to sequester carbon via algae.
Rainforest Regrowth Boosts Carbon Capture 0216
Paris Climate Goals Mean Emissions Need to Drop Below Zero 1215
Crop Dusters Seed Mangroves by Air, to Save Louisiana Wetlands 0815
UK to Build World’s 1st Power Plant with Negative Emissions 0815 - wood pellets with CCS
Vietnam Ready to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions 0815
Brazil Beef Industry Pledges Are Cutting Amazon Deforestation 0515
Sri Lanka 1st Nation to Protect All Mangrove Forests 0515
China's 'Green Great Wall' Takes the Prize for Planting the Most Trees 0415
Despite Deforestation, the World Is Turning Greener 0315
Best Technology to Save the World Is Trees, Biochar and More Soil Carbon 0215
Tropical Forests May Inhaling 1/3 of Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions 0115
Could Forests Help States Offset Coal Plant Emissions under EPA Rule? Probably Not 0115
Going Green - Pakistan to Get $39 Million to Preserve Forests 1214
Restored Forests Breathe Life Into Efforts Against Climate Change 1214
Time Is Right for Global Focus on Forest Land Rights 0914
With Warming, Eastern Forests Inhale More CO2 Than They Exhale 0514
Guatemala’s Ambitious Project to Capture 1.8 Million Tons of Carbon 1113
In Carbon Sequestration, Money Grows on Trees 1213
Carbon Cycle Gets More Extreme as Climate Changes 0813
Study Questions Nature’s Ability to ‘Self-Correct’ Climate: Soil vs Above-Ground Carbon 0813
Desert 'Carbon Farming' to Curb CO2 0813
Australian Plants Soaking Up Carbon Pollution 0213
NASA Map Reveals Tropical Forest Carbon Storage 0511
Forest Loss Slows as Asian Nations Plant Trees 0211
How Much Carbon Does a Tropical Tree Sequester? 0710
Nobel Laureate Says Plant Trees in Africa 0909
Fading Carbon Sinks - Forests
Deforestation Surged in 2022, despite Pledges 0623
More than 800 Million Amazon Trees Felled in 6 years, to Meet Beef Demand 0623
Deforestation Inc. - How 'Green' Firms Prevent Climate Action 0323
Finance Is Failing the World’s Best Defense against Climate Change 0223
A $39 Trillion Investor Alliance Gives Warning on Carbon Offsets 0223
Has the Amazon Reached Its ‘Tipping Point(s)’? Savannah? Scrubland? 0123
Multi-Million $ Forest Regeneration Carbon Credits Yielded Fewer Trees 1122
Global Deforestation Pledge Will Be Missed without Urgent Action 1022
Forest Loss in East Brazil Changes How Close the Amazon Is to a Tipping Point 0922
Europe Is Sacrificing Its Ancient Forests for Energy 0922
Wildfires Are Destroying California's Forest Carbon Credit Reserves 0822
How Deforestation Is Pushing the Amazon toward a Tipping Point 0722
Amazon Deforestation Hits New Record in Brazil 0722
Let’s Not Pretend Planting Trees Is a Permanent Climate Solution 0622
In an Increasingly Warmer World, Trees Are Not a Climate Change Cure-All 0522
Climate, Carbon-Cycle Effects of Fossil-Fuel Use vs Deforestation Disturbances 0522
The World Has Been Losing 10 Soccer Fields of Tropical Forest Per Minute 0422
Tropical Trees’ Growth and CO2 Intake Hit by More Extreme Dry Seasons 0422
Amazon Rainforest Hurtles toward a Tipping Point, Can't Recover from Droughts, Logging 0322
Tipping Points Passed? (4) Forests and the Amazon - a Faltering Carbon Sink 0122
Brazil’s Cerrado Tracker Records 6-year Deforestation High 0122
Brazil’s Amazon Hit by Worst Deforestation since 2006 - 1121
How Your 401(k) Is Helping Destroy the Amazon Rainforest 1121
Brazil Reports Increase in Amazon Logging 1021
Regrowing Forests Offset Only 10% of Amazon Deforestation’s CO2 Emissions 0821
Cerrado Desertification - Savanna Could Collapse within 30 Years 0721
Bolsonaro’s 1,000 km Amazon Railway Will Cause Climate Chaos. We Must Stop It 0721
Planting Trees “Doesn't Make Any Sense" in Fight against Climate Change 0721 - Forests need to have a permanence of 100 years to be effective carbon stores. They don’t, with wildfires, drought, etc. Carbon sequestration underground is more durable. Plant trees in a smart way, not a monoculture. Etc.
One of Canada’s Biggest Carbon Sinks Is Circling the Drain 0521
A Climate “Solution” Actually Adds Millions of Tons of CO2 to the Atmosphere 0421 - semi-phantom forest offsets in California: use average tree carbon / sq meter nin a zone, buy land that’s above average and take credit for the difference
Large-Scale Deforesters Emboldened under Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Data Indicate 0421 - typical size of a newly deforested parcel grows , by a good bit, as enforcement is cut back and even disappears
Why Dead Trees Are ‘the Hottest Commodity on the Planet’ 0421 - Lumber prices tripled as pandemic’s stay-at-home workers want more DIY indoor space, but mountain pine bark beetles have decimated British Columbia forests, the prime home of lumber traditionally.
Huge Forest Accounting Problem Could Hamper World’s Push to Cut Emissions 0421 - Who gets credit for a forest preserved as an offset? Buyer, seller, both or neither? Many nations use different rules from independent evaluators. Large-emitting nations with large forests wind up with phantom benefits unless rules are changed.
Paris Climate Agreement Overlooks Wood Pellet Loophole 0421 - In Europe, wood pellets are deemed carbon neutral. However, it takes decades to recoup the carbon in new growth from trees that are felled. If the replanted trees survive fire and other hazards. Meanwhile, more carbon is in the air over the sooner years, when we most need to cut carbon in the air.
Tropical Forest Destruction Accelerated in 2020 - 0321
We’re Killing Those Tropical Trees We’re Counting On to Absorb CO2 - 0221
Trees That Live Fast, Die Young, and Mess with Climate Models 0121
Net, Land Absorbs Carbon Now, but It Could Emit It in Just a Few Decades 0121 - forests AND soils
Wave of Infrastructure Projects to Cause Widespread Deforestation in Coming Decades 1120
Shorter Lifespan of Faster-Growing Trees Will Add to Climate Crisis 0920
‘Zombie Fires’ in the Arctic Pump Out Carbon at Record Pace 0720
Planting Non-Native Trees Accelerates Carbon Release Back into the Atmosphere 0620
Planting New Forests ‘Can Do More Harm than Good' 0620
Asynchronous Carbon Sink Saturation in African and Amazonian Tropical Forests 0620
Mangrove Forests Won't Survive Expected Sea-Level Rise by 2050 if CO2 Emissions Aren't Reduced 0620
Amazon under Threat - Fires, Loggers and Now Virus 0520
Deforestation Boosts Brazil Greenhouse Gas Emissions, as Global Emissions Fall 0520
Forests Are Vanishing More Slowly, but Not Slowly Enough 0520
Why ‘Carbon-Cycle Feedbacks’ Could Drive Temperatures Even Higher 0420
Amazon Rainforest Reaches Point of No Return 0320
Record-High Global Tree Cover Loss Driven by Agriculture 0320
Tropical Forests Losing Their Ability to Absorb Carbon 0320
Early Deforestation Numbers for 2019 Reveal Trends in the Amazon 0220
Forest Loss Moves Swiftly, Once 50% Deforestation ‘Tipping Point’ Reached 0120
Wildfires Are Changing Canada's Boreal Forests 0120
Paris Accord ‘Impossible to Implement’ if Tropical Forest Loss Not Stopped 1219
Top Scientists Warn of an Amazon ‘Tipping Point’ 1219
Preserving Western Forests Is Crucial in Fight against Climate Change 1219
Climate Emissions from Tropical Forest Damage Underestimated by a Factor of 6 - 1019
In the Fight Against Climate Change, Not All Forests Are Equal 1019 - Old growth are best; read this to learn why.
What Happens When the Amazon Forest Disappears? 1019 - It becomes savanna, with frequent fires, cerrado trees
Alaska’s Tongass Forest Eats a Ton of Carbon, but Trump Aims to Cut It Down 1019 - Its 3 GT of carbon = 2 years’ US use
Why Keeping Mature Forests Intact Is Key to the Climate Fight 1019 - soil carbon, US Southeast pellets feed Europe power plants
‘It’s Really Close’ - How the Amazon Rainforest Could Self-Destruct 0819 - 20-25% deforestation would drive runaway dieback, fueld by ever less rainfall due to less forest. 19.3% is Brazil’s government’s estimate of deforestation.
If Carbon Offsets Require Forests to Stay Standing, What Happens When the Amazon Is on Fire? 0819
What Indigenous Rights Have to Do with Fighting Climate Change 0819
Charred Forests Not Growing Back as Expected in Pacific Northwest 0719
Amazon Rainforest on Fire 0719
Why Carbon Credits for Forest Preservation may Be Worse than Nothing 0519
Many forest “offsets” may exist only on paper. Or worse, existing “offset” forests may be cut down for farming.
Climate Change May Make trees Live Fast and Die Young 0519
Canada Forests Haven’t Absorbed Carbon than They Released since 2001 - 0519
Canada's Forests Actually Emit More Carbon than They Absorb 0219
Earth’s Ability to Take Up Carbon Could Decline after 2060 - 0119
Extreme Weather Events Could Worsen Climate Change 0119
Haiti May Lose All Primary Forest by 2035, Mass Extinction Underway 1118
Congo Basin Rainforest May Be Gone by 2100 - 1118
Tropical Deforestation Now Emits More CO2 than the EU 1018
Scientists Say Halting Deforestation ‘Just as Urgent' as Reducing Emissions 1018
Deforestation Continues to Climb in the Brazilian Amazon 0918
Soggier Forest Soils Thwart the Uptake of Climate-Warming Methane 0818
Grasslands May Be More Reliable Carbon Sinks than Forests in California 0718
Some Forests Are Not Growing Back after Wildfires, Research Finds 1217
Sweeping New Estimate of How Much Humans Have Transformed Earth 1217
Tropical Deforestation Is Getting Bigger 1117 - esp. in Indonesia & SE Asia, also S America outside Brazil
Why the Way We Manage the Carbon Bio-Flux Matters 1017
Record Amazon Fires Stun Scientists; Sign of Sick, Degraded Forests 1017
Why the Forest Carbon Sink Is Disappearing - Death by 1,000 Cuts 0917
World’s Tropical Forests Are Huge Carbon Emission Source 0917
Deforestation Has Double the Global Warming Effect as Previously Thought 0917
Brazilian Court Blocks Abolition of Vast Amazon Reserve 0817
What Indonesia Is Doing about Its Deadly Haze from Forest and Peatland Fires 0817
A Nebraska-Sized Area of Forest Disappeared in 2015 - 0717
Paying People to Not Cut Down Trees Pays Off, Study Finds 0717
War-Torn South Sudan at Grave Risk on Climate Change 0717
Deforestation Soars in Colombia, after FARC Rebels' Demobilization 0717
Europe's Contribution to Deforestation Set to Rise, despite Pledge to Halt It 0617
Deforestation in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest Rose Almost 60% in the Last Year 0617
Ending Land Clearing Would Compete with Renewables in Carbon Abatement 0517
The Strange Case of the Liana Vine and Its Role in Global Warming 0417
Amazon Jungle Faces Death Spiral of Drought and Deforestation, Warn Scientists 0317
Amazon Deforestation, Once Tamed, Comes Roaring Back 0217
Deforestation Rises with Incomes in Developing Economies 0117
We Are Destroying Rainforests So Quickly, They May Be Gone in 100 Years 0117
Humans Destroyed 7% of Earth’s Pristine Forest Landscapes Just since 2000 - 0117
Like U.S., Brazil Risks Falling Behind on Climate Change 1216
Amazon Rainforest Destruction Is Speeding Up, When Earth Can Least Afford It 1216
Deforestation Forces Up Brazil’s Carbon Emissions 1116
As Cities Warm, Trees Lose Some of Their Ability to Remove Carbon from the Air 1016
Indonesian Islamic Council Issues Fatwa on Forest Fires 0916
Alarming Number of Fires in the Brazilian Amazon 0916
Costa Rica’s Tapirs Have Surprising Link to Climate Change 0916 - Big frugivores spread seeds of largest tropical trees.
Drought Shut Down Amazon Carbon Sink 0716
California Redwoods Store More Carbon per Acre than Any Other Forests 0716
Dry Amazon Could See Record Fire Season 0616
Forest Fires Can Heat Up the Whole Planet 0616 - Northern (boreal) forest fires put carbon in the air not only from standing trees, but also from peat, while they thaw permafrost, for still more carbon emissions.
Norway Becomes 1st Nation to Ban Deforestation. How Will That Work? 0616
Spike in Alaska Wildfires Is Worsening Global Warming 0616
Queensland's Mangrove Ecosystem Dying in Secret 0516
These Tiny Mangroves Hold Vast Stores of Carbon 0316
China's Success Regrowing Its Forests Has a Flip Side - Deforestation Elsewhere 0316
Satellite Data Suggests Forest Loss Is Accelerating 0316
Africa’s Forests ‘Threatened by Palm Oil Rush’ 0216
Rainforests May Store Less Carbon as Climate Changes 0216
Global Deforestation Is Decreasing. Or Is It? 0116 - Contrast Indonesia (bad) with Brazil (mostly good).
Indonesia’s Fires Blamed for Potent Greenhouse Gases 0116
Eliminating Large Fruit-Eating Animals Wrecks Tropical Forest Carbon Storage 1215
After Errors, Congo Basin Forest Effort Restarts with New Scrutiny 1215
Destruction of Brazil's Amazon Forest Jumps 16% in 2015 - 1115
Forests Are Key to Climate 1115
Forest Dieback Could Undermine U.S. Plans to Cut CO2 Emissions 1115
Indonesian Fires Are Pouring Huge Amounts of Carbon into the Atmosphere 1015 - peat +. CO2 > Germany's, Japan’s.
Alaskan Wildfires Could Make Global Warming Worse 1015. Soils, permafrost too.
Rapid and Startling Decline of World’s Vast Boreal Forests 1015
Deforestation Halved over Past Decades 0915
Tree Loss Slows, but Covers Area Twice the Size of Portugal in 2014 - 0915
Earth Is on Track to Lose an India-Sized Chunk of Tropical Forests by 2050 - 0815
Massive Wildfires Transform Siberian Paradise (by Lake Baikal) into Disaster Area 0815
Drought Damages Trees' Ability to Store Carbon 0715
Hundreds of Millions of Acres of World's Forest Could be Lost by 2030 - 0415
World's Plants and Soils to Switch from Carbon Sink to Source by 2100 - 0415
Canada and Russia Beat Tropical Countries to Top Global Deforestation List 0415 - Boreal forest fires grew more, bigger.
Subsidies to Deforesting Industries Worth 100 Times the Aid to Prevent It 0315
Indonesia Defends Deforestation for Palm Oil on Economic Grounds 0315
Brazil’s Deforestation Rates Are on the Rise Again 0315
Amazon Forest Losing Carbon-Storing Capacity 0315
Amazon Droughts Make 'Earth’s Lungs' Emit More CO2 Than They Capture 0315
Tropical Forests May Be Vanishing Even Faster Than Previously Thought 0215 - satellite data vs national reports
Zimbabwe Forests Under Threat 0215
Scientists - No, We Can't Fight Climate Change by Burning Trees 0215
Western Amazon Oil Boom Covers Chile-Sized Bloc of Rainforest 0215
Southern Forests' Ability to Suck Carbon From the Air May Be Slowing 0215
Obama's Climate Plan Could Threaten U.S. Forests 0115
Tropical Forests May Inhaling 1/3 of Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions 0115
Tropical Deforestation Could Disrupt Rainfall Globally 1214 - take #1 on study
Tropical Deforestation Threatens Global Food Production 1214 - take #2 on study
Tropical Rainforests Not Absorbing as Much Carbon as Expected 1214
Indonesia Cracks Down on Deforestation, in Symbolic U-Turn 1114
Global Meat Demand Plows Up Brazil's 'Underground Forest’ 1114
New Amazon Carbon Maps May Help Limit Deforestation 1114
Drying Amazon Could Be Major Carbon Concern 1014
from US 2013 draft National Climate Assessment
Indonesia Surpasses Brazil in Deforestation Rate 0614
Rainforest Absorption of CO2 Becoming Erratic 0114
Urban Sprawl Threatens Water Quality, Land Conservation Gains 1213
Indonesia’s Forests Are Shrinking, Despite Reforms 1013
Dead Trees in Colder Areas Decay Only Slowly 0313
How Beijing Is Shaping the Amazon 0213
Deforestation Appears to Rise Again in Brazil 0113
Amazon Deforestation at Record Low 1112
Earth's Forest Carbon Sink Downsized 23% 1012
World Forest Area Still Declining 0812
We Can Reforest the Earth 0712
Trees Absorb Less Carbon in Warming World Than Experts Have Assumed 0512
Forest Change Risks Climate Goal 1211
Forest Biofuel Production Will Raise Carbon Emissions 1011
Drivers of Deforestation: Executive Summary 0611 - PDF
2nd 100-Year Amazon Drought in 5 Years Emitted More CO2 than China 0211
Land Plant Carbon Uptake Reverses 0810
Soybean Demand Attacks Amazon Rainforest 1209
Climate Talks Near Deal to Save Forests 1209
Amazon Deforestation Rate Down 45% 1109
Amazon Forest Mostly Doomed 0809
Amazon Forest Flips to Be a Carbon Source 0409
Canada Forests Become Carbon Source 0409
Forests Dying in Western US from Warming 0409
Climate Change Could Shrink Amazon 85% 0309
US Forests Dying from Climate Change 0109 - WEB
Heat Turns Plants from Sinks to Sources 0908
Warming to Cut Carbon Sink in Western US 1207
2002 Drought Cut N America CO2 Sink 50% 1207
N America Drought Cut CO2 Uptake - Peters 1207 - PDF below, red is drier soil, blue is moister
"Net terrestrial summer flux (Net Ecosystem Production + fires for weeks 20-34) anomaly for the 2 extreme years of our estimate. 2002 has a strong positive summer flux anomaly, due to droughts. In contrast, 2004 showed high uptake during the summer. …1° x 1° [resolution].
Units are grams of carbon per square meter per year."
Note from graph of US Droughts by Severity on "No Water" page for 2000-13: the drought peaked in 2002 and wound down especially during 2004.
US Forest Fire CO2 Can Exceed Cars' 1207
Western Wildfires Impact on Carbon Balance 1207 - PDF, 33 pp
Fading Carbon Sinks - Peat
For the Love of Peat - Our Best Defense against a Changing Climate 1021
Peatlands Store Lots of Carbon, but Warming and Development Could End That 1220
‘Zombie Fires’ in the Arctic Pump Out Carbon at Record Pace 0720
Climate Change May Turn Amazon Peatlands from Carbon Sinks to Sources 1118
What Indonesia Is Doing about Its Deadly Haze from Forest and Peatland Fires 0817
Tropical Peat Forests Risk Turning from Carbon ‘Drains' to Emitters 0617
Carbon Deposit in Congo Peat Swamp = 20 Years of U.S. CO2 Emissions 0117
Amazon Peatlands Are ‘Most Carbon-Dense Ecosystem’ 1214
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Other 2+
Fading Carbon Sinks - Oceans
Decline of Diatoms due to Ocean Acidification 0522
Kelp Won’t Help - Why Seaweed May Not Help Carbon Storage after All 0322
Sea Meadows Store More Carbon per Area than Forests. How Much Is Left? 0421
The Ocean Carbon Sink Has Set the Next Political Hurdle 1120 - As we stop putting CO2 in the air, instead of the partial pressure difference pushing some of that into the oceans, it will reverse direction. So the oceans will push some of their dissolved carbon back into the air, to establish a new equilibrium. Thus, CO2 removal must extend beyond what’s in the air that we put there, to what’s in the ocean that we once put in the air, but is now returning to the air.
Waning Ocean CO2 Absorption Complicates Plans to Slash Climate Pollution 0620
Will Climate Change Threaten Earth’s Other ‘Lung’? 0420
Ocean Carbon Tipping Process, Point, and Peril 0719
The Southern Ocean May Be Less of a Carbon Sink than We Thought 0619
Climate Change is Altering the Composition of the World’s Plankton Communities 0519
Zooplankton, notably the terribly common Foraminifera, shift 374 miles poleward on average.
Plastic Eaten by Plankton May Impair Oceans’ Ability to Trap CO2 - 0419
Invisible Scum on Sea Cuts CO2 Exchange with Air 'by Up to 50%’ - 0518
Threatened Blue Carbon Ecosystems Store Carbon 40 x Faster than Forests 0318
'Game Changer' - New Vulnerability to Climate Change in Ocean Food Chain 0318
Global CO2 Emissions Still Accelerating, even as Human Ones Level Off 0516
Phytoplankton Rapidly Disappearing from the Indian Ocean 0216 - 30% decline in 15 years. satellite chlorophyll surveys
How Fast Will Rising Temperatures Shrink the Earth's CO2 Storage Spots? 0615
Secrets of the Shelf Seas – One of Earth’s Most Important Ecosystems 0115
Storm Warning - the Winds of Climate Change 0714
Warming World Caused Southern Ocean to Exhale 0113
Rapid Decline in Phytoplankton 0710
Acid Oceans & Seagrass Meadows 1209
Acid Oceans Absorbing Less CO2 1109
Acid Ocean Thinning Marine Shells 0309
Warming Is Reducing Ocean CO2 Uptake 0109
N Atlantic CO2 Sink Down 50% - Schuster 1207 - PDF
World Ocean Plankton & CO2 Fall - Behrenfeld 1207 - PDF
GO TO Top. .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+ -. .Ocean+.
Fading Carbon Sinks - General
Methane Emissions Much More Sensitive to Global Heating than Earlier Thought 0722
How Coastland Development ‘Blue Carbon' Contributes to Climate Change 0615
How Fast Will Rising Temperatures Shrink the Earth's CO2 Storage Spots? 0615
Carbon Sinks Changing #2 - Fung 0313 - PDF
Plants and Soils Could Accelerate Climate Warming 1112
CO2 Levels Accelerate, re Canadell, Take 2 - 1207
More on CO2 Sink Fading, re Canadell, Take 1 - 1207
CO2 Levels Accelerate: Emissions 67%, Sinks 33% - Canadell 1207 - PDF
Carbon Sinks Changing #1 - Fung 1107 - PDF
Fading Carbon Sinks - Biofuel Problems
Why Keeping Mature Forests Intact Is Key to the Climate Fight 1019
Biofuels Worse than Oil on GHGs 0208
Biofuels Boost GHGs - Searchinger 0208 - PDF
Biofuels & Carbon Debt - Fargione 0208 - PDF
Fading Carbon Sinks - Soils
Shaky Ground - Selling sequestration credits is shaky, for several reasons. 1. Carbon may only move from the lower solis layers to the top foot. 2. Carbon may not stay in the ground nearly as long (a century) as the soil credit is sold for. 3. The error bars for measurements or claims are very wide, and include zero. 4. Sampling is relatively costly, so samples from a few sampled fields are combined in a computer model to estimate savings for many more unsampled fields. 5. Other lesser issues.
No-Till May Not Be the Agricultural Panacea We Thought It Was 0822 - With no-till, more carbon is found in the top 10 cm of soil, but even less (than before) 10-60 cm down, for less carbon (0.28 to 2.29 tonnes / hectare) stored aross the whole soil profile. Based on 144 studies over the last 50 years. Un-tilled soil becomes compacted over time.
Soil-Science Revolution Upends Plans to Fight Climate Change 0721 - Many, more recent, studies indicate that, when soil carbon building practices (no-till, cover crops, etc.) are used, more carbon shows up in the top. "When farmers skipped the tilling and instead drilled seeds into the ground, carbon stores grew in upper soil layers, but they disappeared from lower layers. Most experts now believe that the practice redistributes carbon within the soil rather than increases it.”
Moreover, what the researchers found — or, more specifically, what they didn’t find — was shocking: there were few or no long “recalcitrant” carbon molecules — the kind that don’t break down. Almost everything seemed to be small and, in principle, digestible.
Net, Land Absorbs Carbon Now, but It Could Emit It in Just a Few Decades 0121 - forests AND soils
Could Changing the Way We Farm Rice Be a Climate Solution? 0420
Climate Change May Reduce Soil’s Ability to Absorb Water – a Key Store of CO2 - 0919
Organic Farming Can Be Much Worse for the Climate 1218 - lower crop yields / acre —> more forest acres to food crops
There’s a Climate Bomb Under Your Feet 1017
1/3 of Earth's Soil Is Acutely Degraded due to Agriculture 0917
Drylands Will Suffer if World Reaches 2°C 0417
Is Climate Change Putting the World's Micro-Biomes at Risk? 0316
Earth Has Lost 1/3 of Arable Land in Past 40 Years 1215
Why Scientists Are So Worried about Drylands (40% of Earth’s Land) 0915
California Rangeland Lost to Farms & Cities Poses Greenhouse Gas Risk 1214
Warning over Vulnerability of Soil Carbon to Warming 0914
Study Questions Nature’s Ability to ‘Self-Correct’ Climate 0813
Soil Carbon Is Just Blowing in the Wind 0813
Fading Carbon Sources
Progress in SE Asia & Brazil to Slow Deforestation Could Boost Climate Efforts 0823
Why Won’t Companies Use This Quick Fix to Reduce Cow Methane Emissions? 0623 - Feed additive cuts methane in burps 30%, but is not cheap enough for most.
Cheap Methane Fix to Global Warming Is Finally Gaining Support 0623
The High-Stakes Race to Reduce Emissions from Cement 0623
Brazil’s Lula Lays Out Plan to Halt Amazon Deforestation 0623
A Simple Way to Prevent Heaps of Methane Pollution - Composting 0523
New (Gas) Pipeline Agency Rule Aimed at Cutting Methane Leaks 0523
Price to Plug Old Wells in Gulf of Mexico Is $30 Billion 0523
What’s Needed to Reach Net-Zero This Century - IEA 0423
Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon Falls in 1st Month under Lula 0223
Fixing Oil & Gas Industry Methane Leaks, a Climate Game Changer, Pays for Itself 1122
New Zealand to Tax Agriculture Emissions at the Farm, in World 1st 1022
1st Harvest of Methane-Reducing Seaweed Asparagopsis in Western Australia 1022
University of Queensland Looks to Drastically Cut Livestock Methane Emissions 1022
Reducing Beef’s Carbon Footprint Is Key to Net-Zero in Latin America, Caribbean 0922
Vultures Prevent 10s of Millions of Metric Tons of Carbon Emissions Each Year 0922
New Technology Could Help Air Conditioning’s Climate Problem 0922
Seaweed Feed Reduces Cow Methane Emissions, but Scaling Up Is Slow 0822
Plant-Based Meat Is by Far the Best Climate Investment, Report Finds 0722
Feeding Cows Seaweed Reduces Their Methane Emissions. Scaling Up Needed 0622 - Average methane belch reduction was 52% for feed Brominata, made of a red seaweed, Asparagopsis taxiformis, at a dairy farm in California.
Cow and Sheep Burps to Be Taxed by New Zealand, in World 1st 0622
Thawing Permafrost in Sweden Releases Less Methane than Feared 0522
Cracking Down on Methane ‘Ultra Emitters’ Can Combat Climate Change Quickly 0222
States to Get $1.15 Billion from Feds to Plug Abandoned Wells Leaking Methane 0122
Biden Wants to Cut Methane Emissions. We Must Get It Out of the Air, Too. 1121
Cow Feed That Cleans Potent Methane Burps Nears Europe Rollout 1121
The Cheap and Easy Climate Fix to Can Cool the Planet Fast - Methane Control 1021
EPA to Slash Use of Powerful Greenhouse Gases in Grocery Freezers 0921
China Just Entered Major HFC Climate Pact. Now Comes the Hard Part. 0921
A Techno-Economic Analysis of Carbon Capture Options in industry 0721
Capping Methane-Spewing Oil Wells, One Hole at a Time 0721
Manufacturers Are Now Providing Data for Buying Climate-Friendly Refrigerators 0421
Feeding Cows Seaweed Could Slash Their Methane Emissions a Staggering 82% - 0321
How Wetlands Are Linked to Our Climate 0221
Burger King Addresses Climate Change by Changing Cows' Diets 0720
Mootral’s Garlicky Supplements Solve Cow Methane Burps 0520
The Cheap and Easy Climate Fix to Can Cool the Planet Fast - Methane Control 1021
Carbon-Intensive Cement Industry Feeling the Heat 0919
America's Mega-Emitters Are Starting to Close 0819
Can Methane Burps Be Bred Out of Cows? 0719
Can We Grow Enough Seaweed to Help Cows Fight Climate Change? 0619
Dispose of Old CFCs to Help Fight Climate Change 0419
Companies Launch Plan to Capture Methane from Hog Manure Lagoons 1118
Termite Mounds Prevent 1/2 of Termite Methane Emissions 1118
How Eating Seaweed Can Help Cows to Belch Less Methane 0718
‘Farming’ Microbes to Feed Cows Could Save Land and Cut Emissions 0618
Negative Emissions Tested at World’s 1st Major BECCS Facility 0616
Rice Growers on the Front Lines of U.S. Carbon Markets 0116
Save More than 4 Million Lives a Year by Harnessing the Sun to Cook 0116
New Rice Could Help Reduce Global Greenhouse Gases 1215
Better Manure Management to Help Cut EU Farm Emissions by 2025 - 1215
Rice Farmers Now Eligible for California Carbon Offset Payments 0615
Replacing Old Gas Pipes Reduces Leaks 0915
Beef’s Impact on Argentina’s Emissions Scrutinized 0815
Diet Change Cuts Methane Emissions in Cow Burps 0815
Gas Utilities Reduce Methane Leaks 0315
Less-Gassy Cows Could Soon Be on Farms 1214
Not Long to Wait Till Released CO2 Turns Up Temperature 1214
Flights in the Pacific Fingered as a Big Climate Culprit 0913
Carbon Cycle Gets More Extreme as Climate Changes 0813
Cutting Methane, Soot Soon Can Slow Climate Damage 1112
Natural Sinks Still Sop Up Carbon 0512
Columbus Cut Atmospheric CO2 Levels 1011
Cut Soot, Methane & Low Ozone 0211
Carbon Cycle Science Update Since IPCC AR-4 0710 - WEB
Global GHG Emissions Flat in 2009 - 0710
Atmosphere Ripe for Climate Disaster Now 1108
Approaching Tipping Points 0108
GO TO Top .Permafrost 1. .2. .3. .PETM. .Hydrates. .Other+. .Soil:Farm. .Ranch. .Scrub-Rock-. .Ocean-. .Forest+-. .Ocean+. .Other 2