Global Warming - So What?

A Library about Climate Change

$/Ton , Gov't

 Below are articles about the role of governments in addressing global warming and climate change.  They are arranged in 8 major groups: Cap & Trade, Carbon Tax, International, Europe, Asia, US, Other Countries, and Statements on Science.  The US group has 7 sub-groups: Politicians, General Public, EPA Actions, Science in Politics, States, Investors, and Other.  Asia has 1 sub-group: China.

      Month and year follow each article's name.  PDF files are so marked, after month and date, some with authors noted.  Within sections, more recent files appear above older files.

    Diagrams are generally immediately below the summary articles from which they were taken.

Graph above is from Lester Brown’s book, Plan B v.2.0.

The East is Grey 0813  - available on other pages: as "China's Carbon & Climate Internal Challenges" on the Overviews page and "The Orient is Grey" on the Costs, Wars+ page, under Deaths.


GO TO Tax. .Cap. .Int'l 1. 2. 3. 4. .Europe .China .India+ .Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ President Exec Candidate. .States .EPA .Misc.

Pricing CO2

Comparing Carbon Pricing Methods


$ / Ton

Remaking the US Pollution Fight, by Valuing Future Benefits 0523

In a 1st, Coal Company Agrees to Use Social Cost of Carbon 0323

Europe's CO2 Price Hits a Record €100 - 0223

The Tricky Business of Putting a Dollar Value on a Human Life 1222

Below for China, divide by 6 (or, more recently - in early 2023 (left), by 7) to get US $ per tonne.

EU Gets Landmark Deal to Strengthen and Expand Carbon Market 1222

IMF Chief Says $75 / Ton Carbon Price Needed by 2030 - 1122


Carbon Pricing Needs ‘Radical Redesign,’ Says Asset Owner Group 0622

As Climate Change Costs Mount, Biden Seeks to Price Damages 0222

Europe’s Carbon Prices Surge to Fresh Records on Tight Supply 0222

Economists Implore Biden to Get Social Cost of Carbon Number Right 0122 - The administration’s initial estimate, released last year$62 per metric ton of CO2 by 2030—is way too low.

China's Carbon Market May Get Stricter Under a New Proposal 0122 - $9 to 10.25 / ton of CO2

Canada’s Biggest Emitters Are Paying the Lowest Carbon Tax Rate 0122 - $1.80 to $25.60 / ton of CO2

European Energy Prices Soar as a Deep Freeze Arrives 1221

Europe’s CO2 Price Has Almost Tripled in 2021 - 1221 - €80 / ton

Energy Crunch Drives Carbon Prices to Record as Europe Burns Coal 1121 - €71.21 per metric ton

EU CO2 Price Hits New Records, after Watchdog Finds No Market Abuse 1121

Judge Scraps Red State Lawsuit over Biden Carbon Metric 0821 - preliminary number is $51 / ton of CO2, compared to $1 under Trump and $50 (final) under Obama

Shipping Now Faces the Highest Price on Carbon for Any Global Industry 0521 - nation with 3rd largest ship registry proposes $100/tonne of CO2 to start, rising to $300/tonne.

Biden Hikes Social Cost of Carbon, Changing How U.S. Tackles Global Warming 0221

Top Economists Warn U.S. Against Underestimating Climate Damage 0221 - Nobel laureate and former World Bank chief economist, author of 2006 Stern Review  (of climate costs) for Chancellor of Exchequer

A Tale of 2 Carbon Prices to Shape Biden’s Climate Policy 0221 - social cost of carbon (damages) or number to reach e.g. net zero by given date

London Hedge Funds Are Betting a $100 Carbon Price Is Almost Here 0221

The Social Cost of Carbon Could Reshape Our Climate Future 0121

EU Price on CO2 Pollution Hits Record High in Early 2021 - 0121

Carbon Pricing Rises as World's Weapon of Choice in Climate Fight 1120

Trump Administration Undervalues Cost of Carbon by 7x 1120

A New Metric to Figure Out the Most Effective Ways to Cut Carbon 1020

Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver? 0519

From Ruined Bridges to Dirty Air, EPA Scientists Price the Cost of Climate Change 0419

Charge €30 a Tonne for CO2 to Avoid Catastrophic 4°C Warming 1018

Carbon Prices Are Too Low to Reduce Emissions 0918

New EPA Document Has Sharply Lower Estimate of Climate Change Cost 1017

GM, Disney, Shell 1,200 Other Companies Taking Steps to Fight Climate Change 0917 - They use, or plan to soon, internal carbon prices.  Ones mentioned range from $5 to $40 / tonne of CO2.

Failure to Set Cost of Carbon Hampers Trump’s Effort to Expand Fossil Fuel Use 0817

World’s Young Face $535 Trillion Bill for Climate Change 0717

Sky-High Carbon Tax Needed to Avoid Climate Catastrophe, Say Expertsm 0517

What Does the Social Cost of Carbon Mean? 0417

Scientists Have a New Way to Calculate What Global Warming Costs 0117 - Disaggregate the effects and include omitted effects.  Use declining discount rates.

Climate Change May Be Doubted by Some, but Now It’s the Law 0816 - US Appeals Court OKs “Social Cost of Carbon”.

RGGI Carbon Auction Prices Fall 40% on Clean Power Plan Uncertainty 0716

Tough to Keep the World From Warming When Carbon Is This Cheap 0716

Carbon Pricing Schemes Double since 2012 in Climate Fight - World Bank 0915

Enormous Social Cost of Cheap Coal 0915

Coal Renaissance Means Switching to Plan B - Carbon Pricing and CO2 Removal 0715

Inaction on Climate Change Would Cost Billions, Major EPA Study Finds 0615

Energy Taxes Are Misaligned with Environmental Impacts of Energy Use 0615 - Gasoline taxes loom large.

Global CO2 Pricing Seen Unlikely to Be Big Part of Paris Climate Deal 0615

In Stunning Reversal, ‘Big Oil’ Asks for World Carbon Price 0615
     Shadow carbon prices ($/ton of CO2 equivalent) by big oil companies in 2013 included $40 at BP and Shell, $60-80 (in 2030 & 2040) at ExxonMobil, $34 at France’s Total, and $6-45 at ConocoPhillips.  I don’t know the numbers for Chevron, Italy's Eni, Norway’s Statoil, or Britain's BG Group.

Carbon Pricing Letter from Oil Giants 0615

Price on Carbon Is Key to Canada Tackling Global Warming, Say Researchers 0415

Limiting Climate Change Could Have Huge Economic Benefits 0315

Fossil Fuels Are Way More Expensive Than You Think 0315

Shell & BP Call for Carbon Price & Financiers Divest from Fossil Fuels 0215
      Some oil companies use carbon prices of $60 and $80/ton as shadow prices in decision-making.

Social Cost of Carbon 6 Times Higher than Thought 0115 - cuts GNP growth, so next year starts from lower base

Oil Companies Quietly Prepare for a Future of Carbon Pricing 0914

Tax Carbon Emissions or Trade Them?  Economists Dig into the Problem 0914

At Least 150 Companies Prep for Carbon Prices 0914

Government Auditors Say 'Social Cost of Carbon' Is by the Book 0814

Court Ruling May Reverberate on ‘Social Cost’ of Carbon 0714

Climate Costs 'May Prove Much Higher’ 0414

Costs of Climate Change Steep, But Tough to Tally 0314

Internal Carbon Pricing - CDP 1213 - PDF

Prices below are per tonne of CO2 equivalent.

Microwave Oven Rule Shows Obama’s Climate Policies 0613

Rise in Carbon Costs Used to Analyze Rules 0613


GO TO $/T. .Cap. .Int'l 1. 2. 3. 4. .Europe China India+ .Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ President Exec Candidate .States .EPA .Misc.

Carbon Tax

     Exxon Mobil CEO (and Donald Trump’s Secretary of State) Rex Tillerson advocated a carbon tax in 2009.
See this video of his speech.

     He cites several advanatages over regulations and cap & trade.

     This video by Dan Miller also makes the case for a revenue-neutral carbon tax.
     It also explores the psychological barriers against taking action to slow and stop climate change.  Psychologically, human react to threats with (1) clear visibility, (2) historical precedent, (3) immediateness, (4) direct personal impacts, (5) simple causality, and (6) causation by clear enemy.  In contrast, the climate change threat is (1) mostly invisible, (2) unprecedented, (3) drawn out over decades, (4) impact more our children and greandchildren, (5) compex in causes, and (6) caused by all of us.
     He says denial of climate change is all too easy.  We think it is only a distant environmental problem, one that’s impolite to discuss.  We wait for someone else to act.  We prefer rassuring lies to the inconvenient truth.


     In 2010, India enacted a carbon tax of 50 Rupees per metric ton on coal mined and imported.  That translated to 80¢ per ton, or $2.97 per ton of CO2.  India's carbon tax is a good bit lower than British Columbia's, which started at $10 per tonne of CO2 in 2008 and rose gradually to $30 in 2012.  Canadian CO2 offsets are selling for $20-45 per tonne.  India's carbon tax is also far below Australia's short-lived carbon tax of $23 per tonne of CO2, but similar to Japan's carbon tax of ¥289 (US $2.88) per tonne of carbon ($9.58/ton of CO2).  South Africa plans a carbon tax of R120 ($13) per tonne of CO2.  In  2014, Mexico enacted a carbon tax ($3 / tonne of CO2), while Chile’s $5 / tonne of CO2 tax was enacted in September.

     Compared to prices in cap-and-trade markets, India's carbon tax is a little higher than American RGGI's price ($1.86-4.00, see above), but a bit less than recent European Union's ETS prices ($4-7, also above).  India's price is far below EU CO2 prices for 2008-11 ($10-35, above) and recent California CO2 prices ($10.09 per ton in November 2012 and $12.22 in August 2013).  India's carbon tax is also much lower than the initial 130 RMB price ($21.37) per tonne of CO2 in China's Shenzhen market.  Norway’s carbon tax (since 1992), now $72 / ton ($20 / ton of CO2), applies to offshore oil and gas.  Sweden’s is about twice that, but exceptions (e.g., electricity sector) and exemptions in both countries are the rule.

                                     Carbon Prices: US $ / Tonne of CO2


   Some cap & trade prices are in the top group.  They've fluctuated a lot.
   China's / ton CO2 prices began at US$4.90 in Shanghai, $8.21 in Beijing, $10 in Guangdong, and $4.61 in Tianjin.  Shenzhen prices fell to $12 in November.  RGGI's price rose to $4 in the March 2014 auction.

   Carbon taxes are in the bottom group.  Australia, under Tony Abbott, repealed its carbon tax in July 2014.  What some call a cap & trade system may replace it.

Africa Calls for a Global Tax on Carbon Emissions 0923

Shipping Emissions Could Be Halved without Damaging Trade 0623 Giant kites, slower speeds, non-petroleum fuels.  Tax is talked about by shipping companies.

This Is How a Carbon Tax Comes Back 0323 in the U.S.A.

WTO Chief Calls for Global Carbon Pricing 0123

World’s 1st Carbon Border Tax Lands in Europe 1222

IMF Chief Says $75 / Ton Carbon Price Needed by 2030 - 1122

American Petroleum Institute Weighs Clean Fuel Standard after Backing Carbon Tax 1022

Time to Charge the True Cost of Fossil Fuels 0922

The Climate Law's Methane Catch 0822

Carbon Pricing Needs ‘Radical Redesign,’ Says Asset Owner Group 0622

The Right Way to Help People Hurting from High Energy Prices 0422 - carbon tax and dividend, from Bloomberg News

Canada’s Biggest Emitters Are Paying the Lowest Carbon Tax Rate 0122

Global Carbon Price Could Be ‘Game Changer,’ Bank of England Official Says 0122

Russia Aims to Make a Carbon Tax System That EU Will Recognize 1221

Germany’s New Coalition Promises Climate Revolution & CO2 Floor Price 1121

Carbon Pricing, if Missing the 100% Dividend, Will Boost Inequality 1121

White House-Backed Carbon Tax in Sight for Biden’s Climate Bill 1121

Democrats Weigh Carbon Tax after Manchin Rejects Key Climate Provision 1021

Austria Announces Carbon Tax, Offset by Reduction in Other Taxes 1021

Methane Crackdown Could Threaten U.S. Driller Profits, Citi Says 0921 - $1,680 / ton of CH4 proposal in Congress

Democrats Consider Adding Carbon Tax to Budget Bill 0921

Carbon Tax Is Key to Address Climate, Dividend Gets Congress to Support It 0921

Industry Group Backs Global Carbon Price for Large Ships 0921

Former Republican FERC Chairman Joins Group Promoting Carbon Tax 0821 - from Mitch McConnell’s(KY) staff

Democrats Want to Tax Big Polluters, but Is It Enough? 0821

How the EU's Carbon Border Tax Will Work 0821

Israel to Impose Carbon Tax, Starting with Fossil Fuels 0821

Democrats Propose a Border Tax Based on Nations’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions 0721

2 Cheers for Carbon Tariffs 0721

The E.U. Is Getting Serious about Climate.  Can the U.S. Follow Suit? 0721 - E.U. plans to raise the price to at least $71 per ton of CO2.

Nuts, Bolts & Pitfalls of Carbon Pricing - Equity-Based Primer on Paying to Pollute 0721 for NAACP - “Carbon pricing and trading systems are not very effective or equitable measures for curbing carbon emissions….  International shell games….  the worst environmental offenders co-opt the language of environmental advocates, in order to protect their bottom line, neutralize climate legislation, and preserve the status quo."

Austria Debates Carbon Tax to Ease Climate Anxiety 0721

Pacific Islands Make Lonely Case for Carbon Price on Shipping 0621

Climate Conundrum - Tax on Emissions Is Pragmatic but Unpopular 0621

Swiss Narrowly Reject Tax Hike to Fight Climate Change 0621

Climate Obstacles Facing Biden at the G-7 - 0621

Biden Should Impose a Carbon Fee Immediately 0621

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Testimony to Senate Finance Committee 0421

US Oil and Gas Industry Says It Will Support Carbon Pricing 0321

Canada Supreme Court Rules Federal Carbon Tax Is Constitutional 0321

Carbon Tax Sidelined in Biden’s Push on Climate, Taxes 0321

Carbon Tax Is Less Costly than Other Ways to Cut Electricity CO2 Emissions 0321

American Petroleum Institute Expected to Endorse Carbon Pricing 0321 - take 1

Top Oil and Gas Lobbying Group Close to Backing a Carbon Tax 0321 - take 2

National Academies Endorse Carbon Pricing 0321

Climate Game Changers - International Cooperation 0221 - In the game, the referee determines the lowest pledge from all players, then requires each player to pay exactly that amount – the amount of the lowest pledge.  This makes the game impossible to lose.

Climate Scientist Jim Hansen Tells UK’s Boris Johnson to Tax Carbon 0221

Our Approach to Climate Change - the Chamber of Commerce’s Position 0121

How to Better Tackle Climate Change - John Kerry 1120

Carbon Pricing & The Energy Transition 1120

FERC Takes ‘Landmark Action' on Carbon Pricing 1020

Both Parties Used to Love the Carbon Tax.  So Why Are They Giving Up on It? 0920

Carbon Fee & Dividend - a Socially and Environmentally Just Way to Fight Climate Change 0920 - by Jim Hansen.  Dividend makes lower income households come out ahead.

Business Roundtable Endorses Market-Based Climate Policy 0920 - a "market-based mechanism”, includes cap & trade

Wall Street Watchdog Calls for Carbon Pricing, Better Prep for Climate Change 0920

Behavioral Contagion Could Spread the Benefits of a Carbon Tax 0820

A Simpler, More Useful Way to Tax Carbon 0820 - Set price by politics, redo every few years.  Social Cost of Carbon is too difficult, too contentious, too uncertain.

Carbon Tax Border Adjustments - Good Politics, Bad for Consumers? 0720

Denmark to Introduce Green Taxes on Carbon Emissions 0620

New England Power Generators Pushing for a Carbon Tax 0620

The Climate Club - How to Fix a Failing Global Effort 0420 - by William Nordhaus, Nobel Prize winner in Economics for his work on climate change economics

The Fastest Way to Cut CO2 Emissions Is Fee and Dividend, Top Leaders Say 0220

The Winning Conservative Climate Solution 0120 - carbon fee & dividend

Why Fee and Dividend Cuts Emissions Faster than Other Carbon Pricing Policies 1119 - by Jim Hansen & Dan Miller

How to Cut U.S. Carbon Pollution by Nearly 40% in 10 Years 1119   Carbon Fee & Dividend, starting at $15 / tonne of CO2 ($55 / tonne of carbon), rising $10 / tonne CO2 per year.  Proceeds are returned to each adult with a social security number, with half share to 1st 2 children in a household.  Collected at wellhead, mine mouth or port of entry.  Rebate (to US companies) or tariff (on imports) where other country’s tax is not the same rate.

World Needs a Massive Carbon Tax in Just 10 Years, IMF Says 1019

Climate Town Hall - Several Democratic Candidates Embrace a Carbon Tax 0919

Florida GOP Rep Seeks Carbon Tax to Reduce Pollution 0719

Watch Out, Big Oil.  Jay Inslee Proposes a Greenhouse Gas Fee 0619

Alberta Makes It Official - Bill Passed and Proclaimed to Kill Carbon Tax 0619

Environment Minister McKenna Blasts Provincial Tories for Scrapping Carbon Tax 0519

South African Carbon Tax Finally Becomes Law 0519

CEOs of Major Companies Call on U.S. Congress to Set a Price on Carbon 0519

Top GOP Pollster Finds Overwhelming Support for Carbon Tax by Millennial Republicans 0519

Corporate America Is Terrified of the Green New Deal 0519

U.S. House Tax Panel Mulls Carbon Fee at 1st Climate Hearing in 12 Years 0519

U.S. Fossil Fuel Subsidies Exceed Pentagon Spending 0519

Why Some Climate Activists Are Cooling on a Carbon Tax 0519

Democrats Should Embrace a Carbon Tax 0519

Microsoft Joins Climate Leadership Council 0519

Canada’s Federal Carbon Tax Starts in 4 Provinces 0319

Climate Change Politics May Defy Even the Most Rational Arguments 0319 - Canada

Trump's Top Economic Adviser Still Supports Carbon Tax 0319

On the World Stage, Canadian Oil Majors Promote a Carbon Tax 0319

How Carbon Tax Plans Compare and Why Oil Giants Support One of Them 0319

Want a Green New Deal?  Here’s a Better One. - Washington Post Editorial 0219

South African Parliament Approves Long-Delayed Carbon Tax Bill 0219

How to Win Public Support for a Global Carbon Tax 0119 - results of 5-nation survey

The Top US Economists – Fed Chairs, Nobel Winners, etc. - Call for Carbon Tax 0119

Economists' Statement on Carbon Dividends 0119

US Economists' Statement on Carbon Dividends

Jan. 16, 2019

Global climate change is a serious problem calling for immediate national action.  Guided by sound economic principles, we are united in the following policy recommendations.

I. A carbon tax offers the most cost-effective lever to reduce carbon emissions at the scale and speed that is necessary.  By correcting a well-known market failure, a carbon tax will send a powerful price signal that harnesses the invisible hand of the marketplace to steer economic actors towards a low-carbon future.

II. A carbon tax should increase every year until emissions reductions goals are met and be revenue neutral to avoid debates over the size of government.  A consistently rising carbon price will encourage technological innovation and large-scale infrastructure development.  It will also accelerate the diffusion of carbon-efficient goods and services.

III. A sufficiently robust and gradually rising carbon tax will replace the need for various carbon regulations that are less efficient.  Substituting a price signal for cumbersome regulations will promote economic growth and provide the regulatory certainty companies need for long-term investment in clean-energy alternatives.

IV. To prevent carbon leakage and to protect U.S. competitiveness, a border carbon adjustment system should be established.  This system would enhance the competitiveness of American firms that are more energy-efficient than their global competitors.  It would also create an incentive for other nations to adopt similar carbon pricing.

V. To maximize the fairness and political viability of a rising carbon tax, all the revenue should be returned directly to U.S. citizens through equal lump-sum rebates.  The majority of American families, including the most vulnerable, will benefit financially by receiving more in “carbon dividends” than they pay in increased energy prices.


George Akerlof, Robert Aumann, Angus Deaton, Peter Diamond, Robert Engle, Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, Oliver Hart, Bengt Holmström, Daniel Kahneman, Finn Kydland, Robert Lucas, Eric Maskin, Daniel McFadden, Robert Merton, Roger Myerson, Edmund Phelps, Alvin Roth, Thomas Sargent, Myron Scholes, Amartya Sen, William Sharpe, Robert Schiller, Christopher Sims, Robert Solow, Michael Spence and Richard Thaler are recipients of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.

Paul Volcker is a former Federal Reserve chairman.

Martin Baily, Michael Boskin, Martin Feldstein, Jason Furman, Austan Goolsbee, Glenn Hubbard, Alan Krueger, Edward Lazear, N. Gregory Mankiw, Christina Romer, Harvey Rosen and Laura Tyson are former chairmen of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers.

Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Janet Yellen have chaired both the Fed and the Council of Economic Advisers.

George Shultz and Lawrence Summers are former Treasury secretaries.

Ex-GOP Rep. Ryan Costello Joins Group Pushing Carbon Tax 0119

Bipartisan Bill Taxes CO2 and Gives the Money Back to You 1118 - 5 sponsors in the US House.  Up to 10 (3 GOP) by the time Senators Flake and Coons introduce an almost identical bill in the Senate in December.

Ballot Measures Aimed at Climate Change, Fossil Fuels Fall Short 1118

Big Oil Outspends Billionaires in Washington State Carbon Tax Fight 1018

Best Way to Fight Climate Change?  Put an Honest Price on Carbon 1018 - New York Times editorial

Ottawa to Return 90% of Carbon Tax Money to Canadians Who Pay It 1018

Taxing Carbon May Sound like a Good Idea, but Does It Work? 1018

In an Era of Climate Urgency, We Need a Carbon Tax 1018 - Boston Globe editorial

Climate Change Is Getting So Real, Investors Are Converting to a Carbon Price 1018

ExxonMobil Gives $1 Million to Promote a Carbon Tax-and-Dividend Plan 1018

Charge €30 a Tonne for CO2 to Avoid Catastrophic 4°C Warming 1018

Yellen Touts Carbon Tax as ‘Textbook Solution’ to Climate Change 0918

Oil Giant BP Met with Greens for 3 Years on Climate Policy 0918

Carbon Pricing - Correcting Climate Change's Market Failure 0818 - lengthy piece, with expected emission cuts as a result

GOP Lawmaker Proposes Carbon Tax 0718

A Carbon Tax That Could Put Money in Your Pocket 0718 - Chicago Tribune editorial

Declare Energy Independence with Carbon Dividends 0718 - Citizens Climate Lobby

Ontario PM Ford Scraps Carbon Tax Plan, Sets Up Climate Fight with Trudeau 0718

Washington Voters Likely to Take Up Carbon Fee Initiative 0718

Janet Yellen Calls for US Carbon Tax to Curb Climate Change 0618

Another GOP Group Wants to Tax Carbon.  Does It Matter? 0618

Here’s How to Break the Impasse on Climate 0618

Here's How One Group Pitches a Carbon Tax to the GOP 0618

Massachusetts Senate Votes to Put a Price on Carbon, with National Grid Support 0618 - It goes to the House now.  It punts choice of tax or cap & trade to Governor.  Goal is -40% (1990 base) by 2030 and -80% by 2050.  Carbon price starts for transport, business, and residential in consecutive years.  State’s largest utility strongly supports it, plans electrification of transport and home heating (heat pumps), continued decarbonization of electricity, etc.

New York Grid Operator Floats Carbon Pricing Proposal 0518

Utah’s Climate Resolution & Bipartisan Carbon Pricing Bill 0318

Thank Colleges for Imminent Carbon Taxes 0318

Trump's Trade War Could Prompt Future Tariffs on U.S. CO2 - 0318

Associated Industries of Massachusetts Supports Carbon Pricing 0318

College Republicans Are Here to Fix Climate Change! 0218

Washington Carbon Tax Clears Hurdle, Heads for State Senate Vote 0218

Singapore to Impose Carbon Tax from 2019 - 0218

Carbon Pricing Could Save Millions of Hectares of Tropical Forest 0218

Vermont Lawmakers Forge Ahead with Carbon Tax Plan 0218

9 States Buck Trump Administration, Move toward Price on Carbon Pollution 0118

Can Gov. Inslee Deliver America's 1st Carbon Tax? 0118

In Texas, Conservatives Tout Carbon Tax, but Draw Critics on Both Left and Right 1217

China's Top Climate Official Rules Out Carbon Futures, Tax 1117

Americans Want a Tax on Carbon Pollution, but How to Get One? 1017 - How to use tax proceeds? Favorites are
support solar & wind; infrastructure; help displaced coal miners; reduce debt.  #5 is cut other taxes.  CCL discussion

British Columbia Will Increase Its Carbon Tax 0917

Americans May Finally Be Ready to Look at a Carbon Tax 0917

Proper Carbon Tax Could Wipe Billions from Polluters' Profits 0917

Some Democrats See Tax Overhaul as a Path to Taxing Carbon 0817

Exxon Mobil Lends Its Support to a Carbon Tax Proposal 0617

Sky-High Carbon Tax Needed to Avoid Climate Catastrophe, Say Expertsm 0517

Massachusetts Carbon Fee Would Save $2.9 Billion in Health Costs over 20 Years 0417

Use Carbon Tax to Help Fight Climate Change 0417 Chicago Sun-Times editorial

Guess Who’s for a Carbon Tax Now - Big Oil CEOs 0417

How Countries Cut Carbon by Putting a Price on It 0417

Vermont House Democrats Reintroduce Carbon Pollution Fee, with Fresh Messaging 0417

Will Washington State Be 1st in Taxing Greenhouse Gases? 0417

A Roadmap for Rapid Decarbonization 0317 - broad & detailed blueprint, mostly technological, by decade, of how to go carbon neutral (net-zero emissions) by 2050 and carbon-negative afterward.  Policy instruments - carbon tax, cap & trade, regulations are also mentioned.  Science journal

The Conservatives Who Are Switching Sides on Warming 0317

Carbon Tax Floated as Possible Replacement to Inslee's 'Clean Air Rule' 0317

China Floats Carbon Tax, in Split from EU’s Carbon Cap & Trade 0317

Singapore Carbon Tax Would Hit Refiners, Help Renewables 0217

Group of Prominent Republicans Has an Excellent Plan to Fight Climate Change - Washington Post editorial 0217

A Serious Republican Idea on Climate Change – USA Today editorial 0217

Republican Statesmen Propose Replacing Clean Power Plan with a Carbon Tax 0217 - commentary on prospects for passage of the proposal below.  Other authors include 25-year Wal-Mart chairman and a 3rd Treasury Secretary

A Conservative Answer to Climate Change 0217 - Sec’s of State & Treasury George Schultz and James Baker in Wall St J

A Conservative Case for Climate Action 0217 - Martin Feldstein, Greg Mankiw (2 Republican chairmen of Council of Economic Advisers), Ted Halstead in NY Times

Alberta's New Carbon Tax Is All about the 'Long Game', Says Deputy Premier 0117

Tillerson Led Exxon’s Shift on Climate Change; Some Say ‘It Was All P.R.’ 1216

Carbon Tax Could Boost Green Energy in Bangladesh 1216

Canada Will Impose Nationwide Carbon Price 0916

Americans Appear Willing to Pay for a Carbon Tax Policy 0916 - weighted average of $0 to $50+ per month

US Needs ‘Price on Pollution’ to Spur Clean Energy - National Academy 0916

There’s a Still Better Approach to CO2 Emissions - a Carbon Tax 0816 - Washington Post editorial

India Doubled Its Coal Tax to $6 a Ton.  Coal India Wants the Tax on Petro Coke Too. 0816

Elon Musk’s Libertarian Case for a Carbon Tax 0816

To Tax or Not to Tax—That Is the Question 0716

Why Exxon Mobil Is Now Lobbying for a Carbon Tax 0616

Why Won't Clinton Support a Carbon Tax?  Fear of Trump. 0616

House Backs Symbolic Measures to Oppose Oil Fee, Carbon Tax 0616

Supporters Laud 'Momentum' for Carbon Tax, despite House Vote 0616

Alberta Enacts Carbon Tax, in 1st Stage of Climate-Change Plan 0616

Say Yes to a Carbon Tax - Richmond VA Editorial 0416

Carbon Pricing Becomes a Cause for the World Bank and I.M.F. 0416

France to Set Unilateral Floor Price for Carbon Emissions 0416

Raise the Carbon Tax, B.C. Businesses Say 0316

A Climate Skeptic Calls for a Carbon Tax 0316 - Tax carbon, cut payroll tax, thus stimulate hiring.

Liberals Won't Rule Out a National Carbon Price, Catherine McKenna Says 0316

BP CEO Urges Global Carbon Price to Meet Paris Climate Change Goals 0216

Washington Lawmakers Consider Putting a Price on Carbon 0216

Tax High Carbon Food, Sugar for Climate and Health Gains 0216

UK-Wide £20 a Tonne Carbon Tax Would Have ‘Little Impact' on Consumers 0116

The Narrow Path to a Carbon Tax 1215 - US, revenue neutral, some corporate income tax reduction

Paris Climate Accord Is a Big, Big Deal (2.8¢/kWh Wind & 4.2 Solar) 1215

For Big Business Seeking CO2 Emissions Price, a Ray of Hope from Paris 1215

A Call to Paris Climate Negotiators - Tax Carbon. 1215 - 32 economists (4 Nobel Prize winners), US Cabinet Secretaries, Federal Reserve Bank Vice-Governors, etc.  Excerpt is below:
"We endorse these 4 principles for taxing carbon to fight climate change without undermining economic prosperity:
1.  Carbon emissions should be taxed across fossil fuels in proportion to carbon content, with the tax imposed “upstream” in the distribution chain.
2.  Carbon taxes should start low, so individuals and institutions have time to adjust, but then rise substantially and briskly, on a pre-set trajectory that imparts stable expectations to investors, consumers and governments.
3.  Some carbon tax revenue should be used to offset unfair burdens to lower-income households.
4.  Subsidies that reward extraction and use of carbon-intensive energy sources should be eliminated."

Obama Says Carbon Price Is Better than Regulations 1215  But Congress wouldn’t pass one during his terms.

Alberta Doubles Down on Renewable Energy, Plans Carbon Tax in 2017 - 1115 - CN$20 / Ton CO2 in 2017, $30 in 2018

US Carbon Tax Effects Analysis by Income Level - RFF 1115  - PDF, 25 pp.  Of ways to return (100%) of carbon tax to taxpayers, cutting corporate income tax is best for GNP, individual income tax cut worst.  But individual (equal) income tax rebates do best for low (& even middle) income, while cutting corporate taxes benefits only the rich, while harming poor.

These Could Be the 1st US States to Tax Carbon & Give Residents a Paycheck 1115

Massachusetts Mulls an Economy-Wide Price on Carbon 1015

Governments to Raise $22 Billion from Carbon Pricing in 2015 - 1015

Climate Change Deal Will Not Include Global Carbon Price 1015

ITF Calls for Global Rules for Ship Operators to Cut Emissions 1015

Oil CEOs Differ on Carbon Strategy, Highlighting Industry Divide 1015

The Key Role of Conservatives in Taxing Carbon 0915 - Greg Mankiw was economic adviser to Mitt Romney in 2012.

Concord Monitor in New Hampshire - It’s Time for a Tax on Carbon 0815

GOP Needs Alternative Climate Policy 0815

Coal Renaissance Means Switching to Plan B - Carbon Pricing and CO2 Removal 0715

Energy Taxes Are Misaligned with Environmental Impacts of Energy Use 0615 - Gasoline taxes loom large.

Alberta to Boost Carbon Price, Ahead of Climate Policy Revamp 0615

In Stunning Reversal, ‘Big Oil’ Asks for World Carbon Price 0615
     Shadow carbon prices ($/ton of CO2 equivalent) by big oil companies in 2013 included $40 at BP and Shell, $60-80 (in 2030 & 2040) at ExxonMobil, $34 at France’s Total, and $6-45 at ConocoPhillips.  I don’t know the numbers for Chevron, Italy's Eni, Norway’s Statoil, or Britain's BG Group.

Carbon Pricing Letter from Oil Giants 0615

Hillary Would Charge New Fees for Fossil Fuel Extraction 0615 - royalties increase?  or carbon tax?

Oil Industry Pushes for Carbon Tax in Alberta 0515

Former BP Boss, Tony Hayward, Calls for an End to Fossil Fuel Subsidies 0515

The Conservative Case for Taxing Carbon Pollution 0515

Yale to impose Carbon Tax on Itself, Led by the Man Who Helped Invent It 0415

US Support for Carbon Tax Reaches Almost 70% - 0415

Climate Group Launches Initiative for a Carbon Tax in Washington State 0415

Price on Carbon Is Key to Canada Tackling Global Warming, Say Researchers 0415

Doubled Top-Up Carbon Tax Will Trigger UK Coal Slowdown 0415

A Reagan Approach to Climate Change 0315

Low CO2 Emissions Tax Possible if Clean Technology Is Also Implemented 0215

Seize the Day - Tax Carbon, End Fossil Fuel Subsidies (Opinion) 0115

Australia’s Power Sector Emissions Jump as Carbon Tax Ends 0115

Study of MA Carbon Tax & Rebate - MA DOER / Breslow 1214  - PDF, 156 pp

Australia Greenhouse Gas Emissions Fall to Record Low, Due to Carbon Tax 1214

When Will Vermonters Buy a Carbon Tax?  It's Complicated 1214

Carbon Tax Could Bolster Green Energy 1114

Global CO2 Pricing Scheme Surfaces Ahead of 2015 Climate Summit 1014

Carbon Tax & Nuclear Power - Hansen 1014 - PDF

Chile Becomes 1st South American Country to Tax Carbon 0914

Tax Carbon Emissions or Trade Them?  Economists Dig into the Problem 0914

How to Stop Tax Inversions With a Carbon Levy.  Seriously 0814

Australia Votes to Repeal Carbon Tax 0714

Australian Senate Delays Carbon Tax Repeal 0714

Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax Would Improve on EPA Regulations 0614

Economic Analysis of US Carbon Fee & Dividend - REMI 0614 - PDF, 126 pp - sponsored by Citizens Climate Lobby.

     With a carbon tax (100% returned to taxpayers in equal amounts, & with a border adjustment), US CO2 emissions decline from 5.1 GT/year in 2015 to 2.6 GT/year in 2035.  The tax starts at $10 / metric ton of CO2 in 2016 and rises $10 / T annually thereafter, to 2035.
    The number of jobs increases ~1% by 2025, compared to the baseline of no carbon tax.  Only the West South Central states suffer.  Job gains are largest in Health Care; Finance & Insurance; Retail; and Real Estate.  Only Mining and Manufacturing (oil & chemicals) suffer.  GNP rises ~0.25%.
     The tax saves 10,000 lives a year (mostly from air pollution) by 2021 and 14,000 / year by 2031.
     Annual electric energy after 25 years is 6% (250 TWh) less than in the base case.  Coal (1,500 now) gets phased out, mostly by 2025.  Wind energy use grows 750, nuclear 700, solar 200, and geothermal 100, but gas falls 500.

     Here is a Citizens Climate Lobby summary video, one summary of the case for a carbon tax.
CCL sponsored the 2014 REMI US carbon tax study, summarized above, plus the July 2013 Massachusetts carbon tax study, summarized below.  CCL has more than 200 chapters, coverring more than 380 Congressional districts in 48 states.  CCL works to get a carbon tax (fee) enacted, with 100% of the revenues returned directly to households.

How to Sell a Carbon Tax - Bloomberg 0614

British Columbia''s Carbon Tax Works 0314

Voluntary Carbon Tax Witness 0314

CBO - Carbon Tax Chops $1 Trillion from Deficit 1113

Opinion - Taxing Tar Sands, Chasing Goliath - Hansen 1013

Abbott's Plans to Remove Australia's Carbon Price to Cost More than $6 Billion 0913

Conservatives Make the Argument for a Carbon Tax 0813

Sky Didn't Fall after British Columbia Began Carbon Tax, Cut Income Tax 0713

Effects of a Massachusetts Carbon Tax - REMI 0713 - PDF, 22 pp         TAX:      / ton of carbon . =          $4,         $8, and  $12 / ton of CO2.    .
Other taxes are REDUCED to compensate, applied 1/2 to corporate income, 1/4 each to personal income and sales. .       

      Massachsusetts Jobs Change Due to Carbon Tax                         Annual MA GDP Change Due to Carbon Tax

     The benefit of a carbon tax is highest for a $45/ton tax: ~ $70 per year per capita.  In all cases considered, a higher carbon tax yields greater economic benefits to its citizens.  Higher tax rates could yield even higher benefits per person.  A carbon tax would add 1 job, net, for every 300 jobs now in the state.

Details: Massachusetts Jobs Change by Industry, for $30 / Ton CO2 Tax

     Change in MA Consumer Price Index, due to Carbon Tax           Changed Massachusetts MA CO2 Emissions, from Carbon Tax

The % emission effects of the 3 carbon tax rates are modest.
Price Changes for Carbon-Based Fuels, in Massachusetts, due to a Carbon Tax                         .


Australia to Scrap Carbon Tax, in Favor of Trading Scheme 0713

Economist Solution to Climate Change - Carbon Tax 0613

Australia Carbon Price Working 0513

US Carbon Price Backed by Independent Office 0513

Carbon Tax Economic Analysis, Exec Sum - NERA 0213 - PDF, for National Association of Manufactuers

House GOP Leaders Oppose Carbon Tax 1112

Carbon Tax Seen Viable with Exxon's Backing 1112

Carbon Tax for US Gets 2nd Look 1112

Australia Introduces Carbon Tax 0712

Australia Enacts Carbon Tax 1111

Australia to Tax Carbon Emitters 0711


GO TO $/T. .Tax. .Int'l 1. 2. 3. 4. .Europe China India+ .Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ President Exec Candidate .States .EPA .Misc

Cap & Trade (except Offsets, see next section)

Europe’s recent ETS prices, in euros (€) for CO2 permits.

Cap was cut in 2021.  Russia cut back deliveries in early 2022

Europe’s War on Carbon Goes Global as Border Tax Comes Into Play 1023

European Law Might Get Companies around the World to Cut Climate Pollution 0523
- border adjustment, for industrial goods subject to little or no carbon price at home.

Washington State Just Began Capping Carbon Emissions. Here’s How It Works. 0123

New York Adopts Cap and Trade as a Pillar of Climate Action 1222

World’s 1st Carbon Border Tax Lands in Europe 1222

Carbon Trading in China Isn't Helping Tackle Climate Change 1222

China Delays Carbon Market Expansion on Data Problems 0522 - CO2 price is now about $8.55 per tonne.

China’s Weak Carbon Market Hits a New Roadblock -- Data Fraud 0422

China's Carbon Market May Get Stricter Under a New Proposal 0122 - $9 to 10.25 / ton of CO2

Gov. Youngkin Aims to Remove Virginia from Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative 0122

Europe’s CO2 Price Has Almost Tripled in 2021 - 1221 - €80 / ton

Energy Crunch Drives Carbon Prices to Record as Europe Burns Coal 1121 - €71.21 per metric ton

Carbon Pricing, if Missing the 100% Dividend, Will Boost Inequality 1121

The E.U. Is Getting Serious about Climate.  Can the U.S. Follow Suit? 0721 - E.U. plans to raise the price to at least $71 per ton of CO2.

China to Quickly Expand Top Carbon Market to Add More Polluters 0721

Nuts, Bolts & Pitfalls of Carbon Pricing - Equity-Based Primer on Paying to Pollute 0721 - for NAACP

Washington State Finally Passes a Cap on Carbon Emissions 0421

EU Price on CO2 Pollution Hits Record High in Early 2021 - 0121

Why China’s New Carbon Market Is No Quick Climate Fix 0121

China to Delay National Carbon Market Debut to 2021 - 1120

FERC Takes ‘Landmark Action' on Carbon Pricing 1020

World's Largest Carbon Market Faces Revamp under Draft EU Plan 0920 - target for cut by 2030 (from 1990) raised from 40% to 55%.  Cap to drop faster than old 2.2% a year.  Power plants and factories already covered.  Add flights within Europe.

Trump Can’t Weaken California’s Carbon Market, Federal Judge Rules 0720

China Power Giants Prepare for World’s Biggest Carbon Market 0620

Merkel Cabinet Seals Plan to Widen CO2 Price to Heating, Roads 0520

Northeast States Take 1st Step in Effort to Reduce Transportation Emissions 1019

Pennsylvania Is Joining a Multi-State Effort to Price Carbon Emissions 1019

Quebec Adds $215 Million to Coffers from Carbon Market Envied by Europe 0219

How Ontario's Proposed Carbon Price Is Not a Carbon Tax (Probably, Maybe) 0219

After Topping EU Commodity Gains in 2018, Carbon Prices Set to Surge Again 1218

State Cap-and-Trade Systems Offer Evidence that Carbon Pricing Can Work 1118

EU Carbon Price Triples, Finally Puts Pressure on Coal 0818

Massachusetts Senate Votes to Put a Price on Carbon, with National Grid Support 0618 - It goes to House now.  It punts choice of tax or cap & trade to Governor.  Tool to meet -40% (1990 base) by 2030 and 80% by 2050.  Starts for transport, business, and residential in consecutive years.  State’s largest utility strongly supports it, plans electrification of transport and home heating (heat pumps), continued decarbonization of electricity, etc.
     Later: Provision did not make it out of conference committee.

Checking the Math on California’s Cap and Trade - Is It Adding Up? 0518

Will China's Participation Invigorate Cap-and-Trade Schemes Elsewhere? 0518

Europe's $38 Billion Carbon Market Is Finally Doing Its Job 0318

Guide to the World’s Largest Carbon Market that Just Launched in China 1217

Gov. Jerry Brown and EU Leaders Agree to Work to Combat Climate Change 1117

California Pollution Permits Sell at Highest Price Ever 0817

Xi Jinping Is Set for a Big Gamble With China’s Carbon Trading Market 0617

How Countries Cut Carbon by Putting a Price on It 0417

Ontario's 1st Cap-and-Trade Auction Sells Out Current Allowances 0417

Ethiopia Plans Carbon Trading, as It Gears Up to Be Carbon Neutral by 2025 - 0317

Reform of EU Carbon Trading Scheme Agreed 0217

Cap & Trade to Cost Ontario $8 Billion in 1st Years, with Minimal CO2 Reductions 1116

RGGI Carbon Auction Prices Fall 40% on Clean Power Plan Uncertainty 0716

Tough to Keep the World From Warming When Carbon Is This Cheap 0716

California Ponders Expanding Cap and Trade to Brazil 0516

China Aims to Boost Renewable Energy with 'Green Certificates' 0316

Washington Puts Gov. Inslee's Carbon Rules on Hold 0216

Obama's Climate Change Rule Stays Alive in Courts, for Now 0116

In the Heart of Coal Country, Calls for Carbon Trading 0116

Rice Growers on the Front Lines of U.S. Carbon Markets 0116

Carbon Trading Finds a Foothold in at Least 20 States 0116

Drivers May Pay for Next Step in Fight against Climate Change 0116

For Big Business Seeking CO2 Emissions Price, a Ray of Hope from Paris 1215

Governments to Raise $22 Billion from Carbon Pricing in 2015 - 1015

Climate Change Deal Will Not Include Global Carbon Price 1015

ITF Calls for Global Rules for Ship Operators to Cut Emissions 1015

With Market on Their Side, Electric Utilities Skip Fight Against Carbon Rule 1015

What Can China Achieve with Cap and Trade? 0915

Will China's Carbon-Trading Plan Help Curb Climate Change? 0915

China to Launch National Cap-and-Trade Plan in 2017 - 0915

$2.2 Billion from CA Cap & Trade Begins Flowing, to Rail, Housing, Clean Cars, etc. 0815

Obama Just Created a Carbon Cap-and-Trade Program 0815

Carbon Caps Help Northeast Economy 0715

China's Guangdong to Allocate 408 Million CO2 Permits This Year 0715

China Prepares to Launch National Carbon Market to Fight Climate Change 0515

EU Diplomats Approve Proposal to Start CO2 Market Reform in 2019 - 0515

Ontario Sees Carbon Caps System as Best Way to Cut Emissions 0415

EU Carbon Permit Prices Rise, as Nations Agree to Seek 2021 Start to Fix 0315

European Carbon Market Reform Set for 2019 - 0215

As China Readies National Carbon Trading Program Launch, Questions Multiply 0215

California Manufacturers to Pay More Under Toughest Carbon Curbs 0215

EU Politicians Seek to Revive Sluggish Carbon Market 0115

Warm Weather Sinking EU Emissions-Market Plans 0115

California Motorists to Begin Shouldering Costs of Carbon Auction 1114

Carbon Trading Edges Closer, as UN Brokers Deal 1014

Gaming Carbon Market Must End to Solve Global Warming 1014

Other Nations to Link to China’s Planned Carbon Market 0914

China Suggests Coal Use Cap and Import Curbs in Draft Air Pollution Law 0914

Analysis - China's Big Carbon Market Experiment 0914                                    Below are price ranges, thru Aug. 2014

China Seeks Pollution Cut With National Carbon Market 0914

After US Pledges Cuts, China Announces Plans to Cap Carbon Emissions in 2016 - 0614

China's Ambitious Cap-and-Trade Plan Rolls Down a Long, Bumpy Runway 0514

Carbon Trading in China - Short-Term Experience, Long-Term Wisdom 0414
     The China carbon trading graph below is by Lucas Bifera of Center for Energy and Climate Solutions, April 9, 2014.

April Brings Californians Electricity 'Climate Credit’ 0314

Australia’s Pollution Plan Starts to Look Like Trading 1213

Beijing Carbon Trading Starts as China Acts on Climate 1113

EU Carbon Price Declines as Poland’s Auction Debut Set to Boost Supply 0913

China Starts Testing Cap-and-Trade 0613

European Union [EU] Market Carbon Emissions Fell 0413.  Below is a price graph, in €/Tonne of CO2not of carbon.  Note that prices depend heavily on how high (in tons) the cap is set.  Wth a flat cap and declining emissions, allowance prices fall, even plunge.

California's 2nd Carbon Auction Price Up 0213

RGGI Cuts GHG Cap Steeply 0213


California Starts Cap & Trade 1112 

Cap & Trade Failure Helped Cut US Emissions 1012 

Chinese Official Says Carbon Caps Are Real Possibility 0811 

Climate Bill Would Save US $19 Billion - CBO 0710 

Senate Climate Bill Has No Major Surprises 0510 

Kerry-Graham-Lieberman Cap & Trade Bill Framework 1209 - PDF - 5 page letter from the 3 Senators

US Senate Climate Bill Hearings 1009 

Discussion Draft Kerry-Boxer Climate Bill 1009 - PDF, 801 pp  -
     Note that actual US fossil-fuel emissions have fallen 20% since 2007, approximating the orange line.

How Climate Bill Can Get 60 Votes in the US Senate 0709

Waxman-Markey Climate Bill Passes House 0709

Summary of Waxman-Markey Bill 0709 

House Draft Climate Change Bill 0409 

Markey-Waxman 2009 GHG Bill Summary 0409 - PDF, 5 pages

Markey-Waxman 2009 GHG Bill 0409 - PDF, 648 pp

Obama on Carbon Cap 0309

USCAP Blueprint for GHG Law 0109 

Chances Dim for GHG Law 0508


Offsets for Cap & Trade

CoP26 Finally Set Rules on Carbon Markets.  What Does It Mean? 1121

A Climate “Solution” Actually Adds Millions of Tons of CO2 to the Atmosphere 0421 - semi-phantom forest offsets in California: use average tree carbon / sq meter nin a zone, buy land that’s above average and take credit for the difference,.

Huge Forest Accounting Problem Could Hamper World’s Push to Cut Emissions 0421 - Who gets credit for a forest preserved as an offset?  Buyer, seller, both or neither?  Many nations use different rules from independent evaluators.  Large-emitting nations with large forests wind up with phantom benefits unless rules are changed.

Why ‘Carbon Offsets’ Don’t Do All That They Promise 0820 - permanence, reality, additionality

San Joaquin Valley Growers Seek Credit for Sequestering Carbon in Soils 0215

Why the World Needs to Put a Better Price on the Rainforest 1014

Carbon Trading in China - Short-Term Experience, Long-Term Wisdom 0414

U.N. Carbon Offset Market to Be 'in a Coma' for Years 1113

California Air Rules Allow Business to Pay Someone Else to Slash Emissions 0813

Climate Bill Impact on Agriculture Gets Clearer 1209

House Draft Climate Change Bill 0409

USCAP Blueprint for GHG Law 0109


GO TO $/T. .Tax. .Cap. .Int'l 2. 3. 4. .Europe China India+ .Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ President .Exec Candidate .States .EPA .Misc.

International 1

Trillions in G20 Fossil Fuel Subsidies Fuel Profits and Climate Change 1023

Pope Francis Calls Climate Deniers 'Irresponsible' in New Letter 1023

Europe’s War on Carbon Goes Global as Border Tax Comes Into Play 1023

Africa Calls for a Global Tax on Carbon Emissions 0923

‘Beginning of the End’ of Fossil Fuel Era Approaching, Says IEA 0923

Climate Change 'Dystopian Future Already Here' - UN Rights Chief 0923

World Isn’t Cutting Pollution Fast Enough to Keep Warming below 2°C - UN 0923

The US and China Must Unite to Fight the Climate Crisis, Not Each Other 0823 - US Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont). Lots of detail and history.

‘Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived,’ Says UN Chief 0723

John Kerry Hails China’s ‘Incredible Job’ on Renewables, Warns on Coal 0723

Cheap Methane Fix to Global Warming Is Finally Gaining Support 0623

Rich, High-CO2 Emitting Nations Could Pay $170 Trillion in Climate Reparations 0623

U.N. Slams Carbon Removal as Unproven and Risky 0523

CoP28 Host UAE’s Approach Is ‘Dangerous’, Says UN’s Climate Ex-Chief 0523

CoP28 Head Backs Fossil Fuel Phase-out with Carbon Capture Caveat 0523

G7 Vows to Step Up Moves to Renewable Energy, Zero Carbon 0423

G-7 Energy Ministers Face Climate Fight with Japan as Host 0423

Countries Facing the Most Climate Disasters Are Already ‘Drowning in Debt’ 0423

Corporate Interests ‘Watered Down’ the Latest IPCC Climate Report, Again 0323

World Is on Brink of Catastrophic Warming - IPCC 0323

Warming above 1.5°C Likely in Near Term unless World Acts Now 0323

The Clean Tech Arms Race Has Begun 0123

Nations Promise to Protect 30% of Planet – to Stem Extinction 1222

China and US Renew Commitment to Tackling Climate Crisis 1122

EU Proposes Loss and Damage Fund Trade for Phase-Down of Oil, Gas & Coal 1122

G20 Leaders Agree to Keep 1.5°C Warming Target ‘within Reach’ 1122

Brazil, Indonesia and Congo Sign Rainforest Protection Pact 1122

Climate Pact Led by US and Japan Set to Offer Indonesia $15 Billion to Ditch Coal 1122

The Selfish Case for Climate Justice 1022

Tariffs Threaten to Undermine Global Shift to Clean Energy 1022

UN Finds ‘No Credible Pathway to 1.5C in Place’ 1022

Vulnerable Countries Demand Global Tax to Pay for Climate-Led Loss & Damage 0922

U.N. Chief Warns that Humanity Faces ‘Collective Suicide’ over Climate Crisis 0722

 G-7 to Allow Fossil-Fuel Financing If Climate Pledges Are Kept 0622

UN Head Lambasts Fossil Fuel Firms - They ‘Have Humanity by the Throat.’ 0622

Climate Crisis Costs Up over 800% as UN Donor Nations Fail to Keep Pace 0622

Key Nations Agree to Halt Funding for New Fossil Fuel Projects 0522

Climate Burns the Right 0522

Rich Nations Offer Debt Guarantees on South African Climate Deal 0522

U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry Puts Natural Gas on Notice 0422

Ukraine War Threatens Global Heating Goals, Warns UN Chief 0322

Pope Calls World to Act on Impact of Climate Change on Poorest Countries 1221

How Cities Are Going Carbon Neutral 1121

Keeping New Climate Promises Brings 1.5°C Goal Closer — but Not in Reach 1121

Countries Create the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance 1121

Surprise U.S.-China Climate Deal Breaks Through Superpower Standoff 1121

Over 40 Nations Pledge to Cut Emissions from Their Health Industries 1121

Net-Zero Alliance Plans to Reject Gas, Nuclear as Green Assets 1121

EU-US Steel Trade Pact Is Surprisingly Important 1121

Countries Promise Coal Phase-out and End to Fossil Fuel Finance 1121

Climate Change Highlighted as Security Issue, as NATO Leader Visits CoP26 - 1121

Brazil Says It Will Sign Global Pledge to Cut Methane Emissions 1121

UK’s Prince Charles Warns World Leaders at G20 Summit about Climate Change 1021

G-20 Make Mild Pledges on Climate Neutrality, Coal Financing 1021

100 Nations Pledge to End Deforestation, Backed by $19 Billion 1121

Pope Francis Urges Leaders to Take ‘Radical’ Climate Action at CoP26 - 1021

World Leaders Urged to Consider Health Benefits of Climate Action 1021

More Than 30 Countries Join U.S. Pledge to Slash Methane Emissions 1021

World Poised for Big Leap Forward on Climate Crisis at CoP26, Says John Kerry 1021

Fossil Fuel Industry Gets Subsidies of $11 Million a Minute, IMF Finds 1021

7 Nations Join UN Pledge to Stop Building New Coal Power Plants 0921

EU and US Pledge to Reduce Methane Emissions in Energy and Agriculture 0921

UN Chief Urges ‘Rapid' Emission Cuts to Curb Climate Change 0921

U.S. and EU Vow Steep Methane Cuts Ahead of Climate Summit 0921

Pacific Islands Call for Zero Carbon Shipping by 2050, Citing IPCC Report 0821

Low-Income Countries 'Can't Keep Up' with Climate Change Impacts 0821

How Many Years until We Must Act on Climate?  Zero. 0721

‘Reckless’ - G20 States Subsidized Fossil Fuels by $3 Trillion since 2015 - 0721

U.N. Warns Drought May Be 'the Next Pandemic’ 0621

G7 Nations Take Aggressive Climate Action but Hold Back on Coal 0621

G7 Nations Commit Billions More to Fossil Fuel than Green Energy 0621

Rich Countries Falling Short on Vow to Help Poorer Ones on Climate 0621

Pope Launches Green Initiative, Decrying “Predatory Attitude" toward Planet 0521

G7 Nations Vow to Phase Out International Financing for Coal Projects 0521

Shipping Now Faces the Highest Price on Carbon for Any Global Industry 0521 - nation with 3rd largest ship registry proposes $100/tonne of CO2 to start, rising to $300/tonne.

Rich Nations’ Climate Targets Will Mean Global Heating of 2.4°C 0521

US and China Commit to Cooperate on Climate Crisis 0421

Britain, Norway, US Join Forces with Businesses to Protect Tropical Forests 0421

In Asia, John Kerry Urges Bold Action on Climate to Avoid Global ‘Suicide Pact’ 0421

G7 Should Double Help for Poorer Nations to Cut CO2 Emissions – UN 0321

Facing Sweltering Soldiers and Flooded Ports, NATO to Focus on Climate Change 0321

Europe Seeks Alliance with U.S. to Tackle Aviation Emissions 0321

How the Race for Renewable Energy is Reshaping Global Politics 0221 - The wind and especially sun are almost everywhere, in contrast to oil, also coal and natural gas.  Some competition remains for minerals neede for batteriesw, etc.

5 Places Where Global Warming Is a Security Risk 0221 - South Asia, Mekong River, East Africa, Central America, USA

John Kerry, Biden’s UN Climate Envoy, Likens Global Inaction to a ‘Mutual Suicide Pact’ 0221

UN Calls on Humanity to End ‘War on Nature ... Suicidial Path”, Go Carbon-Free 1220

U.S. Quits Paris Climate Agreement - Questions and Answers 1120 - But, in 10 weeks, Biden will put the US back in.

UN Chief - Don’t ‘Throw Away’ Stimulus Money on Fossil Fuels 0920

London, New York Mayors Urge Cities to Divest from Fossil Fuels 0120

Disappointment as Marathon Climate Talks End with Slim Deal 1219

France to Partner with Brazil States on Amazon, Bypassing Bolsonaro 1219

Pope Says Climate Crisis Is a 'Challenge of Civilization' 1219

UN Calls for Push to Cut Greenhouse Gas Levels to Avoid Climate Chaos 1119 - cut emissions 7.6% a year to 2030 to stay within 1.5°, etc.

Climate Change - Impacts ‘Accelerating' as Leaders Gather for UN Talks 0919

Climate Protesters and World Leaders - Same Planet, Different Worlds 0919

Dozens of Countries Take Aim at Climate Super Pollutants 0919

Over 60 Nations Say They’ll Zero Out CO2 Emissions, but Not the Big 3 - 0919

UN Secretary General Hails ‘Turning Point' in Climate Crisis Fight 0919

'We're Losing the Race’ - UN Secretary General Calls Climate Change an ‘Emergency’ 0919

Pope Urges Politicians to Take ‘Drastic Measures' on Climate Change 0919

Think the Heat Wave Was Bad?  Climate Already Hitting Key Tipping Points 0719

Just 10% of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Cash ‘Could Pay for Green Transition' 0819 - UN secretary general, António Guterres, attacked subsidies, saying: “What we are doing is using taxpayers’ money ... to destroy the world.”

Governments and Firms in 28 Countries Sued over Climate Crisis 0719

G-20 Reaffirms Fight against Climate Change 0619

UN Climate Chief Says 3°C Hotter World ‘Just Not Possible' 0619

UN Chief Guterres Decries 'Fading' Global Climate Change Efforts 0519

US and Saudi Arabia Blocking Regulation of Geo-Engineering 0319

Climate Negotiators Reach Overtime Deal to Keep Paris Pact Alive 1218

The United States Isn’t the Only Country Downplaying Climate Change 1218 - Saudi Arabia, Australia, Russia.  Problems even in Brazil, Poland, Germany.

No G20 Countries Are Meeting Climate Targets, Says Report 1118

Charge €30 a Tonne for CO2 to Avoid Catastrophic 4°C Warming 1018

With the World on the Line, Scientists Outline the Paths to Survival 1018

Fossil Fuel Dependence Poses ‘Direct Existential Threat', Warns UN Chief 0918

Cities Lead the Way on Curbing Carbon Emissions 0918

World Leaders Who Deny Climate Change Should Go to Mental Hospital – Samoan PM 0818

Caribbean States Beg Trump to Grasp Climate Change Threat - ’War has come to us.' 0818

China, EU Reaffirm Paris Climate Commitment, Vow More Cooperation 0718

Pope Francis Has Spoken - Take Climate Change Seriously, or Earth Will Be Nothing but ‘Rubble’ and ‘Refuse’ 0718

More than 20 Nations Seek Lead in Setting Tougher Climate Goals 0618

‘Natural Solutions’ in Focus as EU Hosts Climate Summit with China, Canada 0618

6 of the G7 Commit to Climate Action.  Trump Wouldn’t Even Join Conversation. 0618

Pope Francis Spoke Common Sense at Gathering of Fossil Fuel Executives 0618

22 National Science Academies Urge Governments to Address Climate Change 0318

US Has Caused Serious Damage to Paris Climate Efforts - Former UN Chief 0318

World Leaders Take Aim at Climate Change and Trump 1217

France’s Macron Takes Lead in Climate Change Battle, with the U.S. Absent 1217

Climate Fund for Developing World Gets Boost at U.N. Talks 1117

Climate Change Denial or Indifference Are ‘Perverse Attitudes' - Pope 1117

19 Countries Pledge to Phase Out Coal 1117

Climate Action by China, India to Offset Trump 1117

'Tobacco at a Cancer Summit' - Trump Coal Push Savaged at Climate Conference 1117

Cities Hope New Emissions Push Will Spur Climate Ambition, Finance 1117

Canada, Britain to Tout Coal Phase-Out as U.S. Champions Fossil Fuels 1117

Gov. Jerry Brown and EU Leaders Agree to Work to Combat Climate Change 1117

Syria Embraces Paris Climate Deal, Leaving Trump’s USA Alone in the World 1117

How India’s Battle with Climate Change Could Determine All of Our Fates 1117

12 Cities Plan for Emissions-Free Neighborhoods 1017

'Stuck in the Dark Ages' - Pacific island Leader after Australia's Emissions Hit Record High 0917

Nicaragua to Sign Paris Agreement, Leaving Trump Increasingly Isolated 0917

China’s Xi Slams Unwillingness to Combat Climate Change 0917

'Dodgy' Greenhouse Gas Data Threatens Paris Accord 0817

Japan's Abe Urges G20 to Work Together on Climate Change 0717

Merkel Issues Warning to Trump Ahead of G20 Summit 0617

Trump's Coal Plan Sends U.S. Energy “Back to the Past" - Vatican 0617

This Is How the U.S.’s New Global Isolation on Climate Change Looks 0617

US Opts Out of G7 Pledge Committing to Paris Climate Accord 0617

China Now Looks to California, Not Trump, to Help Lead Climate Change Fight 0617

Meeting Paris Pledges Would Prevent at Least 1°C of Global Warming 0617

UN Official Warns of Costly Effects of Climate Change 0617

Trump Hands the Chinese a Gift - the Chance for Global Leadership 0617

Trump Climate Agreement - Rest of World Rallies around Paris Deal 0617

Not Even Trump Can Derail Global Action on Climate Change – UN Chief 0517

Paris Climate Deal - EU and China Rebuff Trump 0617

Trump Told He Risks ‘Lasting Damage’ to Ties between U.S. and Europe 0517

World Lags on Clean Energy Goals 0517

Tillerson, at Arctic Meeting, Signs Document Affirming Need for Climate Change Action 0517

Trump Warned that Leaving Paris Accord Risks Bad Deals at G7, G20 - 0517

NATO Urges Global Fight against Climate Change 0517

Bloomberg to World Leaders - Ignore Trump on Climate 0417

China, India Become Climate Leaders as West Falters 0417

Trump’s Climate Demands Roil U.S. Allies 0417

China Poised to Take Lead on Climate After Trump’s Move to Undo Policies 0317

G20 Report Shows Competing Visions of a Clean Energy Future 0317

Europe's Aim - Sway, Don't Provoke, Trump on Climate 0317

China Trumps US on Climate Change 0217

Faced with U.S. Retreat on Climate Change, EU Looks to China 0217

What Can China Do to Counter Trump Axing US Climate Change Efforts? 0117

As U.S. Cedes Leadership on Climate, Others Step Up at Davos 0117 - China, India, Europe

Water and Climate Dominate World Economic Forum Risk Report 0117


GO TO $/T. .Tax .Cap .Int'l 1 3 4. .Europe China India+ .Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ .President .Exec Candidate .States .EPA .Misc.

International 2

In Trump’s Wake, China Emerges as Global Leader on Climate 1116

Steps to Address Climate Change Are ‘Irreversible,’ World Leaders Declare 1116

World's Poorest Countries Aim for 100% Green Energy 1116

From France to Canada, Countries Are Reeling from Trump’s Climate Plans 1116 - French proposal to slap 1-3% tariff on US goods on all US products, if US "exempts itself from environmental regulations we have imposed on our businesses."

China Rolls Its Eyes at Trump over His Ridiculous Climate Change Claim 1116

CEOs, Leaders Urge Trump to Stand by Climate Pact 1116 - 360+ companies (12 Fortune 500), investors, mainly American

Nations Will Push Ahead with Climate Change Action Plans, despite Trump 1116

Trump Victory Deals Blow to Global Fight Against Climate Change 1116

Trump Win Raises Questions About UN Climate Deal 1116

Climate Summit's Urgent Goal - Cut More Emissions, Faster 1116

The Paris Agreement on Climate Change Is Official.  Now What? 1116

China Climate Chief to Trump - Keep the U.S. Part of Paris Agreement 1116

Oil Industry Must Back Workable Climate Policies 1016

Indonesia Ratifies Paris Climate Deal.  Does It Matter? 1016

Nations Agree to Landmark Deal to Cut HFCs, Potent Greenhouse Gases 1016

Emerging Climate Accord Could Push A/C Out of Sweltering India’s Reach 1016

191 Countries Strike Deal to Cut Aircraft Emissions 1016

Paris Climate Agreement Is Coming into Force.  Now Comes the Hard Part. 1016

India Ratifies Paris Climate Change Agreement 1016

EU Vote Sets Up Paris Agreement for an Early Start 0916

100 Countries Push to Phase Out Potentially Disastrous Greenhouse Gas 0916

Obama Appeals for Climate Investment in Valedictory UN Speech 0916

Obama, China Ratify Paris Climate Agreement 0916

Pope Francis Says Destroying the Environment Is a Sin 0916

Insurers Call on G20 to Phase Out Fossil Fuel Subsidies by 2020 - 0816

Pacific Islands Nations Consider World's 1st Treaty to Ban Fossil Fuels 0716

World Has Climate Goals Right, but Not Enough Ambition to Achieve Them 0616

Moody’s Calls for Rapid Paris Climate Deal Approval 0616

Obama's New Clean Electricity Goal for North America - 50% by 2025 - 0616

Cities Forge World's Largest Alliance to Curb Climate Change 0616

The US and India Just Made Progress on the HFC Climate Problem 0616

Climate Change Puts 1.3 Billion People, $158 Trillion at Risk, Says World Bank 0516

Plans for Coal-Fired Power in Asia Are ‘Disaster for Planet', Warns World Bank 0516

Carbon Pricing Becomes a Cause for the World Bank and I.M.F. 0416

The Key Players in Climate Change 0416

We’re Running Out of Water, and the World’s Powers Are Very Worried 0416

Paris Climate Deal Seen Taking Effect 2 Years Ahead of Plan 0416

WTO Swats Down India’s Massive Solar Initiative, on Domestic Content (via US) 0216

U.N. Agency Proposes Limits on Airlines’ Carbon Emissions 0216

Paris Climate Deal Could ‘Displace Millions of Forest Dwellers' 0216

How Big Cities Are Finding Innovative Ways to Nudge People to Ditch Cars 0116

Will Trade Trump Climate Pact? 0116Cut Global Emissions by Cutting Fossil-Fuel Subsidies 1215 - Washington Post editorial

Critical Mass of States Will Reach Emissions Peak by 2030 under Climate Deal 1215

Paris Agreement Ushers in End of the Fossil Fuel Era 1215

Paris Climate Deal - Nearly 200 Nations Sign, in End of Fossil Fuel Era 1215

Paris Climate Deal Is 'Best Chance to Save Planet’ 1215 - Key Points
• Recognizes INDCs already filed;
• Recognizes gap between effect of filed INDCs and keeping global warming below 2°C;
• Review progress every 5 years (with INDC committment updates);
• Future INDCs cut emissions further than current INDCs;
• Peak greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions ASAP and achieve net zero GHG emissions in the 2nd half of this century;
• Goal to keep global temperature increase "well below" 2°C (3.6°F) and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C;
• $100 billion a year in climate finance for developing countries by 2020, more in the future;
• In force when 55% of nations or 55% of emissions ratify.

Paris Climate Agreement Text 1215 - PDF, 31 pp

Final Draft of Climate Deal Formally Accepted in Paris 1215

A Plea from Small Islands - More Insurance for Climate Change 1215

U.S. Doubles Climate Adaption Aid to Nearly $900 Million 1215

Kerry Signals U.S. Support for Ambitious 1.5°C Goal in Climate Deal 1215

Coalition of Business Leaders Challenges 2°C Target, Seeks 1.5°C - 1215

Oil, Coal Come to Climate Table with Significantly Fewer Bargaining Chips 1215

Climate Funding Piles Up, but Nations Argue over How Quickly 1215

Climate Delegates Agree on Text of Draft Deal 1215

Bhutan Has ‘Most Ambitious Pledge’ at the Paris Climate Summit 1215

Rich Nations' Fossil Fuel Subsidies Exceed Climate Aid by 40 to 1 - 1215

Developing Nations Shift Stance, See Need to Limit Their Own Emissions Too 1215

India, Brazil Resist Further Long-Term Goals on How to Limit Global Warming 1215

India Signals Willingness to Cut Coal for Climate Cash 1215

A Call to Paris Climate Negotiators - Tax Carbon. 1215 32 famed economists: 4 Nobel prize winners, 3 Cabinet secretaries, 2 Federal Reserve Board vice-chairs, 3 Harvard economic profs, etc.

Obama, Xi, Figueres Speak on Climate Change 1215

France, Germany, Canada, IMF, World Bank, OECD Call on World to Price Carbon 1215

Paris Conference Could Be Climate Turning Point, Says Obama 1115

Obama, Gates Announce Clean Energy Research Investment by 20 Nations & 28 Investors 1115

France, India to Launch Global Solar Alliance 1115

Is the 2°C World a Fantasy? 1115

Pope - 'Catastrophic' if Climate Deal Derailed 1115

India Opposes Deal to Phase Out Fossil Fuels by 2100 at Climate Summit 1115

Poor Nations Need Support to Cut Emissions from Farming 1115

World Bank Sets $16 Billion Plan for African Climate Action 1115

India Backs 2°C Global Warming Limit 1115

Rich Countries Agree to Slash Export Subsidies for Coal Plants 1115 - allowed only for ultra-supercritical or poorest nations.  Deal includes China, Australia, Japan & South Korea.

G20 Spends 4 x More on Fossil Fuel Output than on Renewables 1115

Nations Conflict on Subsidy Rules for Exporting Coal-Fired Power Plants 1115 - see 2 articles above

For the 1st time, Saudi Arabia, Oil Empire, Commits to Climate Change Action 1115

Why a Paris Climate Agreement Could Actually Be Very Good for the U.S. 1115

US ‘Playing Catch-up to China' in Clean Energy Efforts, UN Climate Chief Says 1115

Paris Climate Deal to Ignite $90 Trillion Energy Revolution 1015

Climate Plans Must Go Further to Prevent Dangerous Warming - UN 1015

Climate Change Deal Will Not Include Global Carbon Price 1015

Buddhists Call for Strong Paris Climate Deal to Limit Warming 1015

U.S. Leads Industrialized Nations in Shift from Coal 1015

U.S. Said to Engage in Talks on Carbon Market Rules 1015

John Kerry Urges Ambitious Climate Change Deal to Ensure Food Security 1015

Major Oil Producers Back ‘Effective' Deal at Paris Climate Summit 1015

ITF Calls for Global Rules for Ship Operators to Cut Emissions 1015

Pacific Island Nations Beg for Help when ‘Calamity' of Climate Change Hits 1015

EU Climate Chief Hails Global Progress on Emissions 1015

U.N. Climate Reports Are Getting Harder to Understand, as Climate Worsens 1015

Paris Climate Summit - UN Negotiations ‘Need Redesign' 1015

Climate Aid Reaching $62 Billion Placates Developing World 1015

India ‘Disappointed’ at Draft Paris Climate Change Agreement 1015

UN Climate Science Panel Elects 1st New Leader in 13 Years 1015

Toughen Climate Action Every 5 Years, U.N. Draft Suggests 01015

India Pledges Clean-Energy Push in UN Climate Submission 1015 

Analysis of 2015’s INDC CO2 and GHG Reduction Pledges    -

         by Climate Interactive, headed by MIT’s John Sterman

      Gene Fry’s CAVEAT: Temperature rises shown at right are from climate models.  They omit temperature rises after 2100.  These likely exceed rises between now and 2100.  Paleoclimate data indicate, for example, 5.4°C eventual warming (above 1880 levels) from 475 ppm CO2, not just the 2°C shown here.  With 475 ppm CO2 and today’s CH4 levels (~1840 ppb), paleoclimate data indicate 7.4°C eventual warming.

     Climate Interactive’s 2°C warming case has negligible net warming from other greenhouse gases (CH4, etc.), sulfate aerosols, black carbon, etc.  Currently, other GHGs and black carbon, minus sulfates, account for almost as much warming as CO2.  Reducing them to almost zero (485 - 475 ppm) is a very formidable task.
     Achieving only 2°C warming requires VERY large NEGATIVE emissions, the sooner the better.

How to Stop Deforestation?  Make ‘Good Stuff' Cheaper 0915

Climate Deal Gains, with Brazil Pollution Plan and European Cash 0915

Limited Progress Seen, Even as More Nations Step Up on Climate 0915

Pope's Climate Push Is ‘Raving Nonsense’ without Population Control - Ehrlich 0915

Indonesia to Curb Rising Greenhouse Gas Emissions, but Details Are Thin 0915

Pope Francis Backs Urgent Climate Change Action, Lauds Obama's Climate Plan 0915

Israel Approves Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan 0915

Carbon Pricing Schemes Double since 2012 in Climate Fight - World Bank 0915

Paris Talks Won’t Hit Global Warming Target, UN Warns 0915

Developing Countries Set an Example on Emissions Cuts 0915

Join the 4‰ Initiative Soils for Food Security and Climate 0915

Australia's Inaction on Climate Change Set to Dominate Pacific Island Talks 0915

International Efforts to Cut Carbon Pollution Won't Be Enough 0915

$190 Trillion Spending to Slow Warming, vs $192 Trillion for Business as Usual 0815

UN Said to Summon Leaders to Closed-Door Climate Change Meeting 0815

Assuming ’Wrong Type of Coal' Way Overestimated China's CO2 Emissions 0815

Can an Islamic Climate Change Declaration Inspire 1.6 Billion Muslims? 0815

Islamic Leaders Call on Rich Countries to End Fossil Fuel Use 0815

How US Climate Plan Can Follow China and Europe—or Not 0815

Australia Carbon Plan Sends Shudder through Neighbors 0815

World Bank Rejects Energy Industry Notion That Coal Can Cure Poverty 0715

Kenya Pledges to Cut Carbon Emissions 30% by 2030 - 0715

Japan Delivers 26% Emissions Reduction Plan to UN 0715

Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement' 0715

Muslim Scholars Say Climate Change Poses Dire Threat 0715

Treat Climate Change as Seriously as National Security 0715

New Zealand Commits to Post-2020 Emissions Reduction Target 0715

New Coal Plants ‘Most Urgent' Threat to the Planet, Warns OECD Head 0715

China Climate Change Plan Unveiled 0615

South Korea Eyes 37% CO2 Emissions Cut 0615

US and Brazil Set Energy Goals, in Sign of Improving Ties 0615

Brazil, China, India, South Africa in Push for Climate Financing 0615

Release of Encyclical Reveals Pope’s Deep Dive into Climate Science 0615

Pope Francis Encyclical Calls for End to Fossil Fuels 0615

Laudato Si: Pope Francis' Encyclical on the Environment 0615 - PDF, 192 pp

Pope Francis Blasts Global Warming Deniers in Leaked Draft of Encyclical 0615

China ‘Deserves More Credit’ for Renewable Energy Effort - IEA 0615

BP Boss Widens Transatlantic Rift in Energy Industry over Climate Change 0615

UN Climate Conference - Silence over Emissions Targets 0615
China leads refusal to officially look at  how pledges compare to what’s needed to hold warming to 2°C.

G7 Carbon Goal May Come Too Late, Scientists Say 0615

Is Gas a Weapon in the Fight against Climate Change? 0615

G7 to Limit Global Warming to Below 2°C - 0615

G7 - End of Fossil Fuel Era? 0615

Developing Countries Could Leapfrog West with Clean Energy, Says Hollande 0615

Marshall Islands, the Flag for Many Ships, Seeks to Rein In Emissions 0615

Global CO2 Pricing Seen Unlikely to Be Big Part of Paris Climate Deal 0615

Report - U.S. Can Make Good on Climate Pledge — Barely 0515

UN Head Calls for Global Climate Change Action 0515

$5.3 Trillion in Coal, Oil, Gas Subsidies Exceed Public Health Spending 0515

Former BP Boss, Tony Hayward, Calls for an End to Fossil Fuel Subsidies 0515

2°C Rise Is "Unacceptable," the Cap Must be Lowered – IPCC Author 0515

New Climate Deal Seen Aiding GDP, Lacking Sanctions - U.N. Chief 0515

U.N. Climate Chief Slams Fossil Fuel Investments, Outlines Steps for Paris Deal 0515

Current Carbon Pledges Won't Stop Dangerous Global Warming - Lord Stern 0515

Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan - ‘We Must Challenge Climate-Change Skeptics Who Deny the Facts’ 0515

Scientists Say Globe Could Warm 6°C by 2100, Call for Action Before Paris 0415

France Urges Australia to Keep Climate Commitment, Ahead of UN Summit 0415

Russia Sketches Emissions Cut of up to 30% by 2030 - 0415

US Pledges a 26-28% Carbon Emissions Cut by 2025 - 0315

$8 Billion Push to Cool the Globe Has Poor Countries Steaming 0315

UN Backs Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign 0315

'Long Struggle' Warning on Climate 0315

IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri Resigns 0215

Is 'Net-Zero' Carbon Goal to Rescue the Climate Plausible? 0215

UN Agrees on Draft Text for Paris Climate Summit 0215

Paris Talks Won’t Achieve 2°C Goal - Does That Matter? 0215

One Upside of Cheap Oil - Countries Are Ditching Their Fossil-Fuel Subsidies 0115      Consumption Subsidies - IEA

Pope's Visit to Stoke Climate Fight 0115

U.N. Asks Countries for Climate Plans after Record Warm 2014 - 0115

World Bank Chief Makes Climate Action Plea 0115

     Al Gore made this speech , also at Davos, summarizing impacts and what has been happening to turn energy green.

Solar, Nuclear, Climate Progress Possible on Obama India Visit 0115

Experts Warn Governments to Plan for Climate Change Migrants 0115


GO TO $/T. .Tax .Cap. .Int'l 1. 2 4 .Europe. China India+ .Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ President Exec Candidate .States .EPA .Misc.

International 3

Pope Francis Thinks Climate Change Is a Major Threat.  So Do American Catholics. 1214

Drought, Heat and Ice - 2015 Could Be Tipping Point on Climate 1214

Pope Francis’s Climate Change Edict Will Anger Deniers and US Churches 1214

“World Faces Climate Tragedy” - Kerry Rallies Leaders at Lima Climate Talks 1214

Global Group of Catholic Bishops Call for End to Fossil Fuels 1214

Climate Deal Commits Every Nation to Limiting Emissions 1214

Lima Climate Deal - Every Nation Now Plans to Tackle CO2 Emissions.  Sort of. 1214

Lord Stern’s Warning - Legally Binding Climate Deal 'Not Necessary’ 1214

Zero Emissions Climate Idea Comes of Age 1214

Giving Climate Pact Legal Teeth Could Make It Toothless 1214

U.S. Sees Voluntary Emissions Cuts as Key to a Climate Change Accord 1214

In Climate Talks, Spotlight Turns to India 1114

Russia May Cut CO2 Emissions 25-30% by 2030.   What Will India Do? 1114
        - a maybe by a minister, not a formal commitment

US-China Climate Deal's Ambition Fails to Impress India 1114

China, U.S. Agree to Limit Greenhouse Gases 1114

G20 Pledges Lift Green Climate Fund Towards $10 Billion U.N. Goal 1114

Barack Obama Tells G20 a Global Climate Change Deal Is Possible and Vital 1114

US and China Reach Historic Deal to Cut CO2 Emissions 1114

US and China Shake Up Global Climate Talks With Major Pollution Pledges 1114

World Losing Battle Against Global Warming 1114

Capping Warming at 2°C Not Enough to Avert Disaster, Experts Warn 1114

IPCC Speaks – Rapid Carbon Emission Cuts Vital to Stop Climate Change 1114

Fossil Fuels Should Be Phased Out by 2100, Says IPCC 1114

IPCC Report Warns of 'Severe, Pervasive' Effects of Global Warming 1114

Effects of Climate Change ‘Irreversible,’ IPCC Warns 1114

IPCC Climate Change Synthesis Report Sees Risks of Irreversible Damage 1014

US Considers Climate Change Plan That Would Mandate Emission Cuts 1014

2 Bold Proposals Emerge to Change Climate Negotiations 1014

Could the 2°C Climate Target Be Completely Wrong? 1014

Economic Benefits of Preventing Global Warming Open New Front in Debate 0914

Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit 0914

Climate Change Summit - Global Rallies Demand Action 0914

Earth Has 30 Years Before Carbon Budget Is Blown 0914

74 Countries, 1,000+ Businesses Speak Out to Support a Carbon Price 0914

World Leaders Reach Fragile Consensus on Global Warming 0914

Obama Presses Chinese on Global Warming 0914

U.N. Draft Report Lists Unchecked Emissions’ Risks 0814

UN Experts Call for Action to Mitigate Climate-Related Health Risks 0814

Paris Climate Deal May Not Keep World Under 2°C -- Is that Failure? 0814

Obama’s Green Dilemma - Punish China, Imperil U.S. Solar 0814

Climate Talks on Path to Fall Far Short of Goals, Says MIT Study 0814

Pope - Destroying the Earth is a Sin 0514

Climate Change Report Was Watered Down, Says Senior Economist 0414

IPCC Calls for Energy Transformation 0414

To Slow Warming, No More ‘Business as Usual,' U.N. Warns 0414

World 'Needs Plan B' on Climate - IPCC 0414

U.N. Says Lag in Confronting Climate Woes Will Be Costly 0114

UN 'Loss and Damage Mechanism' Born Amid Rising Climate Costs 1113

Deals at Climate Meeting Advance Global Effort 1113

Big Polluters Backpedal at Climate Talks 1113

Growing Clamor About Inequities of Climate Crisis 1113

Rich Nations Must Pay Up if U.N. Climate Talks to Succeed- China 1113

Green Climate Fund Can Power Poor Countries 1113

Fossil Fuel Subsidies 'Reckless Use of Public Funds' 1113

World Bank Support for China Solar and Wind Power May Have Cost US Jobs 1013

California and Quebec Create Their Own Trans-National Carbon Market 1013

Carbon Budget Talks Urgent, Warns Lord Stern 0913

Skeptic Groups Launch Global Anti-Science Campaign on Eve of IPCC 5 - 0913

Survey Reveals Worldwide Fears of Climate Change 0913

Coal at Risk as Global Lenders Drop Coal Financing on Climate Concerns 0813 

World Bank to Limit Financing of Coal-Fired Plants 0713 

Obama Plan Gives US Leverage in Climate Talks with China 0713 

US, China Agree on Climate Steps to Curb Emissions 0713 

World Bank Slams Climate Skeptics 0613

Climate Change Threatens Trouble in Near Future, World Bank Says 0613 

Democrats Urge Obama to Get HFC GHG Agreement from China 0613

4 Ways the World Bank Can Fight Climate Change 0513

Pragmatic US Approach Leads Climate Talks 0413

US, China Jointly Call for Forceful Climate Change Action 0413

For Climate Action, 2013 Good as It’ll Get - Nicholas Stern 0413

Economist Stern Warns of Radical Climate Change 0413

World Bank to Increase Climate Role, to Fight Poverty 0413

World’s Poorest Nations Say Yes to Emissions Cuts 0413

World Bank Condemns Business as Usual 0313

Ex-IPCC Chief Sees 5°C Warming Ahead 0213


GO TO $/T. .Tax. .Cap. .Int'l 1 2 3 4. .Europe China India+ .Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ President Exec Candidate .States .EPA .Misc.

International 4

Nicholas Stern - I underestimated climate change. 0113

UN Says Carbon Cuts Too Slow to Curb Dangerous Warming 1112

US Replaces China as Top Clean Energy Investor 0112

What Countries Are Doing to Tackle Climate Change - NPR 1211 - PDF

Australia's goal is to cut its GHGs emissions by 5% from 2000 to 2020.  By and large, Australia met those targets, mostly by reducing deforestation and land clearing.  In November 2011, Australian lawmakers approved a carbon trading plan, where its top 500 polluters would pay a carbon tax starting in July 2012.  The Abbott government elected in September 2013 is repealing it.







Brazil aims by 2020 to cut its emissions to 1994 levels and cut annual deforestation by 80% from historic highs.  Its Plan focuses on more renewable energy, notable hydroelectricity (Belo Monte), and more biofuels for transport.  It hopes to eliminate illegal deforestation and bring the net forest loss to zero by 2015.  But some propose to loosen the deforestation rules, which some flout.  Anyway, Brazil's deforestation rose 28% in 2012, from ~2,300 to 2,900 square miles, still much less than 12,000.


Canada initially committed to cut its GHG emissions by 6% below 1990 levels, but backpedaled to 17% from 2005 levels by 2020, like the USA.  It has since cancelled its emissions commitments.  Canada’s emissions are 17% above 1990 levels, due largely to oil from Alberta's tar sands.  This more than cancels out the progress from shifting electric generation from coal to natural gas.

China pledged to reduce its carbon intensity 40-45% by 2020, but not its emissions.  It is the world's biggest consumer (and producer) of coal: #1 in CO2 emissions, still growing fast, and #2 in energy use.  China has become infamous for its heavily polluted air.  The most recent projections are for its CO2 emissions to peak about 2016 or 2020 instead of 2030.  However, China’s coal use in 2014 was lower than in 2013.  In November 2014, China pledged to cap its emissions by 2013, but also “as soon as possible."

     Still, by 2020 China plans to get 15% of its energy not from fossil fuels and 20% by 2030.  Its renewable portfolio standard dates to 2005.  Hydro plays the biggest role.  Nukes play a growing one, but less than wind.  China subsidizes its clean energy sector heavily, so green tech jobs can fuel future growth.  Chinese manufacturers have cut world PV cell prices dramatically.  China plans 50 GW of solar power by 2020.  China raised its target for wind power to 100 GW by 2020; it's ahead of schedule again.  It leads the world in wind and solar  power and plans to add 800-1,000 GW in renewable generation (20% of its total) by 2030.  [TOTAL US generation is 1,060 GW.]

     China began its pilot carbon trading programs for 7 cities & provinces with Shenzhen in July.  All 7 are in full swing, with varying exceptions and free allowances.  China plans a nationwide carbon price in 2016.


The European Union (EU), with 27 member states, pledged to cut emissions 20% below 1990 levels by 2020, including 8% by 2012. To do that, in 2005 the EU launched the world's biggest carbon trading market. Today, all members must participate; 3 outsiders do too.  Major EU factories and power plants get CO2 allowances for their emissions.  Ones that emit less CO2 than permitted can sell their excess to other firms.  The price depends heavily on the cap (see twin graphs above).  Many other nations oppose new EU plans that flights to & from Europe buy CO2 permits.







India agreed to reduce its carbon intensity 20% by 2015, but not its emissions, saying that would hurt efforts to bring millions of Indians out of poverty.  India is the world's #3 CO2 emitter.  It's active in the Clean Development Mechanism carbon offset plan.  It earns credits for  emission-reducing projects (half wind and biomass) and sells them to industrialized nations.  Its goal is 20 GW of solar by 2022.  In 2010, India began a carbon tax of $1.07 / ton on coal, to fund renewables.


Indonesia pledged emission cuts of 26% by 2020, from 2010 levels.  It has vast swaths of tropical forests, which suck up CO2.  But those forests are being logged at an alarming rate — releasing huge amounts of carbon into the air.  In May 2011, Indonesia agreed to implement a 2-year moratorium on new forest clearing, in exchange for $1 billion to support forest conservation.  Observers question Indonesia's commitment to stopping deforestation, since its economic boom is fueled by natural resource extraction.

Japan, the world's #5 CO2 emitter, once pledged to reduce its CO2 emissions by 25% below 1990 levels by 2020.  Tokyo lauched a cap-and-trade plan in 2010 for 1,300 big users - even large offices and schools.  But after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan shut down its nuclear power: 1/3 of its electricity.  Despite drastic energy cuts, its 2011 CO2 emissions rose sharply and could stay there.  So far, one reactor has been licensed to restart.  


                              #4 Russia pledged to cut its emissions by 15% from 1990 levels - when Soviet emissions from heavy (mostly miltary) industry were sky high.  After the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia's emissions did too, meeting its pledge.  Russia still depends on many heavy industries, with heavy pollution. Russia's leaders long questioned a human role in climate change, but reversed that in 2009, and in spades after its record heat, drought, forest fires, and wheat crop failure in 2010.


South Africa expects its emissions to peak between 2020 and 2025, then remain flat for a decade before dropping.  Its CO2 emissions top Africa's #2-5 emitters combined.  Coal generates 90% of its electricity.  It aims for renewables to provide 9% its energy by 2030.  Construction on the first 50 projects, mostly wind and sun, begins after mid-2012.  It plans to enlarge nuclear power's role, from 5% of its electricity. 

       The USA pledged to reduce emissions 17% by 2020, contingent on Congress passing an aggressive cap-and-trade bill.  It did not, but US emissions fell anyway, 11% from their 2005 peak, to only 11% above 1990 levels.  In November 2014, the US President pledged 26-28% carbon emission cuts by 2025.  The 4 biggest factors are (1) a switch from coal to fracked natural gas; (2) higher oil and gasoline prices; (3) widespread energy efficiency, from federal appliance and lighting standards, to state-funded programs, to individual business and household decisions; and (4) wind energy replacing oil (and coal) to make electricity, with help from 29 state renewable portfolio standards.  Over the coming years, 2 other factors come into play: (5) new nationwide fuel-efficiency standards will almost double fuel efficiency for new cars and light trucks; and (6) new regulation of CO2 emissions from new power plants and then existing ones. 

Climate Talks End with Late Deal 1211

US & Saudi Arabia Stall Climate Fund 1111

Governments Subsidize Fossil Fuels 1111

Mixed Messages on Climate Vulnerability 1111

Climate Pledges Will Yield Up to 4°C Warming by 2100 - 1110

Assessment of Summer Copenhagen Committments 0410

Copenhagen Results Summary 1209

Copenhagen 5-Nation Pact 1209 - PDF, 5 pp - US, China, India, Brazil, South Africa

Climate Talks Near Deal to Save Forests 1209

Nations' Positions Entering Copenhagen Talks 1109 - China, US, EU, India, Japan, African Union, Gulf States, Small Islands

Carbon Lobbyists Attack Before Copenhagen 1109

G8+ on Climate Pact 0709


GO TO $/T .Tax .Cap. .Int'l 1 .2 .3 .4. China India+ .Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ .President .Exec .Candidate .States .EPA .Misc.


Europe’s War on Carbon Goes Global as Border Tax Comes Into Play 1023

New E.U. Law Requires 70% of Aviation Fuel to Be Sustainable by 2050 - 0923

EU Looks into Blocking Out the Sun, as Climate Efforts Falter 0623

Swiss Voters Approve Climate Law to Cut Greenhouse Gases, as Glaciers Melt 0623

Germany to Walk Back Charging Goal as More People Plug EVs in at Home 0623

France Bans Short-Haul Flights, as It Looks to Cut Transport Emissions 0523

European Law Might Get Companies around the World to Cut Climate Pollution 0523
- border adjustment, for industrial goods subject to little or no carbon price at home.

Germany Sets the New Standard for Cheap, National Mass Transit 0423

Germany Quits Nuclear Power, Ending a Decades-Long Struggle 0423

EU Approves 2035 Ban on Sales of Gasoline-Powered Cars 0323

UK Set for Massive Rollout of EV Chargers, in Net-Zero Push 0323  

EU’s Green Plan Will Force Oil Majors to Store CO2 Underground 0323

EU Lawmakers Back Deal to Ban New Combustion-Engine Cars by 2035 - 0223

Italy Gets Cold Feet over EU Greener Buildings Plan 0223

Europe’s Plan to Become the 1st Climate-Neutral Continent 0123

EU Gets Landmark Deal to Strengthen and Expand Carbon Market 1222

World’s 1st Carbon Border Tax Lands in Europe 1222

EU Passes Law to Make Electric Car Batteries Cleaner 1222

EU’s New Climate Change Plan Will Cause Biodiversity Loss, Deforestation 1222

France Mandates Solar Panels on Most Parking Lots; Great Marriage with EVs 1122

Time to Stop Counting Forest Biomass as ‘Renewable Energy’ 1122

E.U. Plans for Only Electric New Vehicles by 2035 Are ‘without Precedent’ 1022

EU Targets ‘Zero Pollution’ by 2050 to Curb Premature Deaths 1022

Germany Extends Lifetime of Remaining Nuclear Plants 1022

Greta Thunberg - Germany Making ‘Mistake' by Ditching Nuclear Power for Coal 1022

EU Set to Pave Way for €565 Billion Overhaul of Electricity Grid 0922

European Union Signals a Move Away from Wood Energy 0922

Denmark Is 1st UN Member to Pay for ‘Loss and Damage’ from Climate Change 0922

Europe Plans 20 Floating Gas Terminals by Year-End, Raising Climate Fears 0822

How Germany Is Scrambling to Save Energy 0822

Spain Air Conditioning Crackdown Set to Take Effect 0822

Germany Gets Solar Boost amid Energy Crisis 0822

Londoners Urged Not to Travel, as Heat Wave Engulfs Europe 0722

Italy Declares State of Emergency on Impact from Drought 0722

Europe Calls Gas and Nuclear Energy ‘Green’ 0722

Putin’s War Threatens Europe’s Ambitious Climate Goals 0722

To Save Energy, Stop Wearing Neckties, Spanish Premier Sanchez Says 0722

Ireland Lays Path to Cut Emissions in Half by 2030 - 0722

Italy Declares State of Emergency on Impact from Drought 0722

EU Lawmakers Support Banning Gasoline Car Sales by 2035 - 0622

Finland Targets Net Zero by 2035 - 0522

Why Germany Is Offering a Summer of Cheap Trains 0522 - Cut use of Russian oil and gas.

Germany Presents New Ukraine-Accelerated Renewables Plan 0422

EU Targets Man-Made Greenhouse Gases in Climate Neutrality Push 0422

U.K. Bets Big on Nuclear, Wind in Energy Security Strategy 0422

U.K. Targets 10-Fold Increase in Electric Vehicle Charge Points 0322

Germany Brings Forward Goal of 100% Renewable Power to 2035 - 0222

E.U. to Unveil Strategy to Break Free from Russian Gas 0222

France Bans Short-Haul Domestic Flights, in Favor of Train Travel 0222

Germany Responds to Russia, by Halting Nord Stream 2 Pipeline 0222

Slovenia Pledges to Stop Burning Coal for Electricity by 2033 - 0122

Denmark Wants to Drop Fossil Fuels in Domestic Flights in 2030 - 0122

Europe Unveils Gas Market Proposals Key to Low-Carbon Future 1221

Germany Approves Billions for Climate, Modernization Fund 1221

Germany’s New Coalition Promises Climate Revolution & CO2 Floor Price 1121

Europe’s CO2 Price Has Almost Tripled in 2021 - 1221 - €80 / ton

Portugal Becomes 4th EU Country to Stop Using Coal to Make Electricity 1121

Iceland’s Cabinet Raises Climate Goal as Glaciers Melt 1121

Germany’s New Government to Channel $67 Billion to Climate Fund 1121

CoP26 Deal Sounds Death Knell for Coal Power – British PM 1121

Greece Brings In Climate Law, Banning Fossil-Fuel Cars From 2030 - 1121

France to Invest in Small Nuclear Reactors and Green Energy Projects 1021

Austria Announces Carbon Tax, Offset by Reduction in Other Taxes 1021

Denmark Agrees to Binding 2030 Climate Target for Agriculture 1021

London Brings Forward Plan to Electrify City’s Bus Fleet 0921

France Passes Climate Law, but Critics Say It Falls Short 0721 - A few of the measures: domestic flights for journeys that can be made by train in less than 2.5 hours are banned, unless they connect to an international flight.  Subsidies for drivers who trade in a polluting car for a cleaner one have been extended to electric bicycle purchases.

The E.U. Is Getting Serious about Climate.  Can the U.S. Follow Suit? 0721 - E.U. plans to raise the price to at least $71 per ton of CO2.

EU Deal Forces Investors to Shift Gears on Climate Threat 0721

EU Unveils Ambitious Climate Package, as It Cools on Fossil Fuels 0721

UK’s Target to End to Coal Power Is Now 2024, a Year Sooner 0621

Court Orders Shell to Slash CO2 Emissions in Landmark Climate Ruling 0521

German Climate Goals Need ‘Massive’ Cut in Industry CO2 by 2030 - 0521

‘Historic’ German Ruling Says Climate Goals Not Tough Enough 0421

Poland Clinches ‘Historic’ Deal to Phase Out Coal by 2049 - 0421

Danish Leader Speaks of Ambitious Offshore Wind ‘Energy Island’ Plans 0421

UK to Cut CO2 Emissions 78% by 2035, from 1990 Levels 0421

EU Reaches Major Climate Deal Ahead of Biden Climate Summit 0421

US Wants the EU to Delay Imposing Trade Penalties on Carbon-Intensive Imports, but Is Considering Imposing Its Own 0321

French MPs Approve Bill Enshrining Climate Change Protection in Constitution 0321

Court Faults France Over ‘Ecological Damage’ From Its Emissions Levels 0221

EU Hopes for a Climate Partnership with China 0221

U.K. to Halt Subsidies for Fossil Fuel Projects Abroad 1220

Germany Seeks to Curb Global Emissions of N2O, a Climate Super-Pollutant 1220

EU Leaders Agree to Reduce Emissions, after All-Night Talks 1220

EU Drafts Deal to Upgrade 2030 Climate Change Target Next Month 1120

EU Plans to Increase Offshore Wind Farm Capacity by 250% - 1120

EU Eyes Tax as Tool in Climate Change Fight 1120

Boris Johnson Lays Out U.K. Plan for a ‘Green Industrial Revolution’ 1120

EU Says Fossil Fuel Subsidies Undermine Its Climate Ambitions 1020

Does the EU’s Methane Strategy Go Far Enough? 1020

Oslo Is What a Zero-Emissions City Looks Like 0920

Europe Poised to Ramp Up Emission Cuts with Ambitious Target 0820

Boris Johnson Poised to Stop UK Funding Overseas Fossil Fuel Projects 0820

Electric Car Subsidies Make Renaults Free in Germany 0720

‘Green Tsunami’ Washes Over France’s City Halls 0720

Denmark to Introduce Green Taxes on Carbon Emissions 0620

U.K. Announces ‘Jet Zero’ Plan to Drive Down Aviation Emissions 0620

Germany Just Unveiled the World’s Greenest Stimulus Plan 0620

Merkel Cabinet Seals Plan to Widen CO2 Price to Heating, Roads 0520

Greener Farms and Healthier Food Key to EU’s Climate Plan 0520

Spain Aims to Pass Green Law, Boost Clean Energy on Grid to 70% - 0520

Oil Slump Spurs Talk of Ending EU Subsidies for Polluting Fuels 0420

EU Draft Climate Law Sparks Political Battles 0320 - Net-zero by 2050.  Arguments over details

Is Scotland Leading the Way on Climate Change? 0220

UK Petrol and Diesel Car Sales Ban Brought Forward to 2035 - 0220

EU’s $1 Trillion Plan to Make Whole Continent Carbon Neutral 0120

Spain Declares Climate Emergency, Gets Climate Plan Ready 0120

Holland Must Cut CO2 to Protect Citizens from Climate Change – Supreme Court 1219

Europe Threatens U.S. with Carbon Tariffs to Combat Climate Change 1219

EU Unveils 'Green Deal' Plan to Get Europe Carbon Neutral by 2050 - 1219

EU Declares a Climate Emergency 1119

Germany Passes Climate-Protection Law to Ensure 2030 Goals 1119

Germany’s Merkel Wants 1 Million Electric Car Charge Points by 2030 - 1119

Labour Party Pledges to Ban Sale of Non-Electric Cars by 2030 - 1019

Scotland Enacts ‘Toughest Climate Change Laws in the World' 0919

Germany Unveils Plan for Climate-Friendly Aviation 0819

How Copenhagen Plans to Reach Carbon-Neutral Status in Just 6 Years 0819

New EU Chief Makes Bold Climate Pledges 0719

UK’s Goal of Net-Zero Carbon by 2050 Becomes Law 0619

Denmark’s New Prime Minister Vows to Tackle Climate Change 0619

East European States Block Bid for EU 2050 Decarbonization Target 0619

Theresa May Will Commit to Ending UK’s GHG Emissions by 2050, No Caveats 0619

Europe’s Triumphant Greens Demand More Radical Climate Action 0519

'Green Wave' in EU Vote amid Climate Crisis 0519

Ireland Declares Climate Emergency 0519

Amsterdam to Ban Petro-Powered Cars from 2030 Onward - 0519

UK Parliament Declares ‘Climate Emergency' 0519

Copenhagen Wants to Show How Cities Can Fight Climate Change 0319

UK’s Fracking Plan ‘Will Release Same CO2 as 300 Million New Cars’ 0319

Dutch to Close Amsterdam Coal-Fired Power Plant 4 Years Early 0319

EU Being Sued to Stop Burning Trees for Energy; It’s Not Carbon Neutral 0319

EU Forges Deal on Coal Phase-out, with Special Polish Clause 1218

EU Agrees on Deal to Cut CO2 Emissions from Cars 1218

Court Tells EU Commission It Can’t Let Cars Spew More Greenhouse Gases 1218

Dutch Appeals Court Upholds Landmark Climate Change Ruling 1018

European Parliament Wants 40% CO2 Emissions Cut for New Cars by 2030 - 1018

Inside Oslo’s Plan to Go Carbon Neutral by 2030 - 0918

Europe Mulls Stripping Carbon from the Skies 0818

Hottest Summer Bumps Up Climate Fight in Swedish Election 0818

Ireland Moves to Divest From Fossil Fuels 0718

Dutch Parliament to Set Target of 95% CO2 Reduction by 2050 - 0618

EU Raises Renewable Energy Targets to 32% by 2030 - 0618

Germany to Miss 2020 Climate Target, Government Concedes in Official Report 0618

Scotland Draft Climate Change Bill Targets 90% by 2050 Emission Reduction 0518

EU Targets 30% Cut in Truck CO2 Emissions by 2030 - 0518

Climate-Linked Spending Set to Rise to 1/4 of EU Budget 0418

France to Commit €700 Million to International Solar Alliance 0318

EU Sees Higher Climate Target Possible, as Cost of Renewables Falls 0318

Environmental Activists Are Suing Governments over Climate Change and Winning 0218

France Is Officially Shutting All Coal-Fired Power Plants in 3 Years 0118

France Sets Out 10-Point Plan to Double Wind Power Capacity by 2023 - 0118

Germany Set to Miss 2020 Climate Target 0118

EU Lawmakers Reach Deal on Climate Targets for 2030 - 1217

France Passes Law to Ban All Oil and Gas Production by 2040 - 1217

EU Announces €9 Billion in Funding for Climate Action 1217

German Greens Reveal Coal Phase-out Red Line for Joining Government 1117

EU Strikes Deal on Carbon Market Reform for 2020-2030 - 1117

Europe Calls for Cutting Car Emissions by 1/3.  Not Enough, Critics Say. 1117

EU Ministers Agree on National Climate Goals, Ahead of U.N. Talks 1017

Paris Plans to Banish All but Electric Cars by 2030 - 1017

EU Plans Carbon Credits, Not Quotas, for Electric Vehicles 1017

Ocean Pollution - Prince Charles Warns We Are 'Testing the World to Destruction', but We Must Act NOW 1017

Paris Experiments with Car-Free Day across the City 1017

European Countries Spend Billions a Year on Fossil Fuel Subsidies 0917

Scotland Sets 2032 Ban on New Diesel and Petrol Cars, Funds Carbon Capture 0917

Britain Bans Gasoline and Diesel Cars, Starting in 2040 - 0717

Feeling That Trump Will ‘Say Anything,’ Europe Is Less Restrained, Too 0717

France to Ban Sales of Petrol and Diesel Cars by 2040 - 0717

The Harder the Brexit, the Worse the Climate Impact, Study Warns 0717

Sweden Passes Ambitious Climate Law to Be Carbon Neutral by 2045 - 0617

Oil Producer Norway Bans Use of Heating Oil in Buildings 0617

France Vows to Go beyond Paris Climate Commitments 0617

Norway Adopting Electric Vehicles Faster Than Anywhere Else 0517

NATO Countries Worry Trump Will Undo Climate Progress, Drafts Show 0517

Swiss Voters Embrace Shift to Renewable Energy 0517

Oslo, London, Amsterdam Lead Push for Greener Transport 0417

Energy Efficiency Becomes Breakthrough Issue in French Election 0417

Battling Old Habits, Mayor of Warsaw Launches Climate Revolution 0417

EU Energy Companies Pledge No New Coal Plants after 2020 - 0417

Reform of EU Carbon Trading Scheme Agreed 0217

EU’s Renewable Energy Policy Is Making Global Warming Worse 0217

How EU Can Limit Coal’s Life for the Cost of a Pint of Beer 0217

MEPs Approve Overhaul of EU Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme 0217

EU Energy Use to Fall 30%, under New Efficiency Plans for 2030 - 1116

EU Requires Pension Funds to Assess Climate Change Risks 1116

New Climate Leader Germany Outlines Path to Carbon-Neutral Economy by 2050 - 1116

Prince Charles Joins Clean Soil Project to Combat Climate Change 1016

Germany Wants to Ban Fossil-Fuel-Powered Cars 1016

Plans for an Electric Car Charging Point in Every New Home in Europe 1016

Germany Takes Steps to Roll Back Renewable Energy Revolution 1016

Sarkozy Sparks Storm, Sayings Man 'Not Sole Cause' of Climate Change 0916 - Climate has changed for millions of years.

Reykjavik Unveils Plan to Limit Urban Sprawl, Become Carbon Neutral by 2040 - 0916

The Netherlands Could Be the 1st Country to Ban Gas, Diesel Vehicles 0816

UK Votes to Leave EU, Fears Grow for Climate Ambition 0616

Oslo Votes to Slash Emissions 95% by 2030 - 0616

Scotland Exceeds Emission Cut Targets – 6 Years Early 0616

Sweden, in Turnaround, Agrees to Continue Nuclear Power 0616

Norway Becomes 1st Nation to Ban Deforestation.  How Will That Work? 0616

Norway Brings Carbon Neutrality Goal Forward to 2030 - 0616

Norway to Ban All Sales of Petrol Powered Cars by 2025 - 0616

France Leads by Example with Carbon Price Floor 0516

Germany to Exit Coal Power ‘Well before 2050' - 0516

France to Set Unilateral Floor Price for Carbon Emissions 0416

Netherlands Looks to Ban All Non-Electric Cars by 2025 - 0416

Dutch Lawmakers Call for Halt to Wood Energy Subsidies 0216

Polish Government Chokes on Coal 1215

British Court Rejects Donald Trump’s Attempt to Block Wind Farm 1215

Missing Climate Goals, Dutch Mull Closing Coal Plants 1115

Britain’s Prince Charles Links Syria War to Climate Change 1115

Most of Britain's Major Cities Pledge to Run on Green Energy by 2050 - 1115

UK Is Harking Back to the Energy System of the Last Century 1115

UK's Coal Plants 'to Be Phased Out within 10 Years' 1115

European Parliament Members Back CH4, NH3 Limits 1015

EU Climate Chief Hails Global Progress on Emissions 1015

U.K. Said to Consider Closing All Coal-Fired Plants by 2023 - 1015

Join the 4‰ Initiative Soils for Food Security and Climate 0915

Party Leaders in Scotland Make Climate Change Pledge, CO2 Down 42% by 2020 - 0815

Slashing Household Solar Subsides Will Kill Off UK Industry 0815

EU Politicians Back 2019 Carbon Market Reform Start 0715

Court Orders Dutch Government to Cut Carbon Emissions Steeper 0615

Sinful Coal a Problem for the Religious Pole 0615

How Europe’s Climate Policies Have Led to More Trees Being Cut Down in the US 0615

Rudd's ‘Green Light' as Climate Secretary 0515

Tory Victory a Huge Blow to UK Green Energy Industry, Campaigners Warn 0515

EU Diplomats Approve Proposal to Start CO2 Market Reform in 2019 - 0515

EU Carbon Permit Prices Rise, as Nations Agree to Seek 2021 Start to Fix 0315

London Mayor Told to Divest £4.8 Billion Pension Fund from Fossil Fuels 0315

Europe Submits UN Climate Pledge, Urges US, China to Follow 0315

European Carbon Market Reform Set for 2019 - 0215

EU Policy Mash Roils Markets Before Paris Climate Deal 0215

3 UK Party Leaders Sign Joint Climate Pledge 0215

EU Policy-Makers Seek to Make Electric Transport a 'Priority' 0215

EU Politicians Seek to Revive Sluggish Carbon Market 0115

Warm Weather Sinking EU Emissions-Market Plans 0115

Germany's Planned CO2 Cuts to Dampen EU Demand for Certificates 1214

E.U. Greenhouse Gas Deal Falls Short of Expectations 1014

EU Leaders Agree on CO2 Emissions Cut 1014

Europe Emission Targets ‘Will Fail to Protect Climate’ 1014

Eastern Europe Attacks Planned EU Emissions Curbs 1014

Coal Trains Stopped in UK and Poland Protests 0914

Green Village to Be Bulldozed to Mine Lignite, as Germany Goes Non-Nuclear 0914

Dirtiest Fuel Threatens 700-Year-Old Villages in Europe 0814

Britain Joins US in Ending Coal Power Support Overseas 1113

German Voters Follow Merkel Down Bumpy Path to Clean Energy 0913

Merkel’s Green Shift Backfires, as German Pollution Jumps 0713

EU Carbon Price Rallies on Permit Supply Cutback 0913

EU Move to Fix Carbon Market Praised 0713

EU Committee Backs Ban on Potent Coolant GHGs 0613

Failure to Reform Europe’s Carbon Market to Echo Round the World 0413

Europe's Carbon Market Limps On 0213

Mankind Must Go Green or Die, Prince Charles 1112

Prince Charles Warns - Act Before It's Too Late 0612

EU Targets CO2 in Farms and Forests 0312

Russia's Putin Sees Climate Change in Record Heat Wave 0810

EU to Make Renewables Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels 0610

Panel Clears Jones in Climategate 0310

French Carbon Tax Struck Down 1209

British Prime Minister Warns of Climate Catastrophe 1009

France Set to Impose Carbon Tax 0909

British Mandate 80% Cuts by 2050 1108

EU Import Carbon Tax Comes and Goes 1007


GO TO $/T .Tax .Cap. .Int'l 1 2 3 4. .Europe .India+ .Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ .President .Exec .Candidate .States .EPA .Misc.

Asia - China

Phasing Out Fossil Fuels Is ‘Unrealistic,’ China Climate Envoy Says 0923

As the World Sizzles, China Says It Will Deal with Climate Its Own Way 0723

China Sets Out Proposals to Underpin Its Massive Renewables Push 0623

China Strengthens Role of Courts in Meeting Carbon Targets 0323

Why China’s New Carbon Market Is No Quick Climate Fix 0121

Carbon Trading in China Isn't Helping Tackle Climate Change 1222

China Has Plan to Curb Methane Emissions in Sign of Progress 1122

China Plans Cloud Seeding to Protect Grain Crop from Drought 0822

China to Double Wind, Solar Energy Capacity by 2025 - 0622

China Delays Carbon Market Expansion on Data Problems 0522

China Could Hit 2030 Renewable Target by 2025 on Local Ambitions 0322

China to Freeze HFC-23 Production, but Lacks a System to Monitor Emissions 0122

China Starts Round 2 of Massive Desert Renewable Energy Build 1221

China Issues Guidelines to Fight Pollution, Cut Emissions 1121

China’s New Renewable Project Rivals All Wind and Solar in India 1021

Climate Report from China 1021 - Coal and electricity shortages erode support for climate action.

China Just Entered Major HFC Climate Pact.  Now Comes the Hard Part. 0921

China's Xi Jinping Promises to Halt New Coal Projects Abroad 0921

China Ties Climate to Better U.S. Relations in Kerry Talks 0921

China to Quickly Expand Top Carbon Market to Add More Polluters 0721

China Puts Most Powerful Agency in Charge of Climate Policies 0721

China’s Leader Xi Jinping Promises to Strictly Limit Coal 0421 - “strictly limit increasing coal consumption” in the next 5 years and phase it down in the following 5 years

Despite Pledges to Cut Emissions, China Goes on a Coal Building Spree 0321

China in Climate Denial? US Railroads Reverse Course on Warming. 0321

Will China Take a 'Great Leap' to a Greener Economy? 0321

Can China Meet Its Ambitious Decarbonization Goals? 0221

EU Hopes for a Climate Partnership with China 0221

China Promises to Reduce Its Carbon Intensity 65% by 2030 - 1220

China Battles the World’s Biggest Coal Exporter, and Coal Is Losing 1220

China Must Ban New Coal Power Plants to Meet 2060 Goal 1120

China to Delay National Carbon Market Debut to 2021 - 1120

China Hits Out at US Climate Record, in Pointed Message Ahead of Election 1020

China's Carbon-Neutral Plan Uses Carbon Sinks to Wipe Out 1/3 of Emissions 1020

China’s Top Climate Scientists Map Out Path to 2060 Net Zero Goal 0920

Coal’s Last Refuge Crumbles with China’s Renewables Plan 0920

China Boosts Renewable Power Subsidies 7.5% to $13 Billion 0620

China Power Giants Prepare for World’s Biggest Carbon Market 0620

Why China’s Renewable Energy Transition Is Losing Momentum 0919 See discussion at Renewables:Renewables: China

China No Longer Participating in Start of Aviation Emissions Deal 0718

China’s Dramatic Solar Shift Could Take Sting Out of Trump's Panel Tariffs 0618

Water-Stressed Beijing Exhausts Its Options 0318

China to Fight Emissions, Pollution to Protect 'Blue Skies, Green Land' 0318

Guide to the World’s Largest Carbon Market that Just Launched in China 1217

China's Top Climate Official Rules Out Carbon Futures, Tax 1117

China Aims to Stop Renewable Energy Being Wasted by 2020 - 1117

China Hastens the World Toward an Electric-Car Future 1017

China Will Meet 2020 Carbon Reduction Target, Xie Zhenhua Says 1017

China Strengthens Climate Pledge, as White House Creates Confusion 0917

China Studying When to Ban Sales of Traditional Fuel Cars 0917

Beijing Aims to Curb City's Use of Coal by 2020 - 0717

Xi Jinping Is Set for a Big Gamble With China’s Carbon Trading Market 0617

China Calls US ‘Selfish' after Trump Seeks to Bring Back Coal 0317

‘Irrational’ Coal Plants May Hamper China’s Climate Change Efforts 0217

City of Beijing Vows 30% Cut in Coal Use in 2017, to Fight Smog 0217

China to Plow $361 Billion into Renewable Fuel by 2020 - 0117

China Unveils Green Vehicle Subsidy Caps, Increases Technical Requirements 1216

China Fines 605 Power Plants $47 Million for Environmental Breaches 1216

Obama, China Ratify Paris Climate Agreement 0916

China Turns to Free Markets to Tame Fossil-Fuel Pollution 0816

China May Be Entering “Post-Coal Growth.”  But Don’t Get Too Excited. 0816

China Pledged to Curb Coal Plants, but It’s Still Adding Them. 0716

Sweltering China Tries to Dole Out Subsidies for Working in High Heat 0716

China Decarbonizes for Greener Growth 0616 - from 2005, 37% less CO2 / GDP, vs 40-45% target for 2020

China's Plan to Cut Meat Consumption by 50% Cheered by Climate Campaigners 0616

Wind at China’s Back to Amp Up Its Renewables 0616 - Move wind turbines from hinterlands to near the cities.

Beijing to Adopt China's Tightest Fuel Standards by January 0516

Why China Is Having So Many Problems Ramping Up Wind Power 0516

China Curbs Plans for More Coal-Fired Power Plants 0416

China Pushes for Mandatory Integration of Renewable Power 0316

China Says Slowing Economy Won’t Stop Anti-Pollution Efforts 0316

China Aims to Boost Renewable Energy with 'Green Certificates’ 0316

China Sets Cap for Energy Consumption for 1st Time 0316

False Emissions Reporting Undermines China’s Pollution Fight 0116

China’s Latest Climate Change Assessment Depicts Somber Scenarios 1115

China's Economic Shift to Aid Climate Fight, but Packs a Commodity Punch 1015 -
     5-Year Plan may ban new coal plants.  Coal GWh down 9% for 1st 7 months.  Lack of transmission limits solar & wind.

China Raises Solar Installation Target for 2015 - 1015

China to Launch National Cap-and-Trade Plan in 2017 - 0915

Clean Tech on Minds, as China's Xi Visits 0915

Chinese Cities Pledge Early Carbon Emissions Peak under Deal with U.S. 0915

Assuming ’Wrong Type of Coal' Way Overestimated China's CO2 Emissions 0815

China’s Anti-Pollution Drive Starts to Bite on Sales of Coal 0715

China's Guangdong to Allocate 408 Million CO2 Permits This Year 0715

How China, the World's Biggest Polluter, Is Dealing with Climate Change 0715

China Climate Change Plan Unveiled 0615

China Puts $6 Trillion Price Tag on Its Climate Plan 0615

China ‘Deserves More Credit’ for Renewable Energy Effort - IEA 0615

China Prepares to Launch National Carbon Market to Fight Climate Change 0515

China's CO2 Emissions Have Been Plummeting Lately.  What's Going On? 0515

Taiwan Committed to Promoting Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency 0515

China and India Call on Rich Countries to Step Up Climate Change Efforts 0515

China to Expand Coal Ban to Suburbs 0515

Why China Should Make Cutting Coal Power Its #1 Goal 0415

China Sees Through Its Coal-Fired Haze What Alabama Cannot 0315

China Official Warns of Huge Impact from Climate Change 0315

China Eyes Fundamental Shift in Energy Policy 0315

China's Coal Usage Targeted in New Energy Plan 0315

China's ‘War' on Air Pollution May Release More CO2, with Scrubbers 0315

As China Readies National Carbon Trading Program Launch, Questions Multiply 0215

China Vows to Cut Fossil Fuel in Painstaking Energy Revolution 0115

China to Slow Down New Coal-to-Gas Projects a Lot, to Cut CO2 Emissions 1214

China Will Cap [?] Its Coal Consumption by 2020 - 1114   China’s coal use may or may not increase after 2020.

China Follows Through on its Climate Pledges 1114 - According to its draft 2015-2020 Plan, coal will fall from 67% of energy in 2013 to 62% in 2020 - even as coal use rises from 3.75 to 4.2 billion tons a year, or 2% a year.  12 of China’s 34 provinces, with 44% of its coal use, have already implemented coal control measures.  10 of the 12 require a reduction in coal use - see map below.
     Meanwhile the share of no-carbon “fuels" will rise from 9.8% in 2013 to 15% in 2020, aiming for the pledged 20% by 2030.  From "Transforming China’s Grid… 0913,” below, China targets 260 GW of hydro, 104 of wind and 35 of solar, just by 2015.  By 2020, China plans 500 GW (a 100 GW addition) of renewable electricity.  That's almost half of the 1,060 GW in US total electric capacity.  By 2030, China plans to add (from 2013) 800 to 1,000 GW of nuclear, wind, solar and other no-carbon generating capacity.
     Wind and solar targets were revised significantly upward during the current (2010-2015) Plan.

Power Politics Behind China's Climate Pledge 1114

China, U.S. Agree to Limit Greenhouse Gases 1114

US and China Shake Up Global Climate Talks With Major Pollution Pledges 1114

China Power Plants Exempt from Low-Quality Coal Ban 0914

China Suggests Coal Use Cap and Import Curbs in Draft Air Pollution Law 0914

China May Be Ready to Kick Coal Habit 0914

Obama Presses Chinese on Global Warming 0914

China Pledges Emissions Cuts, Coal Use to Peak ASAP 0914

China Seeks Pollution Cut With National Carbon Market 0914

China's Coal Use Drops, for 1st Time in a Century 0814

Obama’s Green Dilemma - Punish China, Imperil U.S. Solar 0814

China's Carbon Plans - Secrecy, Oversupply Darken Outlook 0814

What Beijing Abandoning Coal Means (Add 16 Years to Beijinger's Life!) 0814

Smoggy Beijing to Ban Coal Use 0814

China's Experts Divided Over Carbon Emissions Peak 0614

After US Pledges Cuts, China Announces Plans to Cap Carbon Emissions in 2016 - 0614

China's Coal Boom Is Slowing — That's a Big Deal for Climate Change 0414

       Below, blue (2013 and 2014) is projections from 2012.  Reality since then was lower.

China Looks for Blue-Sky Solutions, as Smog Worsens 0214

U.S. and China Find Convergence on Climate Issue 1113

Transforming China's Grid - Sustaining the Renewable Energy Push 0913 - This article details feed-in tariffs and other policies that China has used to encourage the growth of solar and wind power in China.

Silver Lining in China’s Smog - It Puts Focus on Emissions 0813

The East is Grey 0813

China Says It Will Spend $275 Billion to Control Pollution 0713 

US, China Agree on Climate Steps to Curb Emissions 0713 

Obama Plan Gives US Leverage in Climate Talks with China 0713

China Moves to Cap Emissions in 2016, Peak by 2025 - 0513 

China Nears Launch of Large Emissions Trading Pilot Programs 0513  7 pilot cities & provinces are shown at left.

China Pushes for Own National Carbon Cap & Trade 0413 

How Effective Will China’s Carbon Tax Be? 0213 

China to Impose Limits on 6 Industries to Tackle Air Pollution 0213

China May Increase CO2 Emissions to 2030 - 1112

China’s National Assessment Spells Out “Grim" Climate Change Risks 0112

China Won't Reach US per Capita CO2 Emissions 1011

Chinese Official Says Carbon Caps Are Real Possibility 0811

How Does China’s 2010-2015 Plan Address Energy and the Environment? 0311

China May Launch Carbon Market by 2014 - 0510

China Could Levy Carbon Tax in 2012 - 0510

China to Cut CO2 per $ by 40-45%, by 2020 - 1109

China Unveils Emissions Targets 1109

US-China Clean Energy Partnership 1109


GO TO $/T .Tax .Cap. .Int'l 1 2 3 4. .Europe .China .Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ .President .Exec .Candidate .States .EPA .Misc.

Asia - India

  India’s Projected Electric Capacity (GigaWatts)            .

India Demands E-Scooter Makers Return $60 Million Aid for Using China Parts 1023

India Plans $4.3 Billion Spending for Energy Transition 0223

India Plans to Become Green Hydrogen Giant to Cut Energy Imports 0922

India Plans to Get Half Its Electric Capacity from Clean Fuels by 2030 - 0822

Mumbai Becomes 1st South Asian City to Detail Net-Zero Roadmap 0322

India Wants to Become a Solar Powerhouse without China’s Help 0222

India Will Spend $1.6 Billion to Add Lines for Transmitting Green Power 0122 - Transmission lines of 10,750 circuit kilometers will carry 20 GW, to support 50% renewable electricity by 2030.  Coal currently supplies 75% of India’s electricity.  But in 2021, India’s new GW capacity was 80% renewable.

Modi Surprises Climate Summit With 2070 Net-Zero Vow for India 1121

India Can Do More on Climate by 2030, even as It Snubs Net-Zero 1021

Can India’s 450 GW Renewable Energy Goal by 2030 Be Achieved? 0320

India Turns to Electric Vehicles to Beat Pollution 0719 - mostly 2-wheelers (mostly motor scooters, most of India’s traffic) and 3-wheelers (tut-tuk taxis / mini-buses and some small trucks).  New sales all electric by 2025 and 2023.  Electric cars only will be sold by 2030.

Can India Kick Its Coal Addiction? 0719

India Battles to Balance the Economy and the Environment 1117

India Taps Solar, Storage to Ensure All Homes Have Power in 2018 - 0917

India Aims to End the Sale of Petrol and Diesel Cars by 2030 - 0617

India Launches Massive Push for Clean Power, Lighting, and Cars 0517

Chased by Drought, Rising Costs, and Clean Technology, India Pivots on Coal-Fired Power 0417

Emerging Climate Accord Could Push A/C Out of Sweltering India’s Reach 1016

India to Ratify Paris Climate Change Agreement on October 2 – PM Modi 0916

India Doubles Down on Solar Parks after SunEdison Setback 0716

India to Meet Climate Goals Earlier than Promised 0716

India to ‘Divert Rivers' to Tackle Drought 0516

India Aims to Become 100% Electric Vehicle Nation by 2030 - 0316

Delhi, World's Most Polluted City, Plans New Limits on Car Use 0216

Indian Government Helps Carmakers Go Green & Cheap, to Fight Smog Crisis 0116

India Says Paris Climate Deal Won't Affect Plans to Double Coal Output 1215

India Signals Willingness to Cut Coal for Climate Cash 1215

France, India to Launch Global Solar Alliance 1115

India Opposes Deal to Phase Out Fossil Fuels by 2100 at Climate Summit 1115

India Backs 2°C Global Warming Limit 1115

Can India Make or Break Climate Change? 1115

India Leads Asia's Dash for Coal, as Emissions Blow East 1015

Modi Calls Solar ‘Ultimate Solution’ to India’s Energy Problem 0815

Cheap Power or Clean Energy?  India’s $200 Billion Dilemma 0715

Modi’s Solar Embrace in India Leaves Wind Power in Shade 0615

World’s Worst Air Spurs Modi’s $25 Billion Utility Clean-Up Push 0515

China and India Call on Rich Countries to Step Up Climate Change Efforts 0515

Prime Minister Modi Says India Must Lead on Climate Change 0415

Renewables to Get Most of $1 Billion Ex-Im Bank Credit for India 0315

Experts Pitch for Fossil Fuels to Drive Growth in India 0315

Modi's Budget Slashes Environmental Funding for India 0315

Modi’s Clean-Energy Goals Face Funding, Political Hurdles 0115

U.S., India Deepen Cooperation in Defense, Clean Energy 0115

Modi Shifts on Climate Change With India Renewables Goal 0115

Obama's India Visit - Hopes for Clean Energy and Climate Deals 0115

India’s Modi Is More Worried About Renewables Than Obama's Emission Cuts 0115

Indian Leader, Favoring Growth, Sweeps Away Environmental Rules 1214

India Sticks to Its Gun During Climate Talks 1214

In Climate Talks, Spotlight Turns to India 1114

Can Modi Bring the Solar Power Revolution to India? 0914 

Obama and Modi Agree on U.S.-India Efforts to Fight Global Warming 0914

Why India Isn't So Keen to Fight Climate Change 0914

Emissions From India Will Increase, Official Says 0914

Clean Energy (& Solar Air Conditionig) Is Indian Government’s Mantra 0814

Modi Accelerates India Solar Revolution, Doubles Tax on Coal 0714

India to Cut CO2 per $ by 20-25%, by 2020 - 1209


Asia - Various Countries

Japan Starts 1st Carbon Credit Exchange, in Net Zero Push 1023

Philippine President and Biden Pledge Clean Energy, Environmental Protection 0523

Bangladesh Needs $1.7 Billion a Year for Green Energy Transition 0423

Japan’s ‘Green Transformation’ Would Derail the Energy Transition in Asia 0323

Japan Adopts Plan to Maximize Nuclear Energy, in Major Shift 1222

Tokyo Will Require New Homes Built from 2025 to Have Solar Panels 1222

Vietnam Nears $11+ Billion Deal to Shift Economy from Coal 1122

Turkey’s Climate Plan Points to 32% Rise in Emissions by 2030 - 1122

Indonesia Plans EV Purchase Subsidies in 2023 to Spur Sales 1022

Emissions, Deforestation Set to Spike under Indonesia’s Biomass Transition 0922

Japan Turns Back to Nuclear Power as Fuel Prices Soar 0822

Mideast Nations Wake Up to Damage from Climate Change 0722

Japan to End Financing of Key Coal Projects under Climate Pledge 0622

South Korea Looks to Nuclear Expansion, in Bid to Meet Climate Targets 0622

Japan to Use Nuclear Reactors, Renewables to Cut Reliance on Russian Energy 0522

Japan Leader Says to Reconsider Nuclear Power, as Energy Costs Soar 0422

South Korea’s President-Elect Seeks Nuclear Power for Green Goals 0422

As Blackouts Loom, Indonesia’s Energy Crisis Highlights Its Coal Addiction 0122

Vietnam Spurns Coal as Southeast Asia Aims to Kick Dirty Habit 1121

Indonesia and Philippines Join Plan to Shut Coal Plants Early 1121

Oil Giant Saudi Arabia Pledges ‘Net Zero’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2060 - 1021

Turkey Ratifies Paris Agreement, after Approving a 2053 Net Zero Goal 1021

Indonesia’s New Plan Still Clings to Coal, despite Phaseout Pledge 0921

Sri Lanka Pledges No New Coal, Makes Push into Rooftop Solar 0821

Japan Pledges 46% Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cut by 2030 - 0421

Netanyahu Says Israel Will No Longer Burn Coal in 2025 - 0421

Saudi Arabia Backs 50% Renewable Energy by 2030, Huge Tree Planting Project 0321

Japan Adopts Green Growth Plan to Go Carbon Free by 2050 - 1220

Japan’s New Leader Sets Ambitious Goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2050 - 1020

South Korea to Implement Green New Deal after Ruling Party Election Win 0420

Indonesia’s President Signals a Transition Away from Coal Power 0719

Israel to Stop Electricity Production from Coal by 2030 - 1218

Vietnam in Test of What Happens When the U.S. Abandons Climate Diplomacy 0518 - New coal is tempting, with China $.

Singapore to Impose Carbon Tax from 2019 - 0218

From Oil to Solar - Saudi Arabia Plots a Shift to Renewables 0218

What Indonesia Is Doing about Its Deadly Haze from Forest and Peatland Fires 0817

Singapore Carbon Tax Would Hit Refiners, Help Renewables 0217

Indonesia’s Last Stand for a Coal Industry in Peril 0217 - Exports to China & India are hurting.  Banks face pressure to withdraw financing from 117 proposed coal plants in the islands.

100,000 Died from Indonesia’s Unpunished Air Pollution from Forest Fires in 2015 - 0217

Saudis to Launch $30-50 Billion Renewable Energy Program Soon 0117

Indonesia, Vietnam Look to Blaze Trail for Solar in Southeast Asia 1116

Indonesia Ratifies Paris Climate Deal.  Does It Matter? 1016

Paris Climate Targets to Cost Asia $300 Billion a Year, but Will Help Save Lives 0916

Philippines’ Duterte Won't Honor Climate Change Pledge, Calls It Absurd 0716

Turkey Coal Surge an ‘Historic Error,’ Say Economists 0616

Philippines investigates Shell and Exxon over Climate Change 0516

Japan Embraces Coal, while the Rest of the World Tries to Cut Emissions 0416

Bhutan Has ‘Most Ambitious Pledge’ at the Paris Climate Summit 1215

UAE Is the Example to Follow on Energy 1015

Indonesia to Curb Rising Greenhouse Gas Emissions, but Details Are Thin 0915

Indonesia Looks to Increase Emissions Growth Cut Pledge 0815

Can the Church Shift the Balance to Renewable Energy in the Philippines? 0815

Is It Too Late to Stop Turkey's Coal Rush? 0815

Haze Chokehold Spurring Efforts to Save Indonesia’s Forests 0815

Japan Delivers 26% Emissions Reduction Plan to UN 0715

South Korea Eyes 37% CO2 Emissions Cut 0615

Why the Saudis Are Going Solar 0615

Saudi Arabia, Built on Oil, Foresees Fossil Fuel Phase-out by 2030 or 2050 - 0515

Japan Hikes Target for Emissions Cuts to about 25% by 2030 - 0415

Subsidies to Deforesting Industries Worth 100 Times the Aid to Prevent It 0315

Renewables to Get Most of $1 Billion Ex-Im Bank Credit for India 0315

Indonesia Defends Deforestation for Palm Oil on Economic Grounds 0315

Indonesia Cracks Down on Deforestation, in Symbolic U-Turn 1114

Malaysian Government Identifies the Technologies to Reduce Its Carbon Emissions 1014

Is Climate Change Destabilizing Iraq? 0914

Australia, Japan Likely to Offset Climate Gains in US, China 1113

Japan Backs Off From Emissions Targets, Citing Fukushima Disaster 1113

Philippines Envoy - UN Climate Talks Are “Fight for Country’s Future” 1113

Indonesia’s Forests Are Shrinking, Despite Reforms 1013

Tens of Thousands of Protesters Attend Anti-Nuclear Events in Tokyo 1013

South Korea Charges 100 with Corruption Over Nuclear Scandal 1013

China, Japan, US, Europe Leaders on Climate Action 0909


GO TO $/T .Tax .Cap. .Int'l 1 2 3 4. .Europe China India+. .US: Congress+ President .Exec .Candidate States EPA Misc.

Other Countries


Australia Ends ‘Wasted Decade’ with Emissions Reduction Law 0323

Australia Rejects Coal Mine by Great Barrier Reef for Risk of Irreversible Damage 0223

Australian Polluters Face Tougher Targets in Bid to Hit Net Zero 0123

Australia Court Blocks Giant Coal Mine on Human Rights Grounds 1122

Free Carbon Credits Seen Jeopardizing Australia’s Climate Target 0922

Australia’s 1st Climate Law Since 2011 Seals Green Comeback 0922

Australia Bets on Clean Power to Avoid Another Market Failure 0622

Australia Prioritizes Reducing Emissions and Cheaper EVs 0622

Australia Commits to Reducing Greenhouse Emissions 43% by 2030 - 0622

Foreign Oil Dependence a Massive Vulnerability, Oz Defense Experts Want EVs 0322

Australia’s Opposition Lays Out Targets to Cut Carbon Emissions 1221

Australia Pledges ‘Net Zero’ Emissions by 2050

Climate Crisis Will Wreak Havoc on Australian Economy if Coal Isn’t Phased Out 0921

Scott Morrison’s Claim Australia’s Emissions Are Falling Doesn’t Stack Up 0521

Australia Leaves 2030 Climate Goals Unchanged in UN Submission 0121

John Kerry Says We Can't Leave Climate Emergency to 'Neanderthals' in Power 0919

Australian PM Makes Climate Change Pitch as Election Looms 0219

Australian Court Rejects Coal Mine on Climate Grounds 0219

Australia Signs Declaration Saying Climate Change Is 'Single Greatest Threat' to Pacific 0918

Australia Weakens Commitment to Climate Accord after Government Fractures 0818

Queensland Says It Won't Play Any Role in Funding for Adani Project 0517

Great Barrier Reef 2050 Plan No Longer Achievable, due to Climate Change 0517

Australian Coalition Supporters Back Quicker Shift to Renewable Energy 0417

Australia's Carbon Emissions Jump, as Coal-Fired Power Ramps Up 0217

Australia’s Labor Party Pushes to Grow Renewable Energy 0217

Electricity from Coal Should Be Phased Out in Australia – Senate Report 1116

New South Wales Unveils Plan to Reach Zero Emissions by 2050 - 1116

Australia Will Need to Remove CO2 from Air to Keep Warming below 2°C - 0816

Victoria Sets Ambitious Target for Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050 - 0616

NSW Report Banks on DELUSION of Rising Coal Output, Royalties Out to 2056 - 0516

Australia Approval of Vast Coal Mine Is ‘Evil,’ Says Marine Scientist 0416

Welcome to the Climate Emergency.  You’re about 20 Years Late. 0316

Australia's Military Sees Rising Challenges from Climate Change 0216

Australia Approves Huge Abbot Point Coal Port Expansion by Great Barrier Reef 1215 - sponsor nears junk bond status

Climate-Change Contrarian Loses Australian Funding 1015

Australia Must Double Decarbonization Rate to Meet 2030 Goals 1015

Turnbull Government Appoints Australia's 1st Wind Farm Commissioner 1015

Australia PM Tony Abbott Ousted by Malcolm Turnbull 0915

Adelaide Joins Race to Become World's 1st Carbon Neutral City 0915

Australia's Pollution Level Seen Rising Beyond Abbott's Target 0815

Newcastle Grasps What Tony Abbott Cannot – Coal's Time Has Passed 0815

Tony Abbott Is a Climate Change ‘Villain', says Canadian Author Naomi Klein 0815

Australia Carbon Plan Sends Shudder through Neighbors 0815

Tony Abbott Wrong on Coal Being ‘Good for Humanity’, Oxfam Report Finds 0715

Abbott Government and Labor Reach Renewable Energy Target Deal 0515

Australia PM's Adviser Says Climate Change Is a UN Hoax 0515

Australia ‘Public Enemy Number One' of UN Climate Talks, says Nobel Laureate 0415

Australia's Renewable Energy Investment Grinds to a Halt 0415

Byron Bay Is 1st Regional Australian City to Commit to Zero Emissions 0315

Australia’s Abbott Government May Be Shifting Ground on Climate Policy 0215

Australia’s Power Sector Emissions Jump as Carbon Tax Ends 0115

Heat Is on Abbott Government over Climate Change, as World Turns 0115

Abbott - Repealing Carbon Tax ‘Best Thing I Did as Minister for Women’ 1214

Gods and Faith versus Coal in Name of Climate Change 1214

Australia Told It Should Aim for 40% Cut in Greenhouse Gases by 2025 - 1114

Canada and Australia’s Leaders Laugh While the Planet Burns Up 1014

Why Abbott's Faith in Coal Could Be Wrong - Very Wrong 1014

Australia’s PM Tony Abbott - Coal 'Good for Humanity’ 1014

Shock China Coal Tariff Decision Throws Australian Free Trade Talks into Turmoil 1014

Australia Votes to Repeal Carbon Tax 0714

Australian Senate Delays Carbon Tax Repeal 0714

Australia Carbon Tax Repeal Voted Down by Senate 0314

Australia’s Carbon Tax Repeal Hits Senate Roadblock 1213

130 Australian Climate Change Rallies Call for Coalition to Keep Carbon Tax 1113

Tony Abbott's New Direct Action Skeptics 1013

Australian Wildfires Put Heat on Climate Change Skeptic Abbott 1013

Australian Coalition Delivers on Promise to Axe Climate Commission 0913

Climate Change Risks Security, Health, 90% of Australia's Irrigated Agriculture 0813

Carbon Program Backlash in Australia, EU Bode Ill for US Climate Change Efforts 0713

Climate Science Debate Has Cost Precious Time, Aussie Expert Warns 0613



Canada Moves to Make 1/5 of All Vehicle Sales Electric, Starting in 2026 - 1222

How Manitoba Grapples with Water Woes from Droughts, Floods, Extreme Heat 1122

Canada Sets Pace on Cutting Planet-Warming Methane Emissions 1122

Trudeau Says Russia’s War in Ukraine Speeds Up Energy Transition 1022

How Canada’s New Carbon Capture Tax Credit Aligns with Latest Climate Science 0422

Canada Offers Carbon Capture Tax Credit to Reduce Emissions 0422 - mostly , capture from oil & gas operations

Trudeau Climate Plan Seeks 42% Cut in Oil and Gas Emissions 0322

Trudeau’s Environment Czar Counting on Carbon Capture and EV Push 0322

Canada’s Biggest Emitters Are Paying the Lowest Carbon Tax Rate 0122 - $1.80 to $25.60 / tonne of CO2

Canadian Scientists Urge Rejecting Carbon Capture Tax Credit, as Oil Subsidy

Trudeau Increases Canada’s 2030 Emissions Target to 40-45% 0421

Canada Supreme Court Rules Federal Carbon Tax Is Constitutional 0321

Trudeau Unveils Net-Zero Emissions Plan to Meet Canada’s Climate Targets 1120

Canada Curbs Methane Emissions That Are Bigger Problem than Thought 0820

Electric Vehicles Sales Plummet in Ontario after It Cancels Rebate 1219

Alberta Tables Climate Plan for Industry, Retains Key Parts of Old Legislation 1019

Canada’s Big Election Winner? The Carbon Tax 1019

Ontario Government Made 'Next to No Progress' on Plan to Cut CO2 Emissions 1019

Canada Would Miss Paris Agreement Targets under Conservative Climate Plan 0719

Canada Signals a Willingness to Challenge Trump on His Clean-Car Rollback 0619

Alberta Elects Combative New Leader Promising Oil & Pipeline Revival 0419

B.C. to Phase Out New Gasoline-Powered Vehicles by 2040 - 0419

Ontario’s Ford Government Increasing Energy Bills and Pollution 0319

Edmundston, N.B., Declares Climate Emergency 0219

'So Many Bears' - Draft Plan Says Nunavut Polar Bear Numbers Unsafe 1118

Trudeau’s Tough Climate Policies Face a Mounting Backlash 0718

Ontario PM Ford Scraps Carbon Tax Plan, Sets Up Climate Fight with Trudeau 0718

Oil Pipelines or Climate Action?  Trudeau’s Political Tightrope in Canada 0618

Canada Sets Methane Reduction Targets for Oil and Gas, except Tar Sands 0418

Canada Aligns with U.K. to Fight Global Growth in Coal-Fired Electricity 1017

Ontario's 1st Cap-and-Trade Auction Sells Out Current Allowances 0417

Alberta's New Carbon Tax Is All about the 'Long Game', Says Deputy Premier 0117

Cap & Trade to Cost Ontario $8 Billion in 1st Years, with Minimal CO2 Reductions 1116 - inside Ontario. Offsets are elsewhere.

Alberta Reaches $1.36 Billion Deal to Shut Down Coal Plants 1116

Ottawa to Phase Out Canadian Coal by 2030 - 1116

Trudeau Says Canada to Implement Carbon Tax 1016

Canada Will Impose Nationwide Carbon Price 0916

Vancouver Plans to Go 100% Renewable.  What are the Challenges? 0716

Canada to Introduce National Carbon Price in 2016, Minister Says 0716

Alberta Enacts Carbon Tax, in 1st Stage of Climate-Change Plan 0616

Ontario to Spend $7 Billion on Sweeping Climate Change Plan 0516

U.S. and Canada Announce Common Goals on Climate, Energy and the Arctic 0316

Liberals Won't Rule Out a National Carbon Price, Catherine McKenna Says 0316

Canada to Set Climate Change Tests in Pipeline Reviews - Trudeau 0116

Alberta Doubles Down on Renewable Energy, Plans Carbon Tax in 2017 - 1115 - CN$20 / Ton CO2 in 2017, $30 in 2018

Transition Alberta off Oil Sands, Climate Thinkers Urge Trudeau 1115

Canada’s Trudeau Has All the Grounds to Make a Striking Climate Change Plan 1015

Canada’s Federal Politicians Take Beating at Climate Summit, as Provincial Premiers Call for Action 0715

Researchers’ Open Letter Calls for Moratorium on New Oil Sands Projects 0615

Canada Agrees to ‘Low-Carbon’ Strategy at G7 - 0615

U.S., Mexico, Canada to Collaborate on Climate Adaptation 0515

Oil Industry Pushes for Carbon Tax in Alberta 0515

Canada to Regulate Oil and Gas Emissions with New 30% Target 0515

B.C. Evangelicals Finally Join the Climate-Change Battle 0515

Canada's Political Landscape Undergoes Seismic Shift with Election in Alberta 0515

Ontario, Quebec Chide Canada’s PM over Climate Change 0415

Canadian Mounties' Secret Memo Casts Doubt on Climate Change Threat 0215

How Canada's Climate Change Record Compares to the Rest of the World 1214

Cutting Emissions with Alberta Carbon Tax Needn't Kill Jobs - Oil Sands Labour 1214

Canada and Australia’s Leaders Laugh While the Planet Burns Up 1014

Canada to Badly Miss 2020 Emissions-Cut Target 1014

Canada-Australia 'Axis of Carbon' an Obstacle to Climate Pact 0914

Port Metro Vancouver OKs Massive US Coal Terminal 0814

Ottawa Concedes GHG Targets Not Met; Blame Oil Sands 1013

Alberta's Carbon Strategy No Match for Keystone's Emissions 1013

Harper Offers Obama Emissions Deal to Win Keystone XL Pipeline Support 0913

Alberta Report Recommends Stronger Carbon-Capture Rules 0813

Alberta’s Bold Plan to Cut Emissions Stuns Ottawa and Oil Industry 0413

Canadian Scientists Call for Dramatic Steps to Curb Emissions 0213

Canada Pulls Out of Kyoto Protocol 1211


Latin America

Ecuador Government Plans to Keep Drilling in National Park, Despite Vote on Ban 0823

Ecuadorians Reject Amazon Oil Drilling, Ending Operations in Protected Area 0823

Brazil’s Lula Lays Out Plan to Halt Amazon Deforestation 0623

Brazil's Lula Vows to Undo Environmental Degradation and Halt Deforestation 1122

Mexico Pledges Tougher 35% Emissions Cut Target for 2030 - 1122

Climate Scientists Hail Brazil Election Results - Victory for Humanity & Life Itself 1022

Mexico Sees Its Energy Future in Fossil Fuels, Not Renewables 0822

Brazil Backs U.K.’s Warming Limits to Mend Climate Reputation 1121

Bolsonaro’s Sudden Pledge to Protect the Amazon Met with Skepticism 0421

Costa Rica is the 2019 Champion of the Earth 0919

How Did Chile Become a Global Climate Leader? 0919

What Indigenous Rights Have to Do with Fighting Climate Change 0819

Costa Rica’s Zero-Carbon Plan Could Be a Model for the World 0319

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Has Made Grim Threats to the Amazon and Its People 1018

Brazil’s Political Storm Driving Amazon Deforestation Higher 0718

Costa Rica to Ban Fossil Fuels, to Become World’s 1st Decarbonized Society 0518

Brazil's President Announces Plan to Protect Forest, after Plea from Model Gisele 0617

Like U.S., Brazil Risks Falling Behind on Climate Change 1216

Brazil Just Ratified the Paris Climate Agreement.  Why That’s a Really Big Deal 0916

Mexico Announces Launch of Cap-and-Trade Pilot Program 0816

Costa Rica at 99% Renewable.  Are Others on the Same Path? 1215

Chile’s Solar Power Lights the Way to Cleaner, More Competitive Economy 1015

US and Brazil Set Energy Goals, in Sign of Improving Ties 0615

U.S., Mexico, Canada to Collaborate on Climate Adaptation 0515

116 Environmental Defenders Were Murdered Last Year, Mostly in Latin America 0415

Mexico's Climate-Change Promises - the Reality 0415

Everyone Praises Green Copenhagen.   What If Your City Has 20 Million People? 0415

Subsidies to Deforesting Industries Worth 100 Times the Aid to Prevent It 0315

Climatologists Balk as Brazil Picks Skeptic for Key Post 0115

Chile Becomes 1st South American Country to Tax Carbon 0914

Brazil Warming to ‘Green’ Policies 0914

Latin America Aims for Growth and Climate Action 0813

Costa Rica Looks to Go Carbon Neutral on Agriculture 0713

Costa Rica's Friendship with China Conflicts with Its Green Goals 0613

Mexico Enacts Climate Change Law 0612



Russia Aims to Make a Carbon Tax System That EU Will Recognize 1221

Kremlin May Unveil Approach to Coordinate with Europe on Emissions at CoP26 - 1021

Russian Climate Plan Sees Rising Emissions Countered by Forests 0821

Russia Rules Out Cutting Fossil Fuel Production in Next Few Decades 1120

Fossil-Fuel Giant Russia Tiptoes towards Low-Carbon Future 0320

Russia Announces Plan to ‘Use the Advantages’ of Climate Change 0120

Russia to See Severe Trouble by Climate Change, but Won’t Reduce Fossil Fuels 0120

Russia Joins the Climate Crusade – in Its Own Way 1019

Moscow’s New Energy Doctrine Warns against Green Shift 0619

Russia Sketches Emissions Cut of up to 30% by 2030 - 0415

Drill, Comrade, Drill - Why the Kremlin's Arctic Plan Worries Activists 0913


Misc. Countries

Kenya Wants Africa to Sell Green Solutions at COP, Not Seek Aid 0923

Biden Announces Major Aid Package to Help Egypt Transition to Clean Energy 1122

South Africa Backs Energy Plan in Key Step For $8.5 Billion Deal 1022

Kenya’s President Breaks Ranks, Says Africa Must Leapfrog Fossil Fuel 1022

New Zealand to Tax Agriculture Emissions at the Farm, in World 1st 1022

Cow and Sheep Burps to Be Taxed by New Zealand, in World 1st 0622

Rich Nations Offer Debt Guarantees on South African Climate Deal 0522

South Africa Sued Over Plans to Build New Coal Power Plants 1121

Can South Africa Change One of the World’s Most Coal-Intensive Economies? 1021

New Zealand Announces Emergency due to Climate Change 1220

South Africa Aims to Reach Net Zero Emissions in 2050, while Still Burning Coal 0920

As Energy Prices Tumble, Developing Countries Trim Subsidies 0620

New Zealand Passes Bill to Be Carbon Neutral by 2050 - 1119

New Zealand Unveils Plan to Go Carbon Neutral by 2050 - 0519

Hit by Extreme Weather, Zimbabwe Rolls Out Triple Climate Policy 0618

Pacific Islands Nations Consider World's 1st Treaty to Ban Fossil Fuels 0716

After Errors, Congo Basin Forest Effort Restarts with New Scrutiny 1215

Africa to Triple Its Electric Capacity by 2030, by Adding All Renewables 1215

Pacific Island Nations Beg for Help when ‘Calamity' of Climate Change Hits 1015

Obama’s Signature Africa Energy Program Seeks Firmer Footing 0715

New Zealand Commits to Post-2020 Emissions Reduction Target 0715

Vatican Urges Action on Climate Change 0415

Subsidies to Deforesting Industries Worth 100 Times the Aid to Prevent It 0315

Angola Government in Denial over Impact of Severe Drought 1013

Pacific Island Climate Change Pact Wins US Support 0913


GO TO $/T .Tax .Cap. .Int'l 1 2 3 4. .Europe China India+ Elsewhere. .US: President Exec .Candidate States .EPA Misc.

US - Politicians


Why Are We Paying for Crop Failures in the Desert? 0823 - US subsidizes crop losses, so growers grow thirsty crops in very dry land.  This requires irrigation and mining groundwater.

A Bipartisan Plan to Punish Global Climate Laggards - Tax Them. 0623

The Most-Cited Number on the Inflation Reduction Act Is Probably Wrong. Good. 0423 

Why EPA’s Huge Social Cost of Carbon Might Fail to Halt CO2 Emissions 0323

What Congress Must Do Now to Speed Up the Green Energy Transition 0323

Republicans Propose Nationwide Offshore Wind Ban, due to Whale Deaths 0323

Sen. Whitehouse Flags Climate Costs for Senate Budget Committee 0323

Sen Mitt Romney Hopes a Carbon Tax Is Possible in a Divided Congress 1222

Congress Wagered on ‘Low-Carbon' Concrete. Will It Pay Off? 1022

Exxon’s Houston Carbon Capture Plan Just Got Massive Support from Congress 0922

Democrats Should Embrace New Transmission Line Reform in Manchin Side Deal 0922

Senate Approves 1st Climate Treaty in Decades 0922

New Transmission Lines Are Required to Fight Climate Change 0922

The Inflation Reduction Act Legally Defines Greenhouse Gases as Pollution 0822

The Chips Act Has a CO2 Removal Easter Egg 0822

What the Inflation Reduction Act Means for Direct Air Capture 0822 - The tax credit awarded companies for CO2 captured and durably stored was raised from $50 to $180 per tonne.  For CO2 captured and utilized (concrete, carbonation, oil extraction, etc.), the increase was from $35 to $130 per tonne.  Minimum capture to claim the credits is reduced to 1,000 tonnes / year.  Smaller projects can receive direct pay for the full value of the credits for the projects 1st 5 years.  Also, the deadline to build eligibale facilities ws extended 7 years.  The Act also provides $2.15 billion for low-carbon buildings and use of low-carbon materials.  This benefits companies such as CarbonCure and CarbonBuilt,which incorporate captured CO2 into building materials.

What the Manchin Climate Deal Means to You 0722

Manchin Pulls Plug on Climate and Tax Talks, Shrinking Domestic Plan 0722

House Republicans to Introduce Climate Change Strategy with Eye on Mid-Terms 0622

Whitehouse, Coons Introduce Act to Accelerate CO2 Removal 0522

Tonko, Peters Introduce CO2 Removal Legislation 0422

Manchin Eyes Tax on Carbon-Intensive Imports in Energy Package 0522

Senators Plead with Biden for Quick End to Solar Trade Probe 0522

Manchin Explores Possibility of Energy, Climate Package With GOP 0422

Manchin Suggests He’s Ready to Start Talks on Climate, Tax Bill 0322

Carbon Capture Takes Center Stage 0322

The U.S. Political Window Is Closing on Climate Change 0322

U.S. Is Learning That Renewable Energy Is ‘Safer’ - Sen. Whitehouse 0322

Here’s the Price Tag for 100% EVs for the Postal Service 0122

The Climate Policy Effects of Manchin's “No" on Build Back Better 1221 - The package contained more than $300 billion in tax incentives for electric vehicles, clean energy deployment, and other measures to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

Lawmakers Demand Oil and Gas Firms Divulge Methane Leak Data 1221

Oil Companies Could Make Billions from Carbon Capture & Storage Tax Break 1221

$1.2 Trillion US Infrastructure Bill Passes, Funds Transmission, Hydrogen, EVs 1121

GOP Green Groups Want Climate Action, but Not Reconciliation 1121

Biden’s Clean Electricity Program Could Be Dropped from Spending Bill 1021

Top Democrats, White House Agree to Boost Carbon Capture Credit in Budget Bill 1021

Democrats’ Red Line for Manchin - No Climate Cuts 1021

Manchin Raises Red Flag on Carbon Tax 0921

Methane Crackdown Could Threaten U.S. Driller Profits, Citi Says 0921 - $1,680 / ton of methane is proposed

Politics of the World’s Urgently Needed Methane Emission Cuts Aren’t Simple 0821

Amid Extreme Weather, a Shift among Republicans on Climate Change 0821

The Infrastructure Deal Is NOT Not a Climate Bill 0821

Democrats Push Sweeping Climate Legislation amid a Scorching Summer 0721

House Votes to Reinstate Obama Methane Leak Rule for Oil, Gas Wells 0621

Growing Number of Republicans Are Working to Address Climate Change 0621

Manchin Floats Big Energy Proposals as Talks Ramp Up 0621

Republicans to Unveil a GOP-Only Climate Caucus 0621

Rare Climate Bipartisanship Emerges on Carbon Storage, Air Capture 0521

Senate Votes to Restore Obama’s Limits on Oil & Gas’ Methane Emissions 0421

Congressional Democrats Aim to Reinstate Methane Rules for Oil and Gas Wells 0321

Durbin Introduces Bill to Invest in a Clean Climate Future and Spur Job Creation 0321

House Energy and Commerce Leaders Unveil Sweeping Climate Change Bill 0321

How Republicans Are Responding to Biden on Climate, in Public and in Private 0221

Senator Romney Supports Carbon Fee and Dividend 0221

Charting a Path towards Net-Zero - US Leadership in CO2 Removal Is Important 0221 - several bills

Carbon Capture Coalition Statement on the Reintroduction of the Growing Renewable Energy and Efficiency Now (GREEN) Act 0221 - direct pay of the 45Q tax credit for CO2 removal

Senate Democrats Eye Quick Repeal of Trump Rules 0121

Stimulus Deal Includes Raft of Provisions to Fight Climate Change 1220

New Stimulus Bill Includes $35.2 Billion for New Energy Initiatives 1220

Ways & Means’ Neal Eyes Massive Covid Relief, Climate, Infrastructure Package 1120

Georgia Senator Dismisses Climate Change as a Hoax 1120

Lindsey Graham's Climate Record at Issue as Race Tightens 1020

In Colorado, Where Climate Matters, Hickenlooper Poised to Unseat Senator Gardner 0920

Climate is a Big Deal in Record Hot Arizona, but It May Not Sway Senate Voters 0920

Trump's Climate Denials Worry Republicans 0920

In Kansas, a Democratic Climate Hawk Closes in on a Republican Climate Skeptic 0920

Senators Agree to Slash Use of Potent Hydrofluorocarbon Greenhouse Gases 0920

Senate 2020 - Iowa Farmers Are Feeling the Effects of Climate Change.  That Could Make Things Harder for Joni Ernst 0920

Democratic Party’s Draft Policy Platform and the Potential Role of CO2 Removal Technologies to Combat Climate Change 0820

Citizens Climate Lobby Review of the House Select Committee Majority Staff Report - Solving the Climate Crisis 0720

Democrats Are Getting Ready to Govern Responsibly on Climate Change 0720

Review of the House Select Committee Majority Staff Report - Solving the Climate Crisis - by Citizens Climate Lobby 0720

House Democrats’ Ambitious Climate Package Steers toward a Net-Zero Economy by 2050 - 0720 -  100% carbon-free  electricity by 2040, net-zero new buildings by 2030, zero-emission cars by 2035 and trucks by 2040, solar & wind tax credits for 5 more years, etc.

House Democrats Will Call for 100% Clean Cars by 2035 - 0620

2 GOP and 2 Democrat Senators Back Bill to Cut Emissions from Farms 0620

U.S. Senators Unveil Bill to Support Renewable and Nuclear Power, Efficiency 0220 - from the Energy Committee.  It supports wind and solar power, energy efficiency 9but not new building codes), advanced batteries, and building facilities to capture carbon emissions at power plants and from the air, for storage underground

House Dems Propose $760 Billion for Climate-Friendly Initiatives 0120

House Democrats Tee Up Sweeping Climate Bill 0120 - non-carbon portfolio standard for electricity (to 100% by 2050), higher mpg for vehicles, tougher restrictions on methane releases, climate bank to fund emission reductions

Congressional Leaders at UN Climate Summit- ‘We’re Still In’ 1219

In Florida and Elsewhere, GOP Pressured over Climate Change 1119

Democrats' Daunting Task - Multiple Climate Bills 1119

Bipartisan Senate Climate Solutions Caucus Grows to 8 Members 1119 - GOP: Braun, Graham, Murkowski, Romney; Dem: Coons, Bennett, Shaheen; I - King; later Rubio of GOP

Senators on Climate Change - “We Look a Bit like Neanderthals” 1119 - Mitt Romney quote

Former Exxon Scientists Tell Congress of Its Climate Research before Exxon Turned to Denial 1019

A Republican and Democrat Form a Climate Caucus.  What Can They Get Done? 1019

Why Democrats Forced a Failed Climate Vote in the Senate 1019

Sen. Mike Braun Aims to Bring GOP 'in the Game' with Bipartisan Climate Caucus 0919

The Green New Deal Is Cheaper than Climate Change 0919

Some in GOP Take New Tone on Climate Change, Mostly behind Closed Doors 0819

Mitt Romney - Climate Change Is Happening, Humans a Significant Contributor 0819

Climate Could Be an Electoral Time Bomb, Republican Strategists Fear 0819

Cory Booker Wants to Pay Many More Farmers to Practice Carbon Farming 0819

Florida GOP Rep Seeks Carbon Tax to Reduce Pollution 0719

House Democrats Offer an Alternative to the Green New Deal 0719

US Senators Target 50% Renewable Electricity by 2035, Zero-Carbon by 2050 - 0619

Car Makers Battle Oil & Gas Industry for Electric Vehicle Tax Credits 0619

Climate Change Could Harm Your Wealth and Health, Warns Key Democrat 0619

These Senators Are Going after the Biggest Climate Villains in Washington 0619

Did Senate Republicans Just Get Serious about Agriculture and Climate Change? 0519

U.S. House Tax Panel Mulls Carbon Fee at 1st Climate Hearing in 12 Years 0519

In a Switch, Some Republicans Cite Climate Change as Driving Their Policies 0419

Idaho GOP Rep. Mike Simpson - I’ll Fight Climate Change if I Want to 0519

House Passes Bill to Force U.S. to Stay in Paris Climate Agreement 0519

GOP Ready to ‘Cross the Rubicon' on Climate — Sen. Graham 0419

Climate Change Looms over Trump Infrastructure Meeting with Democrats 0419

Senate Democrats Form Special Committee on Climate Change 0319

Republicans Ignore Trump as He Undermines Them on Climate 0319

Romney Helps GOP Look for New Path on Climate Change 0319

Solving Climate Change the American Way 0319 - op ed by by former Congressman John Delaney (D-MD)

Murkowski, Manchin Call for ‘Responsible Solutions' to Climate Change 0319

Senate Democrats introduce 'Green New Deal' Alternative 0219

Some GOP Lawmakers Are Thawing on Climate Change 0219

Carbon Capture Gets Another Boost from Washington 0219

Massachusetts GOP Gov. Baker Urges Congress to Address Climate Change 0219

What Green New Deal Is and What It Means for Climate Change 0219

Carbon Tax Backers Grapple with 'Green New Deal' 0119

Bipartisan Bill Taxes CO2 and Gives the Money Back to You 1118 - 5 sponsors in the US House.  Up to 10 (3 GOP) by the time Senators Flake and Coons introduce an almost identical bill in the Senate in December.

Climate Is Changing - Cut Carbon by Innovation - Sen. Barasso (GOP), Wyoming 1218

Once Democrats Take Charge of the House, Addressing Climate Change Will Become Top Priority Again 1118

Nebraska Sen. Sasse Says Conversation Needed on Climate Change Solutions 1118

A Democrat Ran on Climate Change in a Republican Stronghold—and Won 1118

Science Candidates Prevail in US Mid-Term Elections 1118

Some Republicans in Close Races Change Their Climate Change Tunes, Slightly 1118

Environmental Concerns Threaten to Upend Florida Elections 1018

Democrats Go All-in on Clean Energy 1018

NC Republicans Move from ‘No’ to a ‘Reality’ on Climate Change 1018

America Spends over $20 Billion per Year on Fossil Fuel Subsidies 0718 

GOP Lawmaker Proposes Carbon Tax 0718

Climate Change Is Finally Getting Political Cred with Republicans 0718

Republicans Are Finally Talking About a Carbon Tax.  Not in a Good Way. 0718

House Republican Will Introduce $23 Carbon Tax Next Week 0718

3 More Republicans Join Climate Change Caucus 0518 - House caucus now at 39 GOP and 39 Democrats.
     October update: now 45 and 45.

Bipartisan Bill Would Authorize U.S. EPA to Ratchet Down HFCs 0218

GOP Senator Lisa Murkowski Says It’s Time to Take Climate Change Seriously 0218

106 Lawmakers Urge Trump to Restore Climate Change in National Security Strategy 0118

A Bunch of House Republicans Accept Warming.  Is It Real? 0118

Murkowski Introduces Bill to Study Ocean Acidification 1217

U.S. Renewable Energy Industry Relieved, as Republicans Keep Tax Credits 1217

Doug Jones’ Win Breaks Alabama’s Record of Electing Climate Change Deniers 1217

Tax Reform Losers, from Biofuels to Coal, to Get 2nd Chance 1217

Alaska’s Senator Murkowski Wants to Fight Climate Change and Drill for Oil Too 1117

GAO Report Calls on Trump to Act on Climate Change 1017

Friendly Policies Keep US Oil and Coal Afloat Far More than We Thought 1017

McCain Resumes His Quest for Climate Change Action 0917

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham Endorses 'Price on Carbon' to Fight Climate Change 0917

After Hurricanes, Climate Change Resurfaces in Washington 0917

U.S. House Votes to Block Climate Rules, Using Critical Budget Bill 0917

More GOP Lawmakers Bucking Their Party on Climate Change 0817

How Congress Is Cementing Trump's Anti-Climate Orders into Law 0717

9 Reasons Global Warming Is Great, According to a Texas Republican 0717

Mr. Smith Goes to Greenland 0717

House Republicans OK Measure Asking Military to Study Climate Change 0617

Congress to Pruitt - We’re Not Cutting EPA Budget to Trump’s Levels 0617

GOP Congressman Is Forging Ahead on Climate Action 0617

Senate Keeps an Obama-Era Methane Control Rule 0517

Modest Climate Change Bill Draws Sponsors From Both Sides of the Aisle 0517

EPA, Clean Energy Spared Trump's Ax in $1.1 Trillion Budget Deal 0517

100% Clean Energy Bill Launched by Senators to Phase Out Fossil Fuels by 2050 - 0417

Congressional Republicans Who Care about Climate Change End Denial 0417 - In House, 19 GOP & 19 Dems in Climate Solutions Caucus.  Also, 17 GOP Reps make resolution for meaningful and responsible action on clilmate change.
     Update, 23 of each GOP & Dems by June 17, 2017.

This Time, Congress Is Not Helping Trump Destroy the Planet - Methane Regs 0417

Republican Green Groups Seek to Temper Trump on Climate Change 0317

17 US House Republicans Back Resolution Urging Action on Warming 0317

Crowd Boos as Virginia Lawmaker Says 'Rich People' Like Clean Air 0217

Trump Plan to Scrap Paris Climate Change Pact Faces Skepticism from Corporations, GOP Moderates 0217

Bernie Sanders to Scott Pruitt - ‘Why is the climate changing?’ 0117

Eyeing Democratic Majority, Senators Rethink Climate Strategy 0816

Conservative to Fund Republicans Who Back Climate Change Action 0616

Clean Energy Group Backs Republican in Florida Race 0616

Why the GOP Is Trying to Stop the Pentagon's Climate Plan 0616

House Backs Symbolic Measures to Oppose Oil Fee, Carbon Tax 0616

Supporters Laud 'Momentum' for Carbon Tax, despite House Vote 0616

What Charles Koch Really Thinks about Climate Change 0616

Congressional Budget Office Warns of Climate Change's Budget Impact 0616

These Republican Lawmakers Turn to Climate Action to Help Keep Their Seats 0416

Republicans Are Warming Up to Renewable Energy 0416

Republicans Still Hunting a Way Forward on Landmark Climate Deal 0116

Experts Predict Renewable Investment Boom, as Congress Renews Tax Credits 1215

Paris Climate Accord Is a Big, Big Deal (2.8¢/kWh Wind & 4.2 Solar) 1215 - GOP stands alone worldwide in denialism.

Wind & Solar Tax Credits to Continue 5 Years, Crude Oil Export Ban to End 1215

U.S. Senators Vow to Block Climate Aid, Scrutinize Paris Deal 1115

Congressmen Call on SEC to Investigate Exxon's Climate Disclosures 1115

Ayotte Leads New Senate Republican Energy & Environment Working Group 1015

GOP Moves to Block Power Plant Plan 1015

Bringing Republicans to the Climate Change Table 1015

Changed Climate In Washington 0915

Pope's Climate Push Hits Wall in Congress 0915

Bipartisan Bill Would Reduce US Greenhouse Gases Causing 40% of Global Warming 0915

Key to Politically Appropriate Climate Policy Is Not Cost; It's Lobbying 0915

Senate Democrats’ Climate Change Bill Aimed Not at Success Now, but in 2016 - 0915

Republicans Break Ranks with GOP Leaders in Call for Climate Change Action 0915

Conservation Groups' Ad Campaign Targets 4 GOP Senators 0915

Giant Coal Company Bankruptcy Reveals Secret Ties to Climate Denial, GOP Dark Money Groups 0815

GOP Needs Alternative Climate Policy 0815

New Mexico Dems Call for Tough New Methane Rule 0715

GOP Senators Vow to Block U.S. from Complying with Global Climate Deal 0715

Republican Senator Wants Schools to Teach Natural Causes of Climate Change 0715

GOP Uses Spending Bills to Move against EPA Rules 0615

In Trade Debate, Climate Concerns Roar Back to House Floor 0615

Paul Ryan Adds Amendment to Trade Bill to Block Climate Deals 0615

GOP Pledges to ‘Rein In' Obama on EPA Rules, Global Warming 0515

Senators Challenge FEMA Requiring State Climate Change Plans for Disaster Relief 0515

Inhofe Staff Quashes Rumors of Senator Inhofe's Change of Heart 0415

Constituents Worry More about Climate Change than Their GOP Senators Do 0415

EPA Blasts GOP’s Bill to Change Climate Rule 0415

Republicans Warn World That Obama CO2 Cuts Plan Could Be Undone 0315

Republicans Seek to Push Climate Change off National Security Agenda 0315

NASA Chief to Sen. Cruz - We Can’t Get to Space if Cape Kennedy Is Under Water. 0315

12-Year-Olds Are Schooling Republican Senators on Climate Change 0315

Keystone Veto Override Fails 0315

Could a Failed Keystone XL Amendment Upend the Paris Climate Talks? 0215

House Passes Keystone Bill, Despite Obama’s Opposition 0215

15 Republican Senators Vote Humans Play Some Role in Climate Change 0215

Senate Passes Keystone XL Pipeline Bill Despite Obama Veto Promise 0115

House Panel Agrees to Prioritize Climate Change 0115

Denial of Senate 0115

5 GOP Science ‘Believers' in the New Congress 0115

In 83 Speeches, Senator Whitehouse Pushes for Climate Change Action 1214

Drought, Heat and Ice - 2015 Could Be Tipping Point on Climate 1214

How Congress Snuck Changes to US Environmental Policy into New Budget Bill 1214

GOP Gains Put Nuclear Power Back on the Table 1214

House Republican Plans to Introduce Pro-Climate-Science Bill 1214

Senate Defeats Bill on Keystone XL Pipeline in Narrow Vote 1114

Trading Oil for Coal 1114

Republican Wave Unlikely to Wash Away Obama's Major Rules 1114

GOP Election Rout Delivers Blow to U.S. Leadership Role on Climate Change 1114

Republican Mid-Term Gains Endanger Environmental Progress 1114

Keystone Approval Sought by Republicans Daring Obama Veto 1114

Scott Brown Denies That Man-Made Climate Change Is Scientifically Proven 0814

Many Republicans Privately Support Action On Climate 0814

On Climate Change, Democrats Appeal to GOP’s Fiscal Conservatism 0814

GOP Rejects Grim White House Climate Change Report 0514

Filibuster Change Clears Path for Obama Climate Regulations 1113

A 2015 Climate Treaty?  Don't Bother, Congress Says 1113

Backers Begin Multi-Pronged Push for Draft Bill Limiting EPA Rules 1013

Federal Boost for Farms' Renewable Energy in Doubt 1013

White House 'War on Coal' Is No Slam Dunk for GOP in 2014 - 0913

Evangelical Scientists' Letter to Congress on Climate Change 0713

House GOP Plans Mega-Hearing on Climate Change 0813

Top 10 States in Federal Disaster Aid Elect Climate Deniers to Congress 0813

Rep. Dingell to Obama: Clean Air Act Isn't Right for Greenhouse Gas Rules 0813 

House Votes to Thwart EPA Move on ‘Social Cost of Carbon’ 0813 

Congress’ Climate Skeptics Could Snarl GOP’s Strategy 0713 

Democrats’ Recess Game Plan: Push Climate Message 0713 

‘Social Cost of Carbon’ Battle Hits House Floor 0713 

Republicans Propose Limiting Obama Climate Plan in Budget 0713 

House Republicans Ready Attack on Obama's ‘Social Cost of Carbon’ 0713 

Boehner Slams "Absolutely Crazy" Obama Climate Plan 0613

Moderate Democrats, Facing Hard Midterms, Treat Climate Plan Carefully 0613

Rand Paul Preaches Sustainability 0513

Former Republican Climate Change Leaders Steer Clear of the Issue 0313

Republican Climate Skeptics Face Uphill Re-Election 1012

Sen. Alexander on Climate Change 1009

House Global Warming Bill 0608


Courts, Semi-Judicial Agencies, etc.

Judge Rules in Favor of Montana Youths, in Landmark Climate Decision 0823

A Bottleneck on the Grid Threatens Clean Energy. New Rules Aim to Help. 0723

FERC Aims to Fix the Grid’s Renewable Energy Backlog. Can iI? 0623

Youth Climate Lawsuit against Federal Government Headed for Trial 0623

Big Polluters’ Share Prices Fall after Climate Lawsuits 0523

Supreme Court Boosted 24+ Cities & States Suing Big Oil on Climate Change 0523

New (Gas) Pipeline Agency Rule Aimed at Cutting Methane Leaks 0523

Experts Hail Supreme Court Decision to Let US Climate Lawsuits Advance 0423

Why Plugging In US Wind and Solar Projects Is So Difficult 0223

How to Modernize Permitting for a Low-Carbon Economy 0223

Streamlining Environmental Reviews Could Slow Down Clean Energy Transition 0223

The Supreme Court’s EPA Ruling Is Going to Be Very, Very Expensive 0622

Supreme Court Limits EPA’s Power to Combat Climate Change 0622

FERC 1st-Ready, 1st-Served Interconnection Rules Spur New Generation, Storage 0622

Supreme Court Allows Greenhouse Gas Cost Estimates 0522

Exxon Must Go to Trial over Alleged Climate Crimes, Court Rules 0522

Fossil Fuels vs Our Future - Young Montanans Wage Historic Climate Fight 0322

FERC to Consider Greenhouse Gas Emissions, EJ for New Natural Gas Pipelines 0322

Appellate Court Rules Biden Can Consider Climate Damage in Policy-Making 0322

FERC to Consider Climate Change in Assessing New Pipelines 0222

Gulf of Mexico Offshore Oil Lease Plan Voided by U.S. Judge 0122

It Will Take More than Biden’s Economic Plan to Meet Climate Goal 1221

Supreme Court to Review EPA's Ability to Regulate Greenhouse Gases 1021

Big Oil Is Going All-Out to Fight Climate Rules in Build Back Better 1021

Big Business Is Bankrolling an Effort to Kill the Democratic Climate Bill 1021

Judge Scraps Red State Lawsuit over Biden Carbon Metric 0821

How the U.S. Could Slash Climate Pollution by 2030 - 0821

Court Blocks a Vast Alaskan Drilling Project, Citing Climate Dangers 0821

With Global Warming Getting Worse, Urgent Action Is Needed - Scientists 0821

80% Clean Energy Standard for 2030 - Achievable with Massive Benefits 0821

Federal Judge Says Biden Cannot Pause New Leases for Drilling on Public Lands 0621

FERC Makes Major Shift on Pipeline CO2 Emissions 0321

Biden Administration Wants Financial Sector to Face Up to Climate Risk 0321

Judge Rules Montana Coal Mine's Climate Costs Matter 0221

Charting a Path towards Net-Zero - US Leadership in CO2 Removal Is Important 0221 - several bills

Carbon Capture Coalition Statement on the Reintroduction of the Growing Renewable Energy and Efficiency Now (GREEN) Act 0221 - direct pay of the 45Q tax credit for CO2 removal

Court Voids a ‘Tortured’ Trump Climate Rollback 0121

Fed Creates Climate Committee - ‘Enormously Big Deal’ 0121

FERC Takes ‘Landmark Action' on Carbon Pricing 1020

Conservative Utah Leaders Voice Support for Climate Action 1020

Trump Can’t Weaken California’s Carbon Market, Federal Judge Rules 0720

Court Strikes Down Trump Administration's Methane Rollback 0720

9th Circuit Throws Out Youth Climate Case 0120 - Majority said plaintiffs must make case to political braches and electorate.  Dissent said "It is as if an asteroid were barreling toward Earth and the government decided to shut down our only defenses.  Seeking to quash this suit, the government bluntly insists that it has the absolute and unreviewable power to destroy the Nation."

What Does Climate Change Have to Do with Socialism? 0819 - Koch brothers and some libertarians see climate change as an excuse, a liberal plot to enlarge government.  It also hurts their bottom lines, as they made (and make) their money from fossil fuels.

Lawsuit Moves Forward Saying ExxonMobil Ignored Climate Change Risks 0519

Trump’s FERC Chairman - Climate Change Is Real.  We Must Cut CO2 Emissions. 0419

US Judge Halts 100s of Drilling Projects in Key New Climate Change Ruling 0319

Kansas State University to Get Half of Campus Energy from Wind Farm 1118

Supreme Court Won't Block Children's Climate Change Lawsuit 1118

U.S. Government, but Not Trump, Can Be Sued over Climate - Judge 1018

Former Trump Adviser Opens GOP Climate Shop 0718 - GOP needs a policy to fight climate change.

US Judge Throws Out Climate Change Lawsuits against Big Oil 0618

There's No Power Grid Emergency Requiring a Coal Bailout, FERC Regulators Say Unanimously 0618

Judge to EPA - You Are Legally Required to Turn Over Pruitt's Documentary Evidence for Climate Denial 0618

Wyoming Judge Rules Oil and Gas Firms Need Not Comply with Methane Emissions Rule 0418

Pennsylvania Superior Court Rules that Fracking Natural Gas from a Neighboring Property Is Trespassing 0418

U.S. Judge Dismisses Exxon Lawsuit to Stop Climate Change Probes 0318

Judge - Trump Admin. Must Consider Climate Change in Major Drilling and Mining Lease Plan 0318

Climate Science on Trial as High-Profile US Case Takes On Fossil Fuel Industry 0318

Trump Administration Just Failed to Stop a Climate Lawsuit by 21 Kids 0318

Michael Bloomberg Says President Trump Can Be a 'Great Leader' if He Accepts Climate Deal 0318

Former Trump Aide Calls Paris Climate Accord ‘a Good Republican Agreement’ 0218

Environmental Activists Are Suing Governments over Climate Change and Winning 0218

Judge Orders Trump’s DoE to Implement Climate-Change Rules for Appliances 0218

Federal Regulators Reject Trump Coal Rescue Plan 0118

Organizations and Businesses Ask Congress for 100% Renewable Energy Goal 1217

Bipartisan Group of 8 Former FERC Commissioners Rejects Energy Secretary’s Bid to Help Coal Plants 1017

Obama Environmental Chief Says Trump Rollbacks Won't Wash 1017

Court Tosses Obama-Era HFC Climate Rule That Trump Had Defended 0817

Court Tells EPA to Enforce Obama Methane Pollution Rule 0717

Court Rejects Trump Administration Move to Delay Methane Regulation 0717

'Bring on More Renewables,’ Departing FERC Regulator Says, as Grid Study Looms 0617

California, New York et al. Just Sued to Protect Obama’s Final Energy Rules 0617

Weather Channel Site Goes Apocalyptic after Trump Paris Accord Speech 0617

Greens Sue Trump for Delaying Obama Methane Rule 0617

EPA Should Not Be Allowed to Dodge Clean Power Plan Ruling, Cities and States Tell Court 0417

Donald Trump Makes Top Republican Fear Environmental Future 0117

A Trump Team Member Just Compared Climate Science to Flat-Earth Theory 1216

The Climate Myths Guiding Trump’s EPA Team 1216

Leaked Transition Team Memo Outlines Trump’s Catastrophic Energy Agenda 1216

Gore Says U.S. Climate Curbs on Track, Hopes Trump Will Surprise 1216

Military Leaders Urge Trump to See Climate as a Security Threat 1116

EPA Emerges from Clean Power Plan Court Hearing with the Edge 0916

Scientists Know Climate Change Is a Threat.  Politicians Need to Realize It, Too. 0916

Military Experts Say Climate Change Poses 'Significant Risk' to Security 0916

Climate Change May Be Doubted by Some, but Now It’s the Law 0816

Here’s What a Conservative Climate-Action Agenda Would Look Like 0716

Science Organizations Again Urge Congress to Take Climate Change Seriously 0616

450 Groups Urge Congress to Reject TPP over Environmental Concerns 0616

Supreme Court Refuses to Block EPA’s Controls on Toxic Mercury 0316

What Scalia’s Death Means For Climate Change 0216

US Chamber of Commerce Official - Businesses Will Flee Climate Deal 0216

Ethanol Mandate, a Boon to Iowa Alone, Faces Rising Resistance 0116

Supreme Court Backs FERC in Demand Response Power Saving Rule 0116

These Arguments Convinced a Libertarian to Support Aggressive Climate Action 0515

What Do Conservative Policy Intellectuals Think about Climate Change? 0515

More & More Conservative Thinkers Back Carbon Tax.  Will Politicians Follow? 0515

Why the Koch Brothers’ War against Clean Energy Is Still Failing 0515

Latest Climate Change Battle May Center on Food Pyramid 0115

McKibben Steps Down as Head of Climate Group 1214

George Shultz Defies GOP in Embrace of Climate Adaptation 1214

Climate Change Is Priority for Black and Hispanic Voters 1114

Republican EPA Chiefs to Congress - Act on Climate 0614

Tom Steyer Starts Big-Spending Plan to Defeat Climate-Denier Candidates 0514

Approving Keystone XL Could Be Biggest Mistake of Obama Presidency - Mann 0114

Tea Party’s Green Faction Fights for Solar in Red States 1113

Tea Party Republicans Are Biggest Climate Change Deniers, Pew Poll Finds 1113

Kerry Tells Pacific Island States Climate Science Is Alarming and Irrefutable 0913

Gravity exists.  The Earth is round.  Climate change is happening 0813

Republican Case for Climate Action 0813 - op-ed by 4 EPA Administrators for Republican Presidents

Old Secretary of State George Schulz on Climate Change 0713

Carbon Program Backlash in Australia, EU Bode Ill for US Climate Change Efforts 0713

Young Conservative Climate Campaign Launched in Midwest 0713

Coming GOP Civil War Over Climate Change 0513

On Climate, GOP Turns from Concern to Denial 0413

Gore Blasts Obama for Caving in to Carbon Lobby 0611


GO TO $/T .Tax .Cap. .Int'l 1 2 3 4. .Europe China India+ Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ Exec Branch .Candidate States EPA Misc.


White House, amid Record Heat, Accuses Republicans of 'Radical, Head-in-the-Sand' Climate Denying 0823

Biden Says Extreme Heat Costing US $100 Billion Annually 0727

Biden Vetoes Resolution That Would Have Restored Solar Tariffs 0523

Biden Pledges $500 Million to Stop Deforestation in Brazil 0423

‘Doomerism’ - Why Scientists Disagree with Biden on 1.5°C 0423

Biden Warns that Climate Change Could Upend Federal Spending Programs 0323

Biden Announces Major Aid Package to Help Egypt Transition to Clean Energy 1122

Biden Orders Emergency Steps to Boost U.S. Solar Production 0622

Biden Plans Solar Manufacturing Push to End Project Slowdown 0622

Biden Signs Earth Day Order to Protect Old-Growth Forests 0422

Biden Restores Climate to Landmark Environmental Law, Reversing Trump 0422

Biden Invokes Defense Production Act to Boost Renewables 0422

Biden Orders Federal Vehicles and Buildings to Use Renewable Energy by 2050 - 1221

Biden Announces Oil Release from Strategic Petroleum Reserve 1121

Biden Submits Treaty Phasing Out HFC Super-Pollutants for Senate Approval 1121

Biden Unveils Multi-pronged Assault on Planet-Warming Methane 1121

Biden Wants the Sun to Provide Nearly Half of US Electricity by 2050 - 0921

Politics of the World’s Urgently Needed Methane Emission Cuts Aren’t Simple 0821

UN Climate Report Raises Pressure on Biden to Seize a Rare Moment 0821

Biden’s Clean Energy Plan Would Cut Emissions and Save 317,000 Lives 0721

'We Have to Act and Act Fast.'  Biden Says Climate Change Is Driving Wildfires and Historic Heat Wave 0621

Biden Proposes over $16 Billion in Clean Energy Infrastructure, Climate Spending 0621

Biden Order on Climate Financial Risk Reaches Deep into the Economy 0521

Biden Wants to Slash Emissions, for a Very Different America 0421

US Vows to Cut Emissions 50-52% from 2005, by 2030 - 0421

President Biden Calls on Congress to Fund Carbon Removal in New Budget 0421

Biden Wants to Cut Off Fossil Fuel Handouts 0421

9 Ways Biden’s $2 Trillion Plan Will Tackle Climate Change 0321 — 1 Modernize & weatherize affordable housing.  2 Accelerate transistion to electric vehicles.  3 Modernize power grid.  4 Modernize public transit.  5. $35B for R&D (storage, carbon capture, hydrogen, advanced nuclear, floating offshore wind, rare earth separation).  6 Clean up old oil/gas wells and coal mines.  7 Raise corporate taxes, end fossil fuel subsidies.  8 Clean electricty and energy efficiency standards.  9 Civilian Climate Corps.

Biden’s Push for Electric Cars - $174 Billion, 10 Years and a Bit of Luck 0321

US Wants the EU to Delay Imposing Trade Penalties on Carbon-Intensive Imports, but Is Considering Imposing Its Own 0321

Carbon Tax Sidelined in Biden’s Push on Climate, Taxes 0321

Biden Faces ‘Moment of Truth’ as He Weighs Key U.S. Climate Promise 0321

Biden Expected to Seek 50% Carbon Cut by 2030 - 0321

Biden Wants to End HFC Climate Threat from Grocery Store Freezers 0221

Trump’s Environmental Policies Killed 1,000s of People 0221 - 80,000 from air pollution, > 150,000 from covid-19

Biden's 'Restoration' Presidency Begins to Restore the Climate 0221

Biden Moves to Dial Down America’s Soaring Methane Emissions 0121

Why Biden Is Buying 645,000 New Electric Cars 0121

Biden Administration Freezes Federal Fossil Fuel Leases and Permits 0121

Biden Cancels Keystone XL Pipeline and Rejoins Paris Climate Agreement 0121

Biden Says US Needs to Defeat Climate Change as He Introduces Team, Priorities 1220

5 Easy Things Biden Can Do on Climate, Plus 2 He Can’t 1220

Deal-Makers and Fighters Make Up Biden’s New Climate Team 1220

How Biden Will Impact the Future of Energy 1120

What the Janet Yellen Pick for Treasury Means for Climate Policy 1120

Biden Prioritizes Climate Crisis by Naming John Kerry Special Climate Envoy 1120

Why the Oil Industry Doesn't Fear Biden 1120

The 10 Climate Executive Actions Biden Will Take on Day 1 - 1120

Biden and Utilities Split on When They Can Go Carbon-Free 1120

Trump Questions Climate Science during California Wildfire Briefing 0920

Trump Rollback of Mileage Standards Guts Climate Change Push 0320

Trump Makes U-Turn on Fuel Economy Standards 1119

Trump Serves Notice to Quit Paris Climate Agreement 1119

Mike Pence Repeatedly Refuses to Say Climate Crisis Is a Threat to US 0619

Next President Could Declare Climate Emergency, GOP Fears 0119

Trump Says Climate Change Not a Hoax, but Says ‘It'll Change Back' 1018

Trump’s Proposed Clean Car Rollback Will Cost the U.S. $457 Billion 0818 - like a 57¢ per gallon gasoline tax by 2040

Trump to Seek Repeal of California’s Smog-Fighting Power 0718

Trump's Trade War Could Prompt Future Tariffs on U.S. CO2 - 0318

Trump’s Policies Are Costing 10,000 Jobs in America’s Solar Power Industry 0218

Donald Trump Says US Could Re-Enter Paris Climate Deal 0118

Trump’s New Solar Tariff to Protect US Manufacturers Will Hurt Installers 0118

Trump Tweets that ‘Cold' East Coast ‘Could Use a Little Bit of' Global Warming 1217

Trump Is Pushing Coal Abroad 1217

Trump Signs Order Rolling Back Rule on Building for Sea-Level Rise 0817

U.S. Submits Formal Notice of Withdrawal from Paris Climate Pact 0817

Energy Rhetoric Irrelevant in World of $50 Oil 0817

Trump Says ‘Something Could Happen' on Climate Accord 0717

This Is How the U.S.’s New Global Isolation on Climate Change Looks 0617

US Opts Out of G7 Pledge Committing to Paris Climate Accord 0617

Trump ‘Does Believe in Climate Change', Says US Ambassador to UN 0617

Trump - I Was Elected to Represent Pittsburgh, not Paris.  Pittsburgh - We’re with Paris. 0617

Trump on Paris Accord - 'We're Getting Out’ 0617

U.S. Will Lose Jobs if It Quits Paris Climate Deal 0317

Trump Puts Renewable Energy Critic in Charge of Renewable Energy Office 0517

Trump's Climate Cuts Could Result in Half-Billion Extra Tons of CO2 in the Air 0417

Republican Cracks Emerge in Trump's Coal-Heavy Energy Plan 0417

Trump Plan to Slash EPA Budget Goes Even Deeper, New Memo Shows 0417

How Trump's Moves on Coal Will Affect the Industry 0317

Planned Rollback of Climate Rules Unlikely to Achieve All Trump’s Goals 0317

Trump Dramatically Changes US Approach to Climate Change 0317

Trump Repeal of Climate Rules Means U.S. Paris Target Now May Be Out of Reach 0317
     - But maybe not,  We’re already 56% of the way there, in 55% of the time so far.

Trump Plan to Shelve MPG Rules Invites Fight with California 0317

Trump Seeks Input from U.S. Energy Companies on Paris Climate Pact 0317

Top Trump Advisers Are Split on Paris Agreement on Climate Change 0317

Solar Squabble Shows How a Trump Trade War with China Could Backfire 0217

Trump Would Face Legal Battle for Dumping Paris Treaty — CRS 0217

Making Sense of President Trump’s Energy Plan 0117

Barack Obama Puts $500 Million in Green Climate Fund, to Protect Paris Deal 0117

The Irreversible Momentum of Clean Energy 0117 - by Barack Obama, in Science

Obama Bans New Oil, Gas Drilling off Alaska, Part of Atlantic Coast 1216

To Avoid Worst Climate Impacts, Obama Says ‘We’re really in a race against time.’ 1016

Obama Appeals for Climate Investment in Valedictory UN Speech 0916

Obama, China Ratify Paris Climate Agreement 0916

Obama's New Clean Electricity Goal for North America - 50% by 2025 - 0616

Obama Administration Touts Energy Efficiency as a Climate Side Bet 0316

Obama Calls for Proactive Drought Strategy.  What Would That Look like? 0316

U.S. and Canada Announce Common Goals on Climate, Energy and the Arctic 0316

Obama's $4.1 Trillion Plan Aims for ‘Climate Smart' Economy 0216

Obama Addresses Climate Change 0216

Obama to Propose $10-a-Barrel Oil Tax 0216

How Obama Inserted the “War on Coal” Into the 2016 Race 0116

Obama Calls Climate Action an Economic Success Story, in His Final State of the Union Address 0116

Fossil Fuel Leases Should Charge for Climate Change, Says President 0116

Using Pocket Vetoes, Obama Rebuffs GOP Attempt to Kill Clean Power Plan 1215

Obama Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline 1115

Obama Will Decide on Keystone Pipeline during His Term 1115

Is Keystone Dead? 1115 - Sponsor TransCanada asks pipeline decision be deferred.

Obama, Gates Announce Clean Energy Research Investment by 20 Nations & 28 Investors 1115

Pope Francis Backs Urgent Climate Change Action, Lauds Obama's Climate Plan 0915

Obama Makes Urgent Appeal in Alaska for Climate Change Action 0815

Obama Hits Koch Brothers for Opposing Solar Power 0815

New Obama Climate Push - Let Them Make Power 0815

Obama’s Signature Africa Energy Program Seeks Firmer Footing 0715

Barack Obama's Climate Change Initiative- $4 Billion for Clean Energy 0615

These 10 Billion Tons of Coal Could Erase Obama's Climate Change Progress 0515

Report - U.S. Can Make Good on Climate Pledge — Barely 0515

Obama Recasts Climate Change as a More Far-Reaching Peril 0515

Next President Will Have Huge impact on Climate Policy, without Congress 0515

Obama Visits Everglades to Call for Action on Climate Change 0415

Obama Tells Us What's to Come on Climate, Drought 0415

Obama Presents Climate Change as Hazard to Your Health 0415

US Pledges a 26-28% Carbon Emissions Cut by 2025 - 0315

President Obama Vetoes Keystone Bill; GOP Plans Override Vote 0215

LBJ's Carbon Dioxide Warning 50 Years Ago 0215

Obama Draws Line on Climate, Says U.S. Will Lead the World 0115

Obama's State of the Union Address Could Ramp Up Climate Fight with Republicans 0115

Solar, Nuclear, Climate Progress Possible on Obama India Visit 0115

White House - Obama Would Veto Keystone Bill 0115

Keystone ‘Not Even Nominal Benefit' to US Consumers, Obama Says 1214

Obama Wants Kids to Learn About Global Warming 1214

Barack Obama Tells G20 a Global Climate Change Deal Is Possible and Vital 1114

China, U.S. Agree to Limit Greenhouse Gases 1114

President Obama Declares Climate Change Defining Threat of the Century 0914

Obama Pursuing Climate Accord in Lieu of Treaty 0814

Climate Change Deniers ‘Serious Threat’ to Future, Obama Says 0614

Keystone Decision Seen as Climate Change Test for Obama Abroad 0813

Obama's Call for Climate Action Reflects Foreign, Not US, Worries 0613

Obama Puts Legacy at Stake with Clean Air Act 0613

Obama Frames Climate Change as Make-or-Break Voting Issue 0613

Obama Bypasses Congress with Ambitious Climate Change Plan 0613 

Obama Might Actually Be the Environmental President 0513

Obama Gives Congress Climate Change Ultimatum 0213 

In Short Run, Obama Can Bypass Congress on Climate 0213 

Obama Re-Election Solidifies GHG Action 1112

Obama to Pledge US Emission Cuts at Copenhagen 1109

Obama Climate Speech 0909


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President - Executive Branch

White House Directs Agencies to Account for Climate Change in Budgets 0923

Stifling Heat Spells Misery in Schools with No Air Conditioning 0823

White House Cautiously Opens Door to Blocking Sun’s Rays to Cool Earth 0723

US Government Is Awarding $1.7 Billion to Buy Electric and Low-Emission Buses 0623

Remaking the US Pollution Fight, by Valuing Future Benefits 0523

White House Unveils a New Climate Fix - Building Codes and Energy Retrofits 0523

Companies Flock to Biden’s Climate Tax Breaks, Driving Up Cost 0523

Over-Relying on CO2-Removal Technology Is ‘Dangerous’ - John Kerry 0423

Biden Treasury’s Rules for IRA Make Electric Vehicle Credits Elusive 0323

Washing Machines and Fridges Could Be Much Cheaper to Power by 2027 - 0223

White House Aims to Reflect the Environment in Economic Data 0123

Biden’s Green Energy Bank Races to Leverage $394 Billion to Scale Cleantech 0123

Biden Administration Moves to Tighten Limits on Deadly PM2.5 Air Pollutoin 0123

The Tricky Business of Putting a Dollar Value on a Human Life 1222

Biden Administration Moves to Replace Compact Fluorescent Lights with LEDs 1222

More US Kids to Ride in ‘Clean’ School Buses, Mostly Electric 1022

Tariffs Threaten to Undermine Global Shift to Clean Energy 1022

Kerry Announces US Backing for African Methane-Abatement Drive 0922

USDA More than Triples Funding for ‘Climate Smart’ Agriculture 0922

U.S. Solar Faces New Barriers after Year of ‘Crisis’ 0822

Biden Administration to Set Rules of the Road for Charging Electric Vehicles 0622

Biden Administration to Cut Costs for Wind and Solar Energy Projects 0622

Biden Administration Begins $3 Billion Plan for Electric Car Batteries 0522

U.S. Earmarks $504 Million to Back World’s Largest Hydrogen Hub 0422

Plugging Old U.S. Oil and Gas Wells to Boost Green Jobs, Curb Emissions 0422

Biden Flips the Switch on Trump's Incandescent Light Bulb Plan 0422

US Interior Department to Resume Oil and Gas Leasing, Charge Higher Fees 0422

Biden Administration Launches $6 Billion Nuclear Plant Bailout 0422

Biden Will Allow Summertime Sales of Higher-Ethanol Gasoline 0422

US's GSA to Impose 1st National Carbon Standard for Concrete 0322

Automakers Side with EPA in Court Case over Car Emission Rules 0322

Industry Calls Biden Tariff Probe a ‘Disaster’ for Solar 0322

The SEC Will Propose a Historic Climate Disclosure Rule.  Here's What to Know. 0322

US Blocks Illegal Imports of Climate Damaging Refrigerants with New Rules 0322

Could Russian Sanctions Hobble U.S. Clean Energy Push? 0222

As Climate Change Costs Mount, Biden Seeks to Price Damages 0222

Biden to Allow California to Set Climate Limits on Cars, Influence Rest of US 0222

US Army Plans Microgrids, Electric Vehicle Fleet in 1st Climate Strategy 0222

Biden Administration Unveils Plan to Build a EV Charger Network 0222

States to Get $1.15 Billion from Feds to Plug Abandoned Wells Leaking Methane 0122

Economists Implore Biden to Get Social Cost of Carbon Number Right 0122 - The administration’s initial estimate, released last year$62 per metric ton of CO2 by 2030—is way too low.

Delays in Undoing Trump’s War on Efficient Appliances, Lights, Furnaces 0122

White House Rolls Out $7.5 Billion Electric Vehicle Charging Plan 1221

New US Energy Standards Would Reverse Trump’s War on Lightbulbs 1221

Oil & Gas Companies Should Pay More to Drill on Public Lands - Interior Dep’t 1121

US Auctions Off Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Drilling Leases after Climate Talks 1121 - Court ordered the Biden administration to do what it wanted not to do.  The story is not over.

U.S. ‘Won’t Have Coal’ by 2030, John Kerry Predicts in Glasgow 1121

Biden Administration Plans Wind Farms along Nearly the Entire US Coastline 1021

Biden Administration to Restore Climate Criteria to Landmark Environmental Law 1021

DOE Stirs Up Climate Fight over Building Codes 0921

Biden Launches Plan to Address ‘Silent Killer’ - Extreme Heat 0921

Solar Could Provide 40% of US Electricity by 2035 - 0921 - USDoE analysis

Biden Administration Aims to Cut Costs for Solar, Wind Projects on Public Land 0821

Biden Looks at Climate Change Risks to Financial Markets 0921

OSHA Refuses to Step In as Workers Languish in Extreme Heat 0821

John Kerry on the Stakes of the Next U.N. Climate-Change Conference 0821

Biden Administration Moves to Reverse Trump-Era Showerhead Rule 0721

Biden Administration Backs Oil Sands Pipeline Project 0621

Biden Reappoints Top Climate Assessment Scientist Who Trump Removed 0521

Biden Targets Energy Star Standards, Heat Pumps, Federal Building Emissions 0521

Biden Admin Proposes Phasing Out HFC Refrigerants 0521

John Kerry Warns - ‘Even If We Get to Net Zero, We Need Carbon Removal’ 0421

Transportation Department to Let States Set Own Tailpipe Emission Rules 0421

Kerry Says Private Sector Will Ensure No Future President Undoes Biden’s Work on Climate Change 0421

Electric School Buses in Biden’s Infrastructure Plan 0421

In Asia, John Kerry Urges Bold Action on Climate to Avoid Global ‘Suicide Pact’ 0421

Biden Reversing Harmful Efficiency Rule 0421

Reversing Trump, Interior Department Moves Swiftly on Climate Change 0321

John Kerry Has a Warning for Big Oil 0321 - Embrace clean energy or get left behind.  You don't want to be sitting there with a lot of stranded assets.

Climate Chief Gina McCarthy on Mobilizing “Armies of People” to Cut Emissions 0321

Biden Hikes Social Cost of Carbon, Changing How U.S. Tackles Global Warming 0221

John Kerry, Biden’s UN Climate Envoy, Likens Global Inaction to a ‘Mutual Suicide Pact’ 0221

Kerry Vows Aggressive Climate Steps as U.S. Rejoins Paris 0221

Biden Creates New Climate Adviser Role at NASA 0221

Biden Climate Team Says It Underestimated Trump's Damage 0121

John Kerry, Biden’s Climate Czar, Talks About Saving the Planet 1220

How to Better Tackle Climate Change - John Kerry 1120 - Price carbon.

Trump Administration Undervalues Cost of Carbon by 7x 1120

Trump’s FERC Chief Was ‘Demoted for My Independence’ on Climate Change 1120 - allowing electric-grid operators to implement carbon pricing set up by states

What Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks Mean for Global Warming 0920

Trump Boosts Deregulation by Undervaluing Cost of Climate Change - GAO 0720

Trump’s Path to Weaker Fuel Efficiency Rules May Lead to a Dead End 0220

Fuel Economy Rollback Plan Would Cost Consumers, Analysis Says 0120

White House Update of Key Environmental Law Would Exclude Climate Change 0120

After 3 Years, Lawsuit, Trump Publishes Efficiency Standards for Big Equipment 0120

U.S. Suspends More Oil & Gas Leases over What Could Be a Widespread Problem 1119

White House to Relax Energy Efficiency Rules for Light Bulbs 0919

Energy Secretary Rick Perry Says Humans Help Cause Climate Change 0719

National Climate Assessment Contradicts EPA Chief’s Claims That Climate Change Impacts Are Decades Away 0419

As White House Questions Climate Change, U.S. Military Is Planning for It 0419

The Rollback That U.S. Automakers Don't Want 0319

White House Plan to Counter Climate Science Reports ‘Will Erode Our National Security,’ 58 Former Officials Warn 0319

White House Prepares to Scrutinize Intelligence Agencies’ Finding That Climate Change Threatens National Security 0219

Trump Rollbacks for Fossil Fuel Industries Carry Steep Cost 0119

Weather Service Promotes National Climate Assessment 1118

The Trump Administration Has Entered Stage 5 Climate Denial 1018

Trump Administration Shrugs Off Warnings in U.N. Climate Report 1018

Trump Administration Sees a 7° Rise in Global Temperatures by 2100 - 0918

Dire Climate Change Warnings Cut from Trump Power-Plant Proposal 0918

Janet Yellen Calls for US Carbon Tax to Curb Climate Change 0618

NASA Chief Changed His Mind about Climate Change because He ‘Read a Lot’ 0618

NASA Chief Signals Reprieve for Endangered Climate Missions 0618

Vietnam in Test of What Happens When the U.S. Abandons Climate Diplomacy 0518

Trump Administration Joins Fossil Fuel Companies in Climate Fight vs Cities 0518

National Parks Report on Climate Change Finally Released, Uncensored 0518

NASA’s Jim Bridenstein Agrees Humans Are Responsible for Climate Change 0518

Trump Plans to Fight California Car Rules With Twice-Failed Strategy 0518

U.S. Energy Secretary Calls Reducing Fossil Fuel Use “Immoral” 0318

Intelligence Agencies Warn of Climate Risks in Worldwide Threat Assessment 0218

Feds Shelve Required Plans to Put Updates to Appliance Standards 1217

Trump Will Suspend a Rule to Limit a Pollutant Far Worse than CO2 - 1217

Trump’s NOAA Nominee Agrees Man Is Main Cause of Climate Change 1117

How Trump White House Wound Up Releasing Dire Climate Report 1117

Trump Cabinet Calls on Denmark to Help Boost Offshore Wind Output 1017

Trump Pick for Top Environment Post - CO2 Is ‘the Gas of Life' 1017

U.S. Tax Reform Would Leave Renewable Energy Out in the Cold 1017

U.S. Cuts to Energy Star Could Spell Trouble for Canadian Climate Plan 1017

Feds (FERC) Say It's “Inappropriate" to Calculate Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Controversial Florida Pipeline 0917

U.S. Energy Secretary Asks Oil Industry to Study Carbon Capture Technology 0917

Rex Tillerson Says U.S. Could Stay In Paris Climate Accord 0917

Failure to Set Cost of Carbon Hampers Trump’s Effort to Expand Fossil Fuel Use 0817

U.S. Energy Department Study Says More Coal, Nuclear Needed to Secure Grid 0817
     one of many takes on the same study - like a Rohrscach test

Draft National Climate Assessment Finds Drastic Climate Change Impact on US 0817

Obama Emissions Rules Could Yield $300 Billion Annually by 2030 - 0817

Fears Rise for US Climate Report as Trump Officials Take Reins 0817

Wind, Solar Do Not Harm Power Grid Reliability - Draft U.S. Study 0717

Acting US Ambassador to China Quits over Trump Climate Decision 0617

Trump's Intel Agencies Tell Congress Climate Change Threatens National Security 0517

Tillerson, at Arctic Meeting, Signs Document Affirming Need for Climate Change Action 0517

Will Methane Reductions Continue under Trump? 0417

How President Trump Will Change What You Drive 0417

Made in America - Trump Embracing Offshore Wind? 0417

Don’t Tread on ENERGY STAR 0317 - Trump proposes to eliminate funding for ENERGY STAR.

Trump’s Defense Secretary Cites Climate Change as National Security Challenge 0317

Pruitt’s CO2 Comments Prompt Voicemail Jam, Rebuke from Scientists 0317

EPA Head Scott Pruitt Denies that CO2 Causes Global Warming 0317

White House - the Clean Power Plan Is Gone, and There's No 'Replace' 0317

Vehicle Standards Are Energy Efficiency at Its Best – Too Valuable to Roll Back 0317

Aggressive Cuts to Obama-Era Green Rules to Start Soon - EPA Head 0217

Scott Pruitt, Longtime EPA Adversary, Confirmed to Lead Agency 0217

Food Security, Forests at Risk Under Trump’s USDA 0217

Republicans Try a New Tack on Climate Change 0217

Trump’s Regulations Freeze Halts 4 Rules to Promote More Energy Efficiently 0117

Trump Nominee Pledges to Shield NOAA Climate Scientists from Intimidation, Censorship 0117

All References to Climate Change Deleted From the White House Website 0117

Interior Nominee Zinke Doubles Down on Coal 0117

New Studies Show Rex Tillerson Is Wrong about Climate Risks 0117

John Kerry Says Clean Energy Will Yield Job Growth, Survival 0117

White House Urges Research on Geo-Engineering to Combat Global Warming 0117

Rick Perry, Trump's Energy Pick, on Climate Change - 'One Contrived Phony Mess’ 1216

Rex Tillerson Views Climate Change as Just an ‘Engineering Problem’ 1216

Why Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson Is the Most Pro-Climate Trump Nominee 1216

White House Releases Climate Change Plan Before Trump Takes Office 1116

'Overwhelming Majority' Back US Climate Action - Sec. State John Kerry 1116

Rule Would Boost Solar and Wind Energy on Public Lands 1116

U.S. to Unveil, in Morocco, a Path to Decarbonize by 2050 - 1016

U.S. Government Just Made Its Biggest Clean Energy Purchase Ever 1016

Obama Requires US Government to Factor Climate into National Security Policy 0916

Sweeping Plan to Use Mojave for Solar, Wind Development Wins OK 0916

From Now On, Every Government Agency Must Consider Climate Change 0816

Obama’s Plan to Line US Roads with Electric Vehicle Chargers 0716

These Fuel Economy Regulations Mean You May Soon Buy an Electric Car 0716

Could Obama’s Signature Fuel Efficiency Standards Stall? 0716

DOE Program Aims for 100% Solar Penetration on the Distribution System 0516
     How non-traditional tools like smart inverters, energy storage, 2-way power flows, and dynamic reactive power sources match up against traditional tools like larger conductors, modified circuit impedances, and new transformers.  Making solar dispatchable.  Grants in 3 rounds, to utility-outsider combinations, look for cost-effective and scalable solutions.

Where Are Climate Goals in EIA Energy Outlook?  It’s Complicated 0516

Department of Energy Program Aims to Bump Solar Costs Even Lower 0516

Cheap Federal Coal Supports Largest U.S. Producers 0316

Mining Companies Pay Far Less than They Should for Taxpayer-Owned Coal 0316

Obama Seeks Tighter Rules on Methane Emissions from Oil, Gas Drillers 0316

Federal Coal Sales Moratorium Shakes Industry Stronghold 0216

BLM Rule to Cut Back Methane Waste Draws Quick Fire 0116

Biofuels Will Power Navy’s Next Deployment 0116

U.S. Government Agencies to Slash Greenhouse Gas Emissions 41.8% by 2025 - 1115

Defense Department to Congress - Global Warming Is a Security Threat Now 0715

White House Solar Plan Aims at Low- and Middle-Income People 0715

U.S., Mexico, Canada to Collaborate on Climate Adaptation 0515

Obama Tackles Agriculture’s Role in Climate Change - Why That’s a Big Deal 0415

Obama Announces Solar Job Training Initiative, Meets with Utah Officials 0415

FEMA to States - No Climate Planning, No Money - 0315

Obama Orders Cuts in Federal Greenhouse Gas Emissions 0315

Obama Administration Wants More Renewables, Tighter Pollution Controls on Public Lands 0315

John Kerry Slams Climate Skeptics and Fossil Fuels, But Sidesteps Keystone 0315

Obama 2016 Budget to Help States Cut Emissions Faster, After $300 Billion in Extreme Weather and Fire Costs 0215

Urgency Grows for Obama’s Regulatory Agenda 1114

Obama’s Coming Climate Rules Onslaught 1114

Obama Pushes Green Standards for Everything But the Kitchen Sink 0814


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President - Candidates

Chaos Erupts When GOP Candidates Asked if They Believe in Climate Change 0823 - Only Nikki Haley says climate change is real.

DeSantis Dismisses Climate Change, Calling It ‘Politicization of Weather’ 0523

Biden Calls for Major Investments into Carbon Removal Tech 1120

Biden's Novel Approach to Climate Change Could Side-Step a Divided Congress 1120

Biden-Linked Team Rolls Out Climate Plan 1120

Biden Victory Positions America for a 180° Turn on Climate Change 1120

Biden Wants to End Gas Car Sales.  He Hasn't Said When. 1020

Biden - Banning Fossil Fuels in 10 Years ‘Not Possible' 1020

Joe Biden’s Campaign Answers 6 Key Climate Change Plan Questions 1020

How Biden Would Use Trade Agreements to Fight Global Warming 1020

How Joe Biden Could Reorient Foreign Policy around ClimateChange 1020

How Biden’s $1.7 Trillion Climate Plan Would Change America after Trump’s Big Oil Presidency 1020

Biden Nets 350’s Progressive Climate Endorsement 0920

Biden Calls Trump's Climate Denial, Disdain for Science & Facts Unconscionable 0920

Biden’s Climate Plan Shows that Net Zero is Now Mainstream 0820

3 Unexpected Ways Joe Biden Plans to Tackle Climate Change 0720 - precision agriculture, micro-mobility, 5Q broadband

Is Biden's 100% Clean Electricity Plan Doable? 0720

Biden’s $2 Trillion Climate Plan Aims to Reframe Debate 0720

The Plan to Unite Biden and Bernie Voters on Climate Is Finally Here 0720 - 100% carbon-free  electricity by 2035, net-zero new buildings by 2030, all school buses electric by 2025, 500,000 EV charging stations

Biden Says He's Open to 'Expanding' His Climate Plan to Win Over Young Voters 0420

The 2 Super Tuesday Democrat Survivors on Climate Change Action 0320

Presidential Hopeful Mike Bloomberg Touts Carbon-Cutting Agenda At U.N. Talks 1219

Elizabeth Warren's Blue New Deal is a Green New Deal for the Ocean 1219

‘I Keep My Promises’- Joe Biden Uses Climate Crisis to Appeal to Rural Voters 1219

Pete Buttigieg, Polling High in Iowa, Targets Farmers with Climate Message 1119

Why Climate Change Is a Winning Issue in Landlocked Iowa 1119 - floods, rising rainfall, heat waves - farm impact

With a Nudge from Trump, 2020 Democrats Return to Climate Change 1119

Pete Buttigieg Wants the US to Be Carbon-Neutral by the Time He’s 68 - 0919

Climate Town Hall - Several Democratic Candidates Embrace a Carbon Tax 0919

Andrew Yang’s Plan to Tackle Climate Change, Explained 0819 - decarbonized in stages by 2050, substantial role for thorium, move to higher ground, etc.

Bernie Sanders’s ‘Green New Deal’ - a $16 Trillion Climate Plan 0819

In Iowa, Candidates Talk about Farming and Climate Change like Never Before 0819

Debate’s Attempt to Divide Candidates on Climate Change Finds Unity Instead 0819

CNN Announces Climate Town Hall with 2020 Democrats 0719

Candidates Warn Fed That Climate Change Could Spark a Financial Crisis 0719

The 2020 Candidates' Climate Change Positions and Accomplishments 0619

Watch Out, Big Oil.  Jay Inslee Proposes a Greenhouse Gas Fee 0619

Biden & Warren Join inslee & O’Rourke with Aggressive Climate Action Plans 0619

Climate Change Takes Center Stage as Biden and Warren Release Plans 0619

The Most Interesting Answers on Climate Change by 2020 Presidential Hopefuls 0619

Jay Inslee Calls for Accepting ‘Historic Levels’ of Refugees amid Climate Crisis 0519

Our Military Can Help Lead the Fight in Combating Climate Change - Elizabeth Warren 0519

Joe Biden Would Be a Disaster for Climate Change - Opinion 0519 - Obama’s Clean Power Plan & CAFE MPG standards are OK.  But “all of the above” - natural gas and fracking - are not.

Jay Inslee Promised Serious Climate Policy and He Is Delivering 0519

Why Beto’s Climate Plan Is So Surprising 0519

Democratic Contenders Lay Out Climate Visions 0419

Jay Inslee, 2020 Presidential Candidate, on Climate - 'We need to blow the bugle.’ 0219

Next President Could Declare Climate Emergency, GOP Fears 0119

Democrats Go All-in on Clean Energy 1018

Trump Says ‘Nobody Really Knows’ if Climate Change Is Real 1216

Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State? 1216

Trump Tabs Another Climate Denier, This Time for Interior 1216

Leonardo DiCaprio, Trump Talk Climate Change 1216

Trump Picks Scott Pruitt, Climate Change Denialist, to Lead E.P.A. 1216

Climate Activists Now Hope Trump Was Just Joking about That China Thing 1116

Trump to Scrap NASA Climate Research, in Crackdown on ‘Politicized Science’ 1116

Trump Admits ‘Some Connectivity' between Climate Change and Human Activity 1116

Trump Insider - New Administration Won't Attack Renewable Energy 1116

Coal and Oil Revival?  6 Ways Trump Could Shift Energy Policy 1116

Trump Win Boosts Coal, Hits Renewable Stocks 1116

Trump Victory Deals Blow to Global Fight Against Climate Change 1116

Trump Win Raises Questions About UN Climate Deal 1116

The Ambitious Clinton Climate Plan Nobody Is Talking About 1016

Leaked Clinton Emails Reveal Thorny Politics of Climate Action 1016

Al Gore and Hillary Clinton Strongly Linked Hurricane Matthew to Climate Change 1016

Hillary Clinton and Al Gore Reunite, Campaigning on Climate Change 1016

Trump’s Energy & Environment Team Leans Heavily on Industry Lobbyists 0916

Could Climate Change Help Clinton Win Millennials? 0916

Climate Change Finally Came Up at the 1st Presidential Debate, but ... 0916

Gary Johnson Wants to Ignore Climate Change, because the Sun Will Destroy the Earth One Day 0916

On Climate Policy, Trump and Clinton Could Not Be More Different 0916

Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Calls for Climate State of Emergency 0816

Jill Stein Just Went Way Overboard on Sea Level Rise 0816

Climate Action a Core ‘Pillar' of Clinton's Economic Message 0816

Republican EPA Chiefs Endorse Clinton, Bash Trump 0816

What Trump Gets Wrong about Energy in America 0816

Clinton Campaign Studying Alternative to U.S. Ethanol Mandate 0816

Climate Change Divide Bursts to Forefront in Presidential Campaign 0816

Clean Energy Groups See Opportunities in Clinton's Jobs Plan 0716

Most Republicans Who Care about Climate Change Skip the Convention 0716

Coal Gets Leading Role in GOP's Energy Platform 0716

Mike Pence’s Loose Grip on Reality Is Almost as Bad as Trump’s 0716

Hillary Clinton Could Run on Strongest Climate Change Platform Ever 0716

Democratic Platform Forsakes ‘All of the Above,' Not Miners 0716

Democrats' Climate Change Conundrum 0716 - On close vote, platform stays away from carbon tax, fracking ban.

Hillary Clinton’s Ambitious Climate Change Plan Avoids Carbon Tax 0716

Why Won't Clinton Support a Carbon Tax?  Fear of Trump. 0616

Even George W. Bush's Environment Chief Says Trump's Energy Plan Is Bonkers 0616

Donald Trump Once Backed Urgent Climate Action.  Wait, What? 0616

How Bernie Sanders Made Hillary Clinton into a Greener Candidate 0616

Sanders Knocks Trump (and the Media) over Climate Change 0616

NRDC Action Fund Backs Hillary Clinton, in Its 1st Presidential Endorsement 0516

Trump Tells California ‘There Is No Drought’ 0516

5 Things That Made No Sense In Trump’s Big Energy Speech 0516

Trump Calls for ‘Complete American Energy Independence’ 0516

Skeptical Trump Says He Would Renegotiate Global Climate Deal 0516

Meet Donald Trump's New Energy Adviser 0516

The Science of President Trump 0316

Marco Rubio Spouts Every Type of Climate Denial 0316

Bernie Sanders Highlights Climate Change during Minnesota Stop 0216

Top US Scientists Have Some Questions for Tonight's Debate 0216

Clinton Rolls Out Energy Efficiency Plan 0216

Jeb Bush Pins Hopes on ‘Someone in a Garage' to Tackle Climate Change 0116

Republicans Still Hunting a Way Forward on Landmark Climate Deal 0116

Ethanol Lobby Losing Clout in Iowa Caucuses 0116

Republican Presidential Candidates Go Their Own Way on Climate Change 1215

Cruz Says He Would Withdraw U.S. from Paris Climate Accord if Elected 1215

Most GOP Candidates Flunk Climate Science - AP Fact Check 1115

Top Pollsters Agree.  Climate Change Is a Winning Issue for Democrats 1115

Green Group LCV Endorses Hillary Clinton, and Feels the Bern 1115

Climate Change Ad to Air During Republican Debate 1015

How Climate Change Became a National Security Problem 1015

Democratic Presidential Debate Reveals Climate Change Chasm with GOP 1015

Bringing Republicans to the Climate Change Table 1015

Democrats Compete over Climate Change 1015

Donald Trump Takes Campaign against Wind Farms to UK Supreme Court 1015

Jeb Bush Goes Heavy on Fossil Fuels 0915

Fiorina Acknowledges Warming, but Blasts Obama's Prescriptions 0915

'America Is Not a Planet' - Republicans Resist Climate Change Action at Debate - 0915

GOP Needs Alternative Climate Policy 0815

Climate Science Denier Presidential Hopefuls Can Forget Winning the Latino Vote 0815

Donors with Fossil Fuel Ties Support Republican Hopefuls with $62 Million 0815

Obama Policy Could Force Robust Climate Discussion From 2016 Candidates 0815

Hillary Clinton Promises to Build on Obama Climate Plan 0815

Ted Cruz Expresses ‘Full Out Denial' of Global Warming during Forum 0815

Friends of the Earth Endorses Bernie Sanders’ 2016 Bid 0815

Jeb Bush Says Humans Contribute to Climate Change 0715

GOP Leaders Shift Subtly on Warming, as Democrats Talk Boldly 0715

Hillary Clinton's Climate Change Plan ‘Just Plain Silly', Says Expert Jim Hansen 0715

Hillary Clinton Unveils Climate Change Policy 0715

GOP Presidential Candidate Believes in Climate Change, But Not in Fixing It 0715

Jeb Bush Calls for an End to Energy Subsidies 0715

Jeb Bush Avoids Criticizing Pope, Acknowledges Global Warming Threat 0615

Hillary Would Charge New Fees for Fossil Fuel Extraction 0615

Jeb Bush Joins Republican Backlash against Pope on Climate Change 0615

That Time When Lindsey Graham Was Almost All-in on Climate Change 0615

Sen. Rubio Doubts Manmade Global Warming, Says Climate Is Always Changing 0415 - out of step with his constituents

Jeb Bush Came So Close to Acknowledging Climate Change Today 0415

8 Things You Need to Know about Hillary Clinton and Climate Change 0415

Marco Rubio Once Believed Climate Science.  Now He's Running for President. 0415

Rand Paul’s Risky Bet on Climate Change 0215

At Least 2 GOP Presidential Contenders Accept Climate Science.  That Matters. 0115

Chris Christie Veers Right on Climate Change as 2016 Approaches 0914

Hillary Clinton Talks Climate Change, Gas and Exports 0914

Romney’s Goals on Environmental Regulation Would Face Difficult Path 1012 

Obama vs Romney on Electricity 0812

GOP Hopefuls Recant on Global Warming 0511


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US - StatesPolitics (to Harm Climate)

States Don’t Give Cooling Aid to the Poor, Just Heating Aid, as Heat Gets Deadlier 0923

Texas Law Overrides Safeguards like Water Breaks, as Temperatures Rise 0623
- Legislature votes to kill more people, but says it is not it employers' interest to do so.

New Stimulus Bill Includes $35.2 Billion for New Energy Initiatives 1220

Stimulus Deal Includes Raft of Provisions to Fight Climate Change 1220

Conservative Utah Leaders Voice Support for Climate Action 1020

Florida GOP Has Added ‘Climate Change' to Its Vocabulary and to Legislation 0220

Idaho Governor - Climate Change Is Real, and It Must Be Reversed 0119

California Bill Seeks Ban on Fossil-Fueled Vehicles by 2040 - 0118

Blue Wave Seen as a Rebuke to Trump's Climate Views 1117

Climate and Energy Becoming Focal Points in State Political Races 0917

As Irma Closes In, Miami’s Republican Mayor Blasts Trump for Ignoring Climate Change 0917

California Sues Donald Trump Again.  Your Car’s MPG Might Be the Reason. 0917

Montana Governor Says Ignoring Climate Change Is 'Shortsighted And Dangerous' 0817

2 GOP Governors Urge Perry to Help Keep U.S. in Paris Climate Pact 0517

EPA Should Not Be Allowed to Dodge Clean Power Plan Ruling, Cities and States Tell Court 0417

Washington Voters Reject Carbon Tax Initiative 1116

20 States Ask Supreme Court to Block EPA’s Mercury Air Pollution Rule 0216

In the Heart of Coal Country, Calls for Carbon Trading 0116

U.S. States, Cities Seek to Defend Obama's Carbon Rule in Court 1115

Coal States - EPA Moved Our Goal Posts 0815

Outrage over EPA Emissions Regulations Fades, as States Find Fixes 0715

World Is on a Collision Course with Fossil Fuels, Gov. Jerry Brown Says 0715

The Tide Is Turning Against ALEC In The Renewable Energy Battle 0615

Oklahoma Governor Rules out State Plan for EPA Carbon Pollution Regulations 0415

Scott Walker Appointee Suggests Volcanoes as Real Cause of Global Warming 0415

China Sees Through Its Coal-Fired Haze What Alabama Cannot 0315

Florida Governor Denies Environmental Agency Banned Term ‘Climate Change’ 0315

Renegade Regulators Group Takes Aim at EPA Advisers, Regs 0115

Mississippi Groups Attack CO2 Limits 0115

California Governor Brown’s Plan - Divest from Coal to Fight Global Warming 1214

ALEC Looks to Shred EPA Regulations 1214

Wyoming PSC Chairman - EPA's CO2 Rules Unrealistic 1114

Greens Grow into Electoral Powerhouse 1014

Florida Politicians Battle Rhetoric, as Seas Rise amid Warming Worries 1014

A Kansas Twister - Wind Energy Politics Complicate Governor’s Race 0914

Greens Take 2014 Fight to States 0914

Tom Steyer Considers Taking on Democratic Candidates 0814

One Democrat's Gamble on Climate Change 0814

Charlie Crist Delivers Perfect Response to Rick Scott on Climate Change 0714

States Against EPA’s Carbon Pollution Rule Would Gain Most 0714

Evangelicals in Florida Turn, Call on Gov. Scott to Act on Climate Change 0514

In California, Climate Issues Moved to Fore by Governor 0514

Miller Pushes Senate Opponents on Climate Change 0514

Election Day 2013 - Fossil Fuels Take Hits from Virginia to Washington State 1113

EPA Supporter Edges 'War on Coal' Candidate to Be Virginia Governor 1113

In Sunny Arizona, a Battle Over Solar Power 1013

Mayors Leading an Urban Revolution 1013

Governors Agree to Disagree on Climate, Focus on Energy Strategies 0613

Missouri GOP Leaders Challenge EPA on Coal & Climate 0613

Climate Is a Hot Topic in the Kansas Legislature 0313 

Climate Change Hit Republican States Hardest 1112

ALEC Targets State RPS Repeals 1112

ALEC Exposed 0711

Governors Endorse Action on Climate 1009


US - States & Local - Actions (to Help Climate)

     Renewable Portfolio Standards are an important part of the US electricity landscape.

     They require significant amounts of renewable energy, as shown in an earlier diagram, below.  Most of that renewable energy has come from wind.  Note that Oklahoma and Indiana added goals since then, while West Virginia converted its goal into a standard.

New York City to Require More Zero-Emission Cars for Ride-Sharing 0823

California’s Gavin Newsom Inked Another Climate Pact, but the US Has Not 0823

A Breakthrough Deal to Keep the Colorado River from Going Dry, for Now 0523

NYC Skyscrapers Turn to Carbon Capture to Lessen Climate Change 0523

Utah State Education Board Votes to Keep Climate Change in Science Curriculum 0523

Washington State Passes Climate Goals for Crypto and Data Centers 0523

Florida and Louisiana Must Borrow Many Millions to Pay Insurance Claims 0523

New York Set to Pass 1st Statewide Law Banning Gas in New Construction 0423

Washington State Starts Cap and Trade Market 0323

California Greenlights > 800 MW of Storage + Solar, to Bolster Grid Reliability 0123

New York City Buys 900 EVs to Replace Government Fleets 0123

New York Landlords Try Carbon-Sucking Towers to Comply with Climate Law

Colorado May Create Last-Resort Insurance for High Wildfire Risk Homes 1222

New York Adopts Cap and Trade as a Pillar of Climate Action 1222

California Reduces Subsidies for Homes with Rooftop Solar 1222

California Climate Plan Scraps New Gas Plants, Expands Fossil Fuel Carbon Capture 1122

As Rio Grande Shrinks, El Paso Plans for Uncertain Water Future 1022

N.Y. Echoes California as It Eyes 100% Clean Car Rules 1022

California Gives PG&E $1.4-Billion Loan to Keep Diablo Canyon Nuclear Open 0922

Washington State to Ban Sales of New Gas Cars by 2035, Following California 0822

California to Cover Canal with Solar Panels, to Counter Drought, Climate Change 0822

California Votes to Ban New Gasoline Car Sales by 2035 - 0822

Massachusetts Just Passed a Massive Climate and Clean Energy Bill 0822

California Sets Ambitious Offshore Wind Power Goal 0822

Washington State to Require Electric Heating in Building Code Update 0422

New York Plans 22 Renewable Energy Plants to Reach Climate Goals 0622

California Adopts Emergency Water-Use Rules as Drought Worsens 0522

California Reveals Its Plan to Phase Out New Gasoline-Powered Cars by 2035 - 0522

Florida Governor Vetoes Solar Crackdown 0422

Los Angeles to Electrify City’s Entire 10,000-Vehicle Fleet 0422

Boston to Replace School Buses with Electric Ones by 2030 - 0422

Electric Buses, E-Bikes and Clean Trucks in Colorado Plan to Clear Its Dirty Air 0322

Drought-Struck California Wants to Pay Farmers to Cut Plantings 0322

North Carolina Will Fall Short on 2025, 2030 Climate Goals, Says EDF Study 0322

Washington State Sets Target to End Gasoline Car Sales by 2030 - 0322

Wyoming Bills Would Shift CO2 Storage Liability to State and Force Carbon Capture 0222

California Lowers Electric GHG Target, Seeks over 40 GW of Clean Energy 0222

Gov. Youngkin Aims to Remove Virginia from Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative 0122

New York to Double Energy Storage Target to at Least 6 GW by 2030 - 0122

How 6 States Could Transform the U.S. Trucking Industry 0122 - From California standards, manufacturers of medium- and heavy-duty trucks must increase their zero-emission truck sales in those 6 states to 30-50% by 2030, and 40-75% by 2035.

N.Y.C.’s Gas Ban Takes Fight against Climate Change to the Kitchen 1221

California to Change Net Metering from Retail to Wholesale Pricing 1221

Can New York Really Get to 100% Clean Energy by 2040? 1121

Ann Arbor, Michigan Offers New Model for 100% Clean Power 1121

Ithaca to Be 1st US City to Decarbonize Every Single Building 1121

Los Angeles Aims to Be 1st Major Carbon-Free U.S. City 1021

Florida Is Ditching Palm Trees to Fight the Climate Crisis 1021

Oregon Has a New Plan for Cutting Climate Pollution 1021

Landmark Illinois Climate Bill Passes, in Boon for Nuclear, Renewables 0921

L.A. Approves 100% Clean Energy by 2035, a Decade Ahead of Prior Goal 0921

Pennsylvania’s Carbon-Pricing Plan at Last Regulatory Hurdle 0921 - join RGGI for electricity

California’s Plan to Make New Buildings Greener Will Raise Costs 0821

Bipartisan Support for Clean Energy Appears to Be Growing in NC 0821

Washington’s Whatcom County Is 1st in US to Ban New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure 0721

Connecticut Legislators Set 1 GW Energy Storage Target for End of 2030 - 0621

Washington State Finally Passes a Cap on Carbon Emissions 0421

Louisiana's Governor Wants the Oil And Gas State to Go Carbon Neutral 0521

California Proposal Embraces All-Electric Buildings but Stops Short of Gas Ban 0521

Hawaii to Become the 1st State to Declare Climate Emergency 0421

Washington Joins Oregon, California, B.C. in Passing Low-Carbon Fuel Standard 0421

Rhode Island Gov. Dan McKee Signs 'Landmark' Climate Act 0421

What You Need to Know About the New Massachusetts Climate Law 0321 — 1. GHG emissions (from 1990) -50% by 

2030, -75% by 2040, -100% by 2050.  2. Targets by sector: electricity, transport, homes, industrial process, non-residential buildings, gas distribution.  3. Stretch builing code extends to net-zero.  4. Utility commission to target reducing GHG emissions.  5. Renewable portfolio standard rises 3% a year.  2.4 GW more offshore wind.  6. GHG emission goals for munis.  7. Energy efficiency move homes from fossil fuels to electric.  8. Adopts California appliance efficiency standards.  9. Creates EV and charging station targets.

Governor Baker Signs Landmark Massachusetts Climate Bill into Law 0321

Nearly Half of Pennsylvania Government Electricity to Be Solar Powered by 2023 - 0321

Maryland Senate Passes Climate Act by Wide Margin 0321

Puget Sound Energy Plan Sets Conflict over Gas 0321

Natural Gas Battle over Climate Change Is Boiling Over on the Home Front 0221 - kitchen, water and space heating

New York Outlines Path to Reach Storage, Renewables Goals 0121

Massachusetts Becomes the Next State to Set a Ban on Gasoline Cars 0121

Philadelphia Aims to Be Carbon Neutral by 2050 - 0121

N.Y. Announces Offshore Wind 'Game-Changer' for Renewables 0121

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker Vetoes Sweeping Climate Change Bill 0121

Deal on Massachusetts Climate Change Bill with 40% Renewable kWh by 2030 - 0121

Massachusetts to Require All New Cars Sold to Be Electric by 2035 - 1220

Plan by Eastern States to Cap Tailpipe Emissions Gets Off to a Slow Start 1220

Many U.S. States Are Behind on Their Own Climate Milestones 1220

Arizona’s Net-Zero Plan Unites Democrats and Republicans 1120

Nevada Voters Seal Renewable Energy Goals in Their State Constitution 1120

Gov. Whitmer’s Executive Order Aims for Carbon-Neutral Michigan by 2050 - 0920

California Plans to Ban Sales of New Gas-Powered Cars in 15 Years 0920

States, Cities, Businesses Are Making Progress on a Climate-Friendly Future 0920

Montana Climate Change Plan Urges Carbon Neutrality by 2050 - 0920

California Locks in Vehicle Emission Deals with Major Automakers 0820

Northeast US Climate Initiative, RGGI, Has Made Children Healthier 0720

15 States Take Historic Action on Transportation Pollution 0720

More than a Dozen States Unite to Boost Electric Trucks 0720

Conference of Mayors Resolution Urges Fossil Fuel Divestiture 0720

California Targets 500,000 Electric Trucks by 2040 - 0620

New Jersey Is 1st State to Put the Climate Crisis in Its K-12 Curriculum 0620

States Sue to Block Trump from Weakening Fuel Economy Rules 0520

Virginia Becomes the 1st Southern State with a Goal of Carbon-Free Energy 0420

Oregon Governor Brown Issues Sweeping Climate Executive Order 0320

Virginia Lawmakers Pass Major Renewable Energy Legislation 0220 - electricity: join Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative cap & trade market and go 100% renewable by 2045; block new fossil-fuel generators; 5,200 MW of offshore wind; battery incentives.  It could raise home bills $23 a month, but the cost of doing nothing is staggering.

New Jersey Outlines Sweeping Plans to Achieve 100% Clean Energy by 2050 - 0120

Miami Aims for Carbon Neutral by 2050 - 0120

24 States Want to Keep America’s Broken Climate Promise 1219

California to Stop Buying from Automakers That Backed Trump on Emissions 1119

California, 22 States Sue Trump Administration, to Set Fuel-Efficiency Standards 1119

Northeast States Take 1st Step in Effort to Reduce Transportation Emissions 1019

Pennsylvania Is Joining a Multi-State Effort to Price Carbon Emissions 1019

Virginia Gov. Northam Orders 100% Carbon-Free Power by 2050 - 0919

California to Fight Trump Revoking Its Clean-Air Rules Authority 0919

4 Big Automakers Strike a Deal With California, Rejecting Trump Pollution Rule 0719

New York's Climate Plan Will Drive Big Changes, if It Works 0719

New York Awards Offshore Wind Contracts in Bid to Reduce Emissions 0719

24 Governors Call on Trump to Halt Rollback on Rules for Clean Cars 0719

New York Commits to Carbon-Free Electricity by 2040 and Energy by 2050 - 0619

New York City Declares Climate Emergency 0619

Illinois Is Taking Another Step Away from Its Dirtiest Electricity Source 0619

Virginia Beach Wants to Require Developers to Factor in Sea Level Rise for New Projects 0519

Republican-Led Maryland Commits to Sweeping Clean Energy Standards 0519

L.A. Mayor Garcetti’s ‘Green New Deal’ Would Phase Out Gas-Fueled Cars 0419

Colorado Dem Lawmakers Tackle Climate Change with No GOP Backers 0519

L.A. Takes Climate Change fight to the Streets, by Pouring Cooler Pavement 0419

New York City Sets Ambitious Climate Rules for Its Biggest Emitters - Buildings 0419

New Colorado Oil & Gas Rules Emphasize Safety & Environment over Production 0419

Legislature's Energy Plan - a Coal-Free Washington by 2025 - 0419

Puerto Rico Passes 100% Renewable Energy Bill as It Aims for Storm Resilience 0319

Amid 19-Year Drought, States Sign Deal to Conserve Colorado River Water 0319

Governor Sisolak Announces Nevada Is Joining US Climate Alliance 0319

As Seas Rise, Hawaii Considers Perils and Opportunities of Managed Retreat 0319

Massachusetts House Speaker Introduces $1 Billion Green Infrastructure Plan 0219

4 More Dem Governors Join Alliance to Uphold Paris Climate Goals 0219

Puerto Rico Energy Plan Calls For Huge Solar And Storage Investments 0219

New Governors Target Climate Change from Day 1 in Great Lakes Region 0119

Gov. Wolf Targets Slashing Pennsylvania Greenhouse Gas Pollution 80% by 2050 - 0119

9 Northeast States, Soon 11 or 12, Vow to Cut Transportation Emissions 1218 - cap & trade for fuel distributors

New D.C. Law Mandates 100% Renewable Power by 2032 - 1218

New York Sets 3 GW Storage Target, Doubles Efficiency Goals for Utilities 1218

New York Gov. Cuomo Pledges 100% Carbon-Free Electricity by 2040 - 1218

California Requires New City Buses to Be Electric by 2029 - 1218

Ballot Measures Aimed at Climate Change, Fossil Fuels Fall Short 1118

Governors Could Drive the Next Wave of Climate Change Action 1118

Puerto Rico Moves to Run on Completely Green Energy by 2050 - 1018

How Fighting Climate Change Will Raise California Gas Prices Even Higher 1018

Cleveland Sets 100% Renewable Electricity Goal 0918 - It joins some 80 other US cities and towns, such as Atlanta, Denver, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City, St. Petersburg Florida, Columbia SC, Spokane, and Norman Oklahoma.

California, New Mexico Sue over Trump Methane Pollution Rollback 0918

Maryland Is Taking the EPA to Court over Air Pollution from Upwind States 0918

17 Bipartisan Governors Vow to Fight Climate Change—and President Trump 0918

California Gov. Brown Signs 100% Zero-Carbon Electricity Bill 0918

Massachusetts Can Legally Limit CO2 Emissions from Power Plants, Court Rules 0918

California Lawmakers Set Goal for Carbon-Free Electricity by 2045 - 0818

California Moves to Safeguard Vehicle Emissions Rules from Trump Rollback 0818

11 States Sue Trump Administration over Hydrofluorocarbons Used in Cooling 0618

Atlanta Charts a Path to 100% Renewable Electricity 0618

Colorado Should Set Its Own Emission Standards 0618

Massachusetts Senate Votes to Put a Price on Carbon, with National Grid Support 0618 - It goes to the House now.  It punts choice of tax or cap & trade (and details of either) to the Governor.  Tool to meet -40% (1990 base) by 2030 and 80% by 2050.  Starts for transport, business, and residential in consecutive years.  State’s largest utility strongly supports it, plans electrification of transport and home heating (heat pumps), continued decarbonization of electricity, etc.

Hawaii Just Passed a Law to Make the State Carbon Neutral by 2045 - 0618

Missouri Utility’s Ambitious Wind Energy Plan Facing Pushback 0518

‘Impossible to Ignore’ - Why Alaska Is Crafting a Plan to Fight Climate Change 0518

California to Become 1st US State Mandating Solar on New Homes 0518

17 States Sue EPA Over Auto Emissions Standards Rollback 0518

Pittsburgh Powers Up Small Electric Vehicle Fleet with Solar Charging Stations 0418

New Jersey Takes a Big Step Toward Renewable (and Nuclear) Energy 0418 - 50% by 2030, + keep 3 of 4 nukes

New Jersey to Join Clean Car Initiative, as EPA Eases Fuel-Economy Standards 0418

California Bans Climate-Warming HFCs in New Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration 0318

36 Vermont Towns to Take Up Climate Change Resolution 0318

Washington Carbon Tax Clears Hurdle, Heads for State Senate Vote 0218

Idaho Senate Committee Keeps All Climate Change References In New Science Standards 0218

100s of US Mayors Collectively Oppose Trump Reversal of Clean Power Plan 0218

Portland, 1st U.S. City to Ban Fossil Fuel Expansion Offers Roadmap for Others 0218

Vermont Lawmakers Forge Ahead with Carbon Tax Plan 0218

9 States Buck Trump Administration, Move toward Price on Carbon Pollution 0118

New Jersey to Rejoin East Coast Carbon Market, Virginia May Be Next 0118

California Governor Pushes for 5 Million Zero-Emission Cars 0118

Colorado Governor Releases Its Plan for 1 Million Electric Vehicles by 2030 - 0118

Can Gov. Inslee Deliver America's 1st Carbon Tax? 0118

9 Northeast States Accelerate Carbon Pollution Reduction 1217

California and North Carolina Did It.  Can Minnesota Government Go Green? 1217

4 Takeaways from a Gathering of Mayors on Climate Change 1217 - 45 mayors commit to 26-28% less CO2 by 2025

Boston Begins Effort to Become Carbon Neutral by 2050 - 1117

Atlanta Passes Infrastructure Ordinance to Support EV Charging 1117

Florida Gov. Scott’s Funding Request to Address Sea Level Rise Is a Turnaround 1117

Virginia Launches Plan to Join East Coast Carbon Market, Cut Emissions 30% - 1117

Gov. Jerry Brown and EU Leaders Agree to Work to Combat Climate Change 1117

Miami Voters Just Sent Their Climate-Change-Denying Governor a Message 1117

Alaska Governor Signs Order on Climate Change Strategy 1017

Alaska Orders Review of All North Slope Oil Wells after Spill Linked to Permafrost 1017

12 Cities Plan for Emissions-Free Neighborhoods 1017

4 a.m. Chats Persuaded Miami’s Republican Mayor to Care about Sea-Level Rise 1017

Western Governors Take the Lead on Climate Change 0917

14 States - We’re on Track to Meet Paris Climate Goals, Despite Trump 0917

Austin Energy Targets 65% Renewables by 2027 - 0817

US Cities Starting to Expand Transportation Options for Low-Income Residents 0817

Orlando Commits to 100% Renewable Energy City-Wide by 2050 - 0817

50% Rise in Renewable Energy Needed to Meet Ambitious State Standards 0717

California Legislature Extends State's Carbon Cap-and-Trade Program 0717

Court Says Californians Will Keep Paying to Fight Climate Change 0617

US Mayors Back 100% Renewable Energy, Vow to Fill Climate Leadership Void 0617

New Best Friends - GOP Governors and Renewables 0617

Nevada Reinstates Key Solar Energy Policy 0617

Even Republican Mayors Are Rejecting Trump’s Energy Policies 0617

4 Cities Lead Fight against Climate Change in the Trump Era 0617

Hawaii Becomes 1st State to Pass Law Committing to Paris Climate Accord 0617

Bucking Trump, These Cities, States & Companies Commit to Paris Pact Reports 0617

Carbon Cap Rule in Washington State Faces Legal Challenge 0517

California Climate Program Has Struggled.  Why the Billion-Dollar Rebound? 0517

Why Some Republicans Are Warming to Climate Action 0517

Gov. McAuliffe - Virginia Will Regulate Carbon Emissions; ‘The Threat of Climate Change Is Real' 0517

Local Conservation Officials in Vermont Push Lawmakers for Carbon Tax 0417

New York, Other States Take on Trump over Energy Efficiency 0417

California Adopts Strictest Methane Rule in the U.S. 0317

Trump Plan to Shelve MPG Rules Invites Fight with California 0317

Carbon Tax Floated as Possible Replacement to Inslee's 'Clean Air Rule’ 0317

Cities Shop for $10 Billion of Electric Cars to Defy Trump 0317

California Bill Aims for 100% Renewable Energy by 2045 - 0217 - electricity only

Will Oregon Regulate Carbon Emissions? 0217

After Veto Override, Maryland Renewable Energy and Maybe Electric Bills to Rise 0217

Mass. Legislators Propose 100% Renewable Energy Mandate 0117

On Climate Change, Even States in Forefront Are Falling Short 0117

Wyoming Bill Would Prevent Utilities From Using Clean Energy 0117

Cities Unite to Seek 'Record Breaking' Electric Fleet 0117

Benefits of State Renewable Energy Policies Far Outweigh Costs 0117

States Will Lead on Climate Change in the Trump Era 1216

Ohio Governor Kasich Breaks with GOP, Keeps Renewable Energy Standards 1216

MA DEP Releases Rules to Curb Emissions under Global Warming Solutions Act 1216

Don’t Freak Out about the Future of Clean Energy under Trump 1116
     Note 29 RPS standards, CA & RGGI cap & trade, falling solar & wind prices, etc.

States May Drive U.S. Climate Policy under Trump 1116

California's Electric-Car Rebates Jump for Lower-Income Buyers, Vanish for High Earners 1016

New England Says No to Natural Gas, Yes to Renewables 1016

How Gov. Scott Quietly Stole Florida's Future 1016

California - Taking the Economic Temperature 10 Years after A.B. 32 - 0916

Massachusetts State Report Recommends 600 MW Energy Storage Target 0916

California Governor Signs Law Regulating Cow, Landfill Emissions 0916

Most States on Track to Meet Emissions Targets They Call Burden 0916

Washington State Limits Carbon Pollution from Large Sources 0916

California Assembly Approves Climate Change Law 0816 - 40% GHG reduction by 2030, from 1990

Who Owns the Wind?  We Do, Wyoming Says; It's Taxing Those Who Use It. 0816

Dairy Groups Blast Methane Reductions - Cows Expel Gas so They Don’t Explode 0816

California Issues 1st-in-U.S. Compliance Plan 0716

Massachusetts' Ambitious Clean Energy Bill Jolts Offshore Wind Prospects 0816

NY Approves Plan for 50% Renewable Electricty by 2030 - 0816

Nuclear Subsidies Are Key Part of New York’s Clean-Energy Plan 0716

New York Bill Would Eliminate Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050 - 0516 - Description is a stretch.

Washington to Force State’s Biggest Carbon Polluters to Cut Emissions 0616

In Iowa, a Bipartisan Push to Become Leader in Wind Energy 0616

Red States Are Leading the Way in Renewable Energy 0516

San Francisco to Become 1st City to Require Solar Panels on New Buildings 0416

Oregon Governor Signs Landmark Anti-Coal Bill Into Law 0316

Seattle Mayor Wants to Cut Vehicle Emissions, Add Electric Cars 0316

Oregon Passes Bill to Boost Renewables, Exit from Coal 0316

Washington Puts Gov. Inslee's Carbon Rules on Hold 0216

Washington Lawmakers Consider Putting a Price on Carbon 0216

San Diego Vows to Move Entirely to Renewable Energy in 20 Years 1215

New York Gov. Cuomo to Increase Renewable Electricity to 50% by 2030 - 1115

Despite Risks, Governor Cuomo Bets on Solar Power to Lift Buffalo 1015

Massachusetts Mulls an Economy-Wide Price on Carbon 1015

States Begin to Comply with Clean Power Plan, Even While Planning to Sue 1015

New York City Stores Must Keep Doors Closed if Air-Conditioning Is On 1015

California’s New Climate Change Law to Spur Renewables, Efficiency Standards 1015 - Governor signs bill outlined below.

California Air Board Aims to Cut Methane, Black Carbon, Refrigerant Emissions 1015

California Lawmakers Pass 50% Renewable Energy Standard, Efficiency Package 0915

Chinese Cities Pledge Early Carbon Emissions Peak under Deal with U.S. 0915

Alabama Adds Evolution Requirement, Climate Study for Schools 0915

California Passes Bill to Divest Largest Pension Funds from Coal 0915

$2.2 Billion from CA Cap & Trade Begins Flowing, to Rail, Housing, Clean Cars, etc. 0815

Outrage over EPA Emissions Regulations Fades, as States Find Fixes 0715

Maryland Utilities Ordered to Boost Energy-Saving Efforts 0715 to > 2% of annual use, like Massachusetts & Rhode Island

States Cut Power Plant CO2 Emissions Ahead of New EPA Rule 0715 - 42 of 50 states cut CO2 since 2008.  States that cut more than 20% include Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina & Tennessee; 7 northeast states, and Iowa & South Dakota.  In the southeast states, a switch to natural gas was key.  In the last 2, a switch to wind.

Nevada’s New Regulations Pave the Way for Solar Energy 0715

New York Formalizes Ban on Fracking, Ending 7-Year Review 0615

Report Details Clean Energy Path for West Virginia 0615

California Moves to Restrict Water Pumping by pre-1914 Rights Holders 0615

Kentucky May Accidentally Comply With EPA's Clean Power Plan 0515

Climate Change Could Overwhelm California, Obama Adviser Says 0515

Washington Governor Declares Drought Emergency 0515

Vermont Energy Bill Shifts Focus to Renewables, Electricity 0515

California’s New Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target Far Exceeds US Target 0415

Burlington, Vermont Goes All Renewable.  Keep Wood in the Mix? 0415

Beyond Almonds - a Rogue's Gallery of Guzzlers In California's Drought 0415

Mayor Unveils 'Ambitious' Plan to Make Los Angeles Greener 0415

Gov. Brown Orders California's 1st Mandatory Water Restrictions 0415

These Florida Republicans Are Busy Protecting Their Coasts from Sea Level Rise 0315

Fort Collins, Colorado Vows to Be Carbon Neutral, Defying Partisan Politics 0315

Georgetown, Texas Goes All In on Renewable Energy 0315

Exelon Seeks Low-Carbon Standard to Aid its Illinois Reactors 0215

Why States Rejecting EPA's Clean Power Plan Could Face Bigger Rate Hikes 0215

West Virginia Moves to Repeal Renewable Mandate 0115

West Virgina State School Board Reverts to Original Climate Change Standards 0115

California Gov. Brown's Renewable Energy Plan Could Boost Solar, Wind Industries 0115

Jerry Brown Seeks New Green Regulations in Historic 4th Term 0115

States Work to Meet New Renewable Energy Standards 0115

Building Toward a Goal of Reducing 80% Emissions in New York City 1214

Washington Gov. Inslee - Make Big Polluters Pay for Transportation Projects 1214

Changes Needed to Meet Vermont’s Renewable Energy Goals 1214

California Could Boost Renewable Energy Mandate Past 33% by 2020 - 1214

Regulators - Michigan Energy Saving Programs Work 1114

Florida Approves Plan to Gut Energy Efficiency, End Solar Power Rebates 1114

Climate Plan Faces Test in Montana Coal Country 0914

New York Requires Agencies to Consider Extreme Weather 0914

We’re Watching You, Wisconsin Public Service Commission 0914

Texas Proposes Rewriting School Textbooks to Deny Manmade Climate Change 0914

Blue and Red States Going Green on Energy Policy 0914

Oregon Blocks Another Coal Export Terminal Plan – Will Feds Help? 0814

Climate Change Debate Is Settled in Europe, but Lively in Kansas 0814

Coal-Dependent Arkansas Faces Stiff Emissions Target and a Running Clock 0814

Bad News for Big Coal - Oregon Rejects Proposed Export Terminal 0814

Texas Law Lets Developers Ban Solar Panels While Subdivisions Are Growing 0814

Columbia Gorge Commission Sounds Alarm on Coal, Oil Transport 0814

As Oysters Die, Climate Policy Goes on the Stump 0814

A Dozen States File Suit Against New Coal Rules 0814

South Carolina Legislature Gives 2 Thumbs Up to Wind Energy 0614

Texas Says Judge is Wrong to Say It Must Protect Atmosphere 1013

9th Circuit Upholds California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard 0913

Debate on Science Textbooks in Texas Heats Up Again 0913

Connecticut Plugs into Multi-State Push for More Electric Cars 1013

State Renewable-Energy Laws Are Incredibly Hard to Repeal 0813 - ALEC is ineffective.

Kansas, Kentucky and Others Will Teach Climate-Change Science 0713

Group Opposes Nebraska PPD Spending on Wind, Efficiency 0513 

California's Sweeping GHG Curbs 1208


GO TO $/T .Tax .Cap. .Int'l 1 2. 3. 4. .Europe China India+ Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ President Exec .Candidate States Misc.

US - EPA Actions

EPA Proposes Rules to Dramatically Slash Power Plant Greenhouse Gases 0523

Biden Plans to Slash Planet-Warming Pollution from Power Plants 0423

EPA to Unveil Tough Limits on Auto Emissions 0423

EPA Tightens Mercury Emissions Limits at Coal Power Plants 0423

EPA Approves California Rules Phasing Out Diesel Trucks 0323

New EPA Plan to Deal with Wandering and in-State Air Pollution 0323

EPA’s Risky Methane Gambit - Let Outsiders Look for Leaks 0323

EPA Restores Obama-Era Mercury Rules for Power Plants 0223

EPA to Regulate Methane Leaks from Oil and Gas to Fight Climate Change 1122

EPA to Further Slash Emissions from Climate Super-Pollutants 1022

The Inflation Reduction Act Legally Defines Greenhouse Gases as Pollution 0822

Automakers Side with EPA in Court Case over Car Emission Rules 0322

E.P.A. to Tighten Tailpipe Rules for the Biggest Polluters on the Road 0322

EPA Seeks to Prevent 1,000s of Early Deaths from Power Plant Air Pollution 0222 - up to 11,000 deaths a year

New Biden EPA Rule Cutting CO2 Emissions from Cars and SUVs Reverses Major Trump Rollback 1221

EPA Head Says He'll Act on Climate, Even if Congress Doesn't 1021

EPA to Slash Use of Powerful Greenhouse Gases in Grocery Freezers 0921

EPA Proposes Ban Soon on Most Potent Hydrofluorocarbon Greenhouse Gas 0521

Biden Administration Revives EPA’s Climate Change Web Page Deleted by Trump 0321

EPA Looks at CO2 Standards for States 0321

EPA to Jettison Obama Clean Power Plan, as Biden Eyes a Bigger Push 0221

EPA Races to Draft Interim Auto Standards for CO2 0221

Trump EPA Prohibits Future CO2 Regulation from Non-Power Stationary Sources 0121

EPA Finds Fuel Efficiency Dropped, Pollution Spiked for 2019 Vehicles 0121

EPA Finalizes 1st-Ever Airplane Greenhouse Gas Regulations 1220

E.P.A. to Lift Obama-Era Controls on Methane, a Potent Greenhouse Gas 0820

EPA Staff Warned that MPG Rollbacks Had Flaws.  Trump Officials Ignored Them. 0520

E.P.A. to Roll Back Regulations on Methane, a Potent Greenhouse Gas 0819

Trump EPA Finalizes Rollback of Obama’s Clean Power Plan 0619

Trump Replacement for Obama Climate Plan Worse than Doing Nothing 0119

EPA Rolls Back Coal Rule despite Climate Change Warnings 1218

States Begged EPA to Stop Cross-State Coal Plant Pollution.  It Refused. 0918

Cost of New E.P.A. Coal Rules Is Up to 1,400 More Deaths a Year 0818

Trump Administration Proposes Rule to Relax Carbon Limits on Power Plants 0818

Fuzzy Math Could Doom Trump’s Attack on Obama Climate Rule 0818

EPA Allows Use of Larger Amounts of Climate-Friendly Coolants 0818

EPA Reverses Course, Will Enforce Stricter Pollution Limits for Glider Trucks 0718

Trump Replacement for Obama Climate Plan Moves Forward 0718

Scott Pruitt, Trump's Embattled EPA Chief, Resigns amid Ethics Scandals 0718

EPA Used Disavowed Research to Justify Putting Dirtier Slider Trucks on the Road 0518

Here’s What Scott Pruitt Freezing Fuel Economy Standards Would Do 0518

Google Joins Apple in Condemning the Repeal of the Clean Power Plan 0418

The Myth of Scott Pruitt’s Rollback 0418
     Changing regulations takes 2-4 years, but EPA is short-staffed to do it.  Then, there’s the court appeals.

Why EPA’s Effort to Weaken Fuel Efficiency Standards Could be Trump’s Most Climate-Damaging Move Yet 0418

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt Says Climate Change Could Benefit Humans 0218

Trump’s EPA Starts Process for Replacing Clean Power Plan 1217

EPA Proposes Reversing Stricter Pollution Rules for Heavy-Duty Trucks with Older Engines 1117

Even Trump’s EPA Says Obama’s Climate Plan Would Save 1,000s of Lives a Year 1117

Clean Power Replacement Worse than Nothing, Costs over 3,500 Lives and  $33 Billion Yearly 1017

New EPA Document Has Sharply Lower Estimate of Climate Change Cost 1017

The Myth That ‘Business’ Hated Obama’s Clean Power Plan 1017

EPA’s Pruitt Announces Withdrawal of Clean Power Plan 1017

EPA's Climate Rule Withdrawal Will Include Big Changes to Cost Calculations 1017

Trump Faces Next Climate Hurdle - Endangerment Finding 0917

Trump May Replace Obama's Big Climate Rule — Not Just Repeal It 0917

Industry to EPA - We Want Clean Power Plan ‘Fixed, Not Just Gone' 0817

Court Rejects Trump Administration Move to Delay Methane Regulation 0717

Energy CEOs Tell Pruitt They Want Carbon Regulation 0617

U.S. EPA Extends Delay of Oil, Gas Rules to 2 Years 0617

Is Trump White House Blinking over California’s Clean Air Rules? 0617 - EPA to grant standard waiver for cleaner cars.

EPA Halts Obama-Era Rule on Methane Pollution 0517

E.P.A. Dismisses Members of Major Scientific Review Board 0517

EPA Purges Pages That Highlight Climate Change From Its Website 0417

This Time, Congress Is Not Helping Trump Destroy the Planet - Methane Regs 0417

EPA Halts Inquiry into Oil and Gas Industry Methane Emissions 0317

Scott Pruitt Is Seen Cutting the E.P.A. With a Scalpel, Not a Cleaver 0217

EPA under Scott Pruitt Could Add Billions to U.S. Health Care Costs 0117

EPA Affirms Vehicle Standards, Despite Automaker Misinformation 0117

Reversing Course, E.P.A. Says Fracking Can Contaminate Drinking Water 1216

Obama Administration Will Keep Tough Fuel Economy Standards in Place 1116

EPA Sets New Biofuel Targets, Which Could End Up on Trump’s Chopping Block 1116

EPA Aims to Finish Climate Rules; Decisions Fall to Trump 1116

Most States on Track to Meet Emissions Targets They Call Burden 0916

EPA Emerges from Clean Power Plan Court Hearing with the Edge 0916

EPA Clears the Way for Greenhouse Gas Rules on U.S. Airlines 0716

Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Obama Mercury Air Pollution Rule 0616

EPA Begins Crackdown on Methane Emissions 0516

EPA’s Case for Climate Action – Improve Public Health 0516

EPA Doubles Down on Mercury Rule; More Litigation Likely 0416

Obama Administration Defends Climate Rule as ‘Eminently Reasonable’ 0316

EPA Asks Volkswagen to Make Electric Cars in U.S. 0216

Move to Cleaner Power Is Proceeding, regardless of Supreme Court’s Ruling 0216

Supreme Court Halts Clean Power Plan 0216

Obama's Climate Change Rule Stays Alive in Courts, for Now 0116

EPA Proposes Tougher Downwind Pollution Rule 1115

Environmentalists, Energy Companies Lobby on Coming Methane Rule 1015

U.S. Announces New Moves to Limit Super Greenhouse Gases 1015

EPA Hears Widely Different Views on Methane Emission Threat 0915

E.P.A. Announces New Rules to Cut Methane Emissions 0815

Mighty Optimistic Wind Estimate Fuels EPA’s CO2 Rule 0815

EPA (Obama) Orders Steeper CO2 Cuts from Existing Power Plants 0815

North Texas Methane Emissions Underestimated 50% by EPA 0715

Supreme Court Mercury Ruling Won’t Stop Climate Rules - EPA 0615

Coal Industry Scores a Win, but Fate of Plants Still in Air 0615

Supreme Court - EPA Should Have Considered Costs to Start Mercury Rule 0615

Decisions on Climate Change Will Affect Economic Future of US - EPA Official 0615

Inaction on Climate Change Would Cost Billions, Major EPA Study Finds 0615

US Plans New Truck Emission Rules 0615

Court Rejects, as Premature, Bid to Block EPA CO2 Power Plant Standards 0615

U.S. EPA Moves toward Regulating Aircraft Emissions 0615

Report - U.S. Can Make Good on Climate Pledge — Barely 0515

Kentucky May Accidentally Comply With EPA's Clean Power Plan 0515

EPA Carbon Emissions Plan Could Save 3,000 Lives per Year 0515

States Give Senate an Earful on EPA Greenhouse Gas Plan 0315

What if States Just Say ‘No’ to Climate Rule? 0315

EPA Just Ripped California's Big Renewable Energy Plan 0215

EPA’s McCarthy Defends Carbon Capture Technologies to House Energy Panels 0215

EPA Considers Delaying Carbon Deadline After Utilities Object 0215

Ameren (St. Louis+ Electric Utility) Report Outlines Issues with Carbon Rules 0215

EPA Keystone Review Links Oil Sands to Carbon Emission Jump 0215

Could Forests Help States Offset Coal Plant Emissions under EPA Rule?  Probably Not 0115

EPA Delays Regulations on Cutting Carbon at Coal Power Plants 0115

Mercury Challenge Could Undermine Industry’s Attack on EPA Climate Rule 1214

National Grid Joins 200 Companies to Support EPA’s Carbon Regulations 1214

EPA Flooded with Climate Rule Comments 1214

EPA Power Plant Mercury Rule Gets U.S. Supreme Court Review 1114

EPA Rejects Texas Clean-Air Plan, Orders Pollution Upgrades on Big Coal Plants 1114

Obama’s Coming Climate Rules Onslaught 1114

NERC Urges Delay in Obama Carbon Rules to Shield Electric Grid 1114

States Suing to Stop CO2 Cuts Prep For Them Anyway 0914

EPA May Force Drillers to Cut Methane Leaks, Chief Says 0914

Proponents, Opponents Stage Rallies Over EPA’s Proposed Rules 0814

EPA Climate Rule Economically Feasible, Study Says 0714

States Against EPA’s Carbon Pollution Rule Would Gain Most 0714

EPA Climate Rule, % CO2 Reduction by State 0614

Supreme Court Rules the EPA Can Regulate CO2 Emissions 0614

For First Time, E.P.A. Proposes Reducing Ethanol Requirement for Gas Mix 1113

Legislative Glitch Could Doom Rules for Existing Power Plants 1013

Challenges Await Plan to Reduce Emissions 0913

EPA Moves to Limit Emissions of Future Coal- and Gas-Fired Power Plants 0913

EPA to Revise New Power Plant CO2 Rule, Require CCS for Coal 0913

EPA Orders Air Pollution Controls for Fracked Gas Wells 0813

EPA Sends Climate Rule to White House 0713 

Obama Readies Power Plant CO2 Emissions Limits 0613

How Green Groups Make the EPA Issue New Rules 0613 

Coal Mines’ Methane Curbs Fall Victim to EPA Budget Cuts 0513 

EPA Criticizes Environmental Review of Keystone XL Pipeline 0413 

EPA Will Delay Rule Limiting Carbon Emissions at New Power Plants 0413 

EPA Issues Power Plant Mercury Rules 1211

EPA Declares Greenhouse Gases Public Health Threat 1209 

EPA's Greenhouse Gas Endangerment Finding 1209 - PDF, 284 pp

EPA Proposes BACT for GHGs 0909

EPA Declares GHGs a Health Hazard 0409 

EPA to Regulate GHGs Under Clean Air Act 0309

Massachusetts et al. v. EPA et al. - Supreme Court 0407 - PDF, 66 pp
The EPA is required to regulate pollution from cars and trucks if it found that they endangered public health or welfare.


GO TO $/T .Tax .Cap. .Int'l 1. 2. 3. 4. .Europe. China India+ Elsewhere. .US: Congress+ President Exec .Candidate States EPA.


US - Investors

         Non-government interaction of investors with climate change is covered on the “Tons, PPM, $" page.

Peabody [Coal] Energy Agrees to Greater Disclosures of Financial Risks 1115

When Legally Liable, Coal Companies Don't Dispute Global Warming 0315

Solyndra Program Vilified by Republicans Turns a Profit 1114

Insurers Emerge from White House Worried by More Extreme Weather Events 0914

Insurance Industry, Republicans Split on Climate Change 0713

SEC May Require Climate Change Disclosure 1009

SEC Looks at Climate Disclosure 0709

SEC Votes for More Climate Risk Disclosure 0109

US - Other

Republicans Want to Plant a Trillion Trees. Scientists Are Skeptical. 0823

A Republican 2024 Climate Strategy- More Drilling, Less Clean Energy 0823

Who's Still Fighting Climate Change?  The U.S. Military 0217

How US Climate Plan Can Follow China and Europe - or Not 0815

Health Groups Praise Obama Plan on Coal, Saying It Will Save Lives 0815

Weather Channel Confronts Republicans on Climate Change 0615

‘Stand-up Economist’ Turns to Humor to Help Save the Planet 0115

In 2014, US Climate Movement Grew in Grassroots, But Lost Ground in Congress 1214

Texas ‘Miracle' Fuels Economic Boom - & Climate Change That May End It 1214

Faith Groups Divided over God’s Role in Climate Change, Natural Disasters 1114

Pacific Command Won't Wait on Politics to Plan for Climate Change Challenges 0814

Religious Conservatives Embrace Pollution Fight 0714

Court Ruling May Reverberate on ‘Social Cost’ of Carbon 0714

WV Editorial - Climate Change Deniers Ignore Real Devastating Dangers 0714

Climate Science Drops the Crystal Ball 0514

U.S. Says It Won’t Back New International Coal-Fired Power Plants 1013

Evangelical Scientists Urge Congress to Reduce Carbon Emissions 0713

Letter to Congress on Climate Change, by Evangeical Scientists 0713

Fast Food Chains Pursue Repeal of Renewable Fuel Mandate 0613

One Meteorologist's Conversion on Climate Change 0613

Climate Change Could Burn a Hole in the Government’s Finances - GAO 0213 

Defense Secretary Panetta Stresses Security Threat of Climate Inaction 0312

Obama Budget Cuts GHGs 0210 

Energy Policy Act of 2005 - a summary

US - Science in Politics

The National Climate Assessment Is Nearly Done.  Trump Won’t Like It. 0318

How Do Meteorologists Fit into the 97% Global Warming Consensus? 1213

National Assessment Details Growing Impacts of Climate Change 0113

138 Iowa Scientists Link Drought to Warming 1112 - PDF 

Cato Prepares Fraudulent Climate Report 1012 

National Academy of Sciences Urges Swift Climate Change Action 0510 

National Academy of Sciences: Official Statement on Climate Change 0510 

Obama's Science Adviser on Climate Change 0409 - Interview

Statements on Science 

Hansen to Retire from NASA 0413

Climate Change Science to Enter US Curriculum 0313

UK Science Advisor Warns 2°C Unattainable 0812

John Holdren on Climate Change 0409

G-8 on Climate Change 0708

National Academies on Climate Change 0608

UN Chief Says Maybe Too Late on Climate Change 0907

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